Matej 23 – CRO & NIRV

Knijga O Kristu

Matej 23:1-39

Isus opominje vjerske poglavare

(Mk 12:38-39; Lk 11:39-52; 20:45-46)

1Tada Isus reče mnoštvu i svojim učenicima: 2“Pismoznanci i farizeji službeni su tumači Svetoga pisma.23:2 U grčkome: su zasjeli na Mojsijevu stolicu. 3Zato činite i slušajte sve što vam kažu, ali nemojte slijediti njihov primjer jer oni sami ne čine ono što druge poučavaju. 4Tlače vas teškim teretom vjerskih zahtjeva, a ni prstom ne žele maknuti da vam taj teret pomognu nositi.

5Sve što čine, čine zato da ih ljudi vide. Trude se da ono što na sebi nose u znak pobožnosti—kutijice sa stihovima iz Svetoga pisma na čelu ili oko ruke te rese na odjeći—bude što veće i što duže. 6Na gozbama vole sjediti na pročelju stola, a u sinagogama na počasnome mjestu. 7Godi im kad ih ljudi pozdravljaju na javnim mjestima i kad ih zovu ‘Učitelju’.23:7 U grčkome: Rabbi.

8Vi nikome nemojte dopustiti da vas zove učiteljem jer imate samo jednoga učitelja, a svi ste vi ravnopravna braća i sestre.23:8 U grčkome: svi ste vi braća. 9I ne zovite nikoga ovdje na zemlji Ocem jer imate samo jednoga Oca—onoga na nebesima. 10I ne dajte da vas tko naziva vođom jer imate samo jednoga vođu: Krista. 11Tko je najveći među vama, neka vam bude sluga! 12Tko sebe uzvisuje, bit će ponižen, a ponizni će biti uzvišeni.

13Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Licemjeri! Zatvarate pred ljudima vrata u nebesko kraljevstvo. Sami ne ulazite u njega, a ne dopuštate da uđu ni oni koji bi htjeli.23:13 U nekim je rukopisima dodan i 14. stih: Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Bestidno lišavate udovice njihovih dobara, a prikrivate se dugim molitvama u javnosti. Zato ćete vam kazna biti veća.

15Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Licemjeri! Obilazite morem i kopnom da biste pridobili jednog sljedbenika, a kad vam postane sljedbenikom, učinite od njega sina paklenoga dvostruko gorega nego što ste i sami!

16Teško vama! Slijepi vođe! Tvrdite: ‘Zakune li se tko Hramom, to ne vrijedi. Ali zakune li se hramskim zlatom, onda ga zakletva obvezuje.’ 17Slijepe budale! Pa što je veće—zlato ili Hram koji posvećuje zlato? 18I još kažete: ‘Zakune li se tko žrtvenikom, to ne vrijedi. Ali zakune li se darom koji je na njemu, zakletva ga obvezuje.’ 19Slijepci! Što je veće? Žrtveni dar ili žrtvenik koji ga posvećuje? 20Tko se zakune žrtvenikom, kune se njime i svime što je na njemu. 21A tko se zakune Hramom, kune se njime i Onime koji u njemu prebiva. 22Tko se zakune nebom, kune se Božjim prijestoljem i Bogom koji na njemu sjedi.

23Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Licemjeri! Jer revno namirujete čak i desetinu metvice, i kopra, i kima, a zanemarujete ono najvažnije u Zakonu: pravednost, milosrđe i vjernost. Treba davati desetinu, ali ne smijete zanemarivati važnije stvari.23:23 U grčkome: Ovo je trebalo činiti, a ono ne propuštati. 24Slijepi vođe! Procjeđujete vodu da ne biste s njom popili i komarca, a kadri ste, ne opazivši, progutati i cijelu devu!

25Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Licemjeri! Toliko se trudite očistiti svoju čašu i zdjelu izvana, a napunili ste ih svojim grabežom i pohlepom. 26Slijepi farizeju! Očisti najprije ono što je u čaši, pa će i izvana biti čista.

27Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Vi ste poput obijeljenih grobova. Izvana izgledaju lijepo, a iznutra su prepuni mrtvačkih kostiju i svakojake prljavštine! 28Tako i vi ljudima izvana izgledate pravednima, a iznutra ste prepuni licemjerja i bezakonja.

29Teško vama, pismoznanci i farizeji! Licemjeri! Vi prorocima gradite grobnice i pravednicima kitite spomenike 30pa kažete: ‘Da smo živjeli u doba svojih otaca, ne bismo sudjelovali u prolijevanju proročke krvi.’ 31Tako sami protiv sebe svjedočite da ste sinovi onih koji su ubijali proroke. 32Dovršite, dakle, to što su oni započeli!23:32 U grčkome: Dopunite mjeru svojih otaca!

33Zmije! Leglo zmijsko! Kako ćete izbjeći osudi pakla? 34Šaljem vam, evo, proroke, mudrace i pismoznance. Neke ćete od njih ubiti i raspeti, druge bičevati po sinagogama i progoniti od grada do grada 35tako da na vas padne sva pravedna krv prolivena na zemlji, od krvi pravednog Abela pa do krvi Zaharije, sina Barahijina, kojega ste ubili između Hrama i žrtvenika. 36Zaista vam kažem, sva će ta krv pasti na ovaj naraštaj!”

Isus tuži nad Jeruzalemom

(Lk 13:34-35)

37“Jeruzaleme, Jeruzaleme, koji ubijaš proroke i kamenuješ Božje poslanike! Koliko sam puta htio okupiti tvoju djecu kao što kvočka skuplja piliće pod krila, ali niste htjeli! 38A sada će ti, eto, kuća biti napuštena. 39I kažem vam, nećete me više vidjeti sve dok ne uzviknete: ‘Blagoslovljen koji dolazi u ime Gospodnje!’”23:39 Vidjetii Psalam 118:26.

New International Reader’s Version

Matthew 23:1-39

A Warning Against Doing Things for the Wrong Reasons

1Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples. 2“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat,” he said. 3“So you must be careful to do everything they say. But don’t do what they do. They don’t practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy loads that are hard to carry. Then they put them on other people’s shoulders. But they themselves aren’t willing to lift a finger to move them.

5“Everything they do is done for others to see. On their foreheads and arms they wear little boxes that hold Scripture verses. They make the boxes very wide. And they make the tassels on their coats very long. 6They love to sit down in the place of honor at dinners. They also love to have the most important seats in the synagogues. 7They love to be greeted with respect in the markets. They love it when people call them ‘Rabbi.’

8“But you shouldn’t be called ‘Rabbi.’ You have only one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9Do not call anyone on earth ‘father.’ You have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10You shouldn’t be called ‘teacher.’ You have one Teacher, and he is the Messiah. 11The most important person among you will be your servant. 12People who lift themselves up will be made humble. And people who make themselves humble will be lifted up.

How Terrible for the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees

13-14“How terrible it will be for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter. And you will not let those enter who are trying to.

15“How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You travel everywhere to win one person to your faith. Then you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.

16“How terrible for you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone makes a promise in the name of the temple, it means nothing. But anyone who makes a promise in the name of the gold of the temple must keep that promise.’ 17You are blind and foolish! Which is more important? Is it the gold? Or is it the temple that makes the gold holy? 18You also say, ‘If anyone makes a promise in the name of the altar, it means nothing. But anyone who makes a promise in the name of the gift on the altar must keep that promise.’ 19You are blind! Which is more important? Is it the gift? Or is it the altar that makes the gift holy? 20So anyone making a promise in the name of the altar makes a promise in the name of it and everything on it. 21And anyone making a promise in the name of the temple makes a promise in the name of it and the one who lives in it. 22And anyone making a promise in the name of heaven makes a promise in the name of God’s throne and the one who sits on it.

23“How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You give God a tenth of your spices, like mint, dill and cumin. But you have not practiced the more important things of the law, which are fairness, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the last things without failing to do the first. 24You blind guides! You remove the smallest insect from your food. But you swallow a whole camel!

25“How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You clean the outside of a cup and dish. But on the inside you are full of greed. You only want to satisfy yourselves. 26Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish. Then the outside will also be clean.

27“How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You are like tombs that are painted white. They look beautiful on the outside. But on the inside they are full of the bones of the dead. They are also full of other things that are not pure and ‘clean.’ 28It is the same with you. On the outside you seem to be doing what is right. But on the inside you are full of what is wrong. You pretend to be what you are not.

29“How terrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You build tombs for the prophets. You decorate the graves of the godly. 30And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of those who lived before us, we wouldn’t have done what they did. We wouldn’t have helped to kill the prophets.’ 31So you are witnesses against yourselves. You admit that you are the children of those who murdered the prophets. 32So go ahead and finish the sins that those who lived before you started!

33“You nest of poisonous snakes! How will you escape from being sentenced to hell? 34So I am sending you prophets, wise people, and teachers. You will kill some of them. You will nail some to a cross. Others you will whip in your synagogues. You will chase them from town to town. 35So you will pay for all the godly people’s blood spilled on earth. I mean from the blood of godly Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berekiah. Zechariah was the one you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36What I’m about to tell you is true. All this will happen to those who are now living.

37“Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and throw stones in order to kill those who are sent to you. Many times I have wanted to gather your people together. I have wanted to be like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. And you would not let me! 38Look, your house is left empty. 39I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ” (Psalm 118:26)