Djela Apostolska 1 – CRO & NIVUK

Knijga O Kristu

Djela Apostolska 1:1-26

Obećanje Svetoga Duha

1Dragi Teofile, u prvoj knjizi koju sam ti napisao iznio sam sve što je Isus počeo da djeluje i poučava 2do dana kad je uznesen na nebo, pošto je odabranim apostolima dao upute Svetoga Duha. 3Još četrdeset dana nakon raspeća ukazivao se apostolima i na mnoge im načine dokazao da je živ. Govorio im je o Božjemu kraljevstvu.

4Dok je tako s njima blagovao, reče im: “Ne idite iz Jeruzalema, nego ostanite ondje dok vam Otac ne pošalje što je obećao. Sjetite se, već sam vam o tomu govorio. 5Ivan je krstio vodom, ali vi ćete uskoro biti kršteni Svetim Duhom.”

Isusovo uzašašće

6Apostoli koji su bili s njim upitaju ga: “Gospodine, hoćeš li sada obnoviti izraelsko kraljevstvo?”

7“Ta vremena i prigode određuje Otac svojom vlasti”, odgovori im on, “i nije na vama da ih znate. 8Ali kad na vas siđe Sveti Duh, primit ćete snagu da o meni svjedočite ljudima posvuda—u Jeruzalemu, po svoj Judeji i Samariji i do kraja zemlje.”

9Tek što je to rekao, uznesen je na nebo pred njihovim očima i nestao u oblaku. 10Dok su očiju uprtih u nebo gledali kako odlazi, odjednom se među njima pojave dvojica ljudi u bijeloj odjeći. 11“Galilejci, što tu stojite i gledate u nebo?” rekli su. “Isus je od vas uznesen na nebo, ali jednoga dana će se vratiti jednako tako kao što ste ga vidjeli da odlazi!”

Umjesto Jude izabran Matija

12Bilo je to na Maslinskoj gori. Vrate se zatim do Jeruzalema udaljenoga otprilike kilometar.1:12 U grčkome: jedan subotni hod. 13Čim uđu u grad, odu u kuću u kojoj su boravili, u sobu na katu. Bili su ondje Petar, Ivan, Jakov, Andrija, Filip, Toma, Bartolomej, Matej, Jakov (Alfejev sin), Šimun (zelot) i Juda (Jakovljev sin).

14Svi su se ustrajno i jednodušno sastajali na molitvu s Isusovom majkom Marijom, još nekoliko drugih žena i s Isusovom braćom.

15Kad ih je jednom tako bilo okupljeno sto dvadeset, Petar ustane i reče:

16“Braćo, moralo se ispuniti ono što piše u Svetome pismu za Judu, koji je doveo hramsku policiju da uhiti Isusa. To je odavno, kroz Davida, pretkazao Sveti Duh.

17Juda je bio jedan od nas, dionik naše službe.

18Novcem koji je dobio za svoje zlodjelo Juda je kupio polje. Ondje je pao i rasprsnuo se tako da mu se prosula sva utroba. 19Vijest o njegovoj smrti brzo se pronijela među stanovnicima Jeruzalema pa su to polje prozvali Akeldama, što na aramejskome znači ‘Krvavo polje’.

20To je pretkazano u Knjizi psalama. Ondje piše:

‘Neka njegov dom opusti,

neka nitko u njemu ne stanuje!’


‘Neka njegovu službu dobije drugi!’1:20 Psalam 69:26; Psalam 109:8.

21Moramo zato odabrati nekoga da zamijeni Judu—nekoga tko je bio s nama cijelo vrijeme dok smo bili s Gospodinom Isusom 22otkad ga je Ivan krstio pa do uznesenja u nebo. Taj će s nama biti svjedokom Isusova uskrsnuća.”

23Predlože dvojicu: Josipa Barsabu (kojega su zvali i Just) i Matiju. 24Svi se pomole: “Gospodine, ti poznaješ svako srce. Pokaži nam kojega si od ove dvojice izabrao 25da kao apostol zamijeni izdajnika Judu koji nas je napustio i otišao onamo kamo pripada.” 26Zatim bace kocke i kocka padne na Matiju. Tako je on postao dvanaestim apostolom.

New International Version – UK

Acts 1:1-26

Jesus taken up into heaven

1In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5For John baptised with1:5 Or in water, but in a few days you will be baptised with1:5 Or in the Holy Spirit.’

6Then they gathered round him and asked him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’

7He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’

9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’

Matthias chosen to replace Judas

12Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk1:12 That is, about 1 kilometre from the city. 13When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were:

Peter, John, James and Andrew;

Philip and Thomas;

Bartholomew and Matthew;

James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas son of James.

14They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

15In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty) 16and said, ‘Brothers and sisters,1:16 The Greek word for brothers and sisters (adelphoi) refers here to believers, both men and women, as part of God’s family; also in 6:3; 11:29; 12:17; 16:40; 18:18, 27; 21:7, 17; 28:14, 15. the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus. 17He was one of our number and shared in our ministry.’

18(With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. 19Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.)

20‘For,’ said Peter, ‘it is written in the Book of Psalms:

‘ “May his place be deserted;

let there be no-one to dwell in it,”1:20 Psalm 69:25


‘ “May another take his place of leadership.”1:20 Psalm 109:8

21Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus was living among us, 22beginning from John’s baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection.’

23So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. 24Then they prayed, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen 25to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.’ 26Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.