Ezra 1 – HTB & NIRV

Het Boek

Ezra 1:1-11

De herbouw van de tempel door Kores aangekondigd

1In het eerste jaar dat Kores koning van Perzië was, vervulde de Here een profetie van Jeremia. Hij bewoog koning Kores ertoe een oproep door zijn hele land te laten gaan die luidde: 2‘Ik, Kores, koning van Perzië, kondig hierbij aan dat de Here, de God van Israël, die mij alle koninkrijken op aarde heeft gegeven, mij heeft opgedragen de tempel in Jeruzalem te herbouwen. 3Allen in mijn rijk die tot het volk van God behoren, mogen terugkeren naar Jeruzalem om, met hulp van hun God, de tempel van de Here, de God van Israël, die in Jeruzalem woont, weer op te bouwen. 4Degenen die níet meegaan, moeten hen die wél gaan, steunen met zilver en goud, allerlei goederen en vee. Deze steun komt bij de vrijwillige gift voor de herbouw van de tempel van God in Jeruzalem.’

5De Geest van God gaf de leiders van de stammen Juda en Benjamin en de priesters en Levieten het verlangen meteen naar Jeruzalem terug te keren om de tempel te herbouwen. 6Al hun buren hielpen hen zoveel mogelijk en gaven giften mee voor de tempel. 7Koning Kores schonk een aantal gouden schalen en andere kostbare voorwerpen. Die had koning Nebukadnezar meegenomen uit de tempel in Jeruzalem en neergezet in de tempels van zijn eigen goden. 8Koning Kores gaf Mithredath, de schatbewaarder van Perzië, opdracht deze geschenken te overhandigen aan Sesbazzar, de leider van Juda. 9Kores schonk dertig gouden schalen, duizend zilveren schalen, negenentwintig messen, dertig gouden bekers, 10vierhondertien zilveren bekers en duizenden andere voorwerpen. 11In totaal vijfduizendvierhonderd gouden en zilveren voorwerpen werden Sesbazzar overhandigd. Hij moest ervoor zorgen dat alles van Babel naar Jeruzalem werd gebracht bij de terugkeer van de ballingen.

New International Reader’s Version

Ezra 1:1-11

Cyrus Helps the Jews to Return to Jerusalem

1It was the first year of the rule of Cyrus. He was king of Persia. The Lord inspired him to send a message all through his kingdom. It happened so that what the Lord had spoken through Jeremiah would come true. The message was written down. It said,

2“Cyrus, the king of Persia, says,

“ ‘The Lord is the God of heaven. He has given me all the kingdoms on earth. He has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. 3Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem and build the Lord’s temple. He is the God of Israel. He is the God who is in Jerusalem. And may their God be with them. 4The people still left alive in every place must bring gifts to the people going. They must provide silver and gold to the people going up to Jerusalem. The people must bring goods and livestock. They should also bring any offerings they choose to. All those gifts will be for God’s temple in Jerusalem.’ ”

5Then everyone God had inspired prepared to go. They wanted to go up to Jerusalem and build the Lord’s temple there. They included the family leaders of Judah and Benjamin. They also included the priests and Levites. 6All their neighbors helped them. They gave them silver and gold objects. They gave them goods and livestock. And they gave them gifts of great value. All those things were added to the other offerings the people chose to give.

7King Cyrus also brought out the objects that belonged to the Lord’s temple. Nebuchadnezzar had carried them off from Jerusalem. He had put them in the temple of his own god. 8Cyrus, the king of Persia, told Mithredath to bring them out. Mithredath was in charge of the temple treasures. He counted those objects. Then he gave them to Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.

9Here is a list of the objects.

There were 30 gold dishes.

There were 1,000 silver dishes.

There were 29 silver pans.

10There were 30 gold bowls.

There were 410 matching silver bowls.

There were 1,000 other objects.

11The total number of gold and silver objects was 5,400.

Sheshbazzar brought all of these back with him to Jerusalem. So Sheshbazzar and the Jews who had been forced to leave Judah came up from Babylon to Jerusalem.