Yobu 30 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Yobu 30:1-31

1“Koma tsopano akundinyoza,

ana angʼonoangʼono kwa ine,

anthu amene makolo awo sindikanawalola

kuti azithandizana ndi agalu anga kuweta nkhosa zanga.

2Kodi mphamvu zawo ndi za phindu lanji kwa ine,

pakuti mphamvu zawo zinatha kale?

3Anali atatheratu kuwonda ndi njala,

ankayendayenda mʼdziko lopanda madzi,

mʼchipululu usiku.

4Ankathyola therere ndi masamba owawa,

ndipo chakudya chawo chinali mizu ya mitengo ya masache.

5Anapirikitsidwa pakati pa anthu anzawo,

akuwakuwiza ngati kuti anali akuba.

6Anawumirizidwa kukhala ku zigwembe za mitsinje yowuma,

pakati pa matanthwe ndi mʼmaenje a mʼnthaka.

7Ankalira ngati nyama kuthengo

ndipo ankawunjikana pamodzi pa ziyangoyango.

8Anali anthu achabechabe ndi wopanda dzina,

anathamangitsidwa mʼdziko.

9“Ndipo tsopano ana awo akundiyimba nyimbo zachipongwe;

ineyo ndasanduka chisudzo chawo.

10Iwo amanyansidwa nane ndipo amandithawa;

akandiona salephera kundilavulira mʼmaso mwangamu.

11Tsopano pakuti Mulungu wakhwefula uta wanga ndipo wandisautsa,

iwowo analekeratu kundiopa.

12Ku dzanja langa lamanja anthu akulimbana nane;

andikumbira dzenje loti ndigweremo ndikamayenda,

andipangira mitumbira ya nkhondo kuti alimbane nane.

13Iwo anditsekera njira;

akufuna kundichititsa ngozi,

popanda wina aliyense wowaletsa.

14Akundithamangitsa ngati madzi olowera pa mpanda wobowoka,

iwo akubwererabwerera pakati pa chipasupasu.

15Zoopsa zandithetsa mphamvu;

ulemu wanga wachita ngati wauluzika ndi mphepo,

chuma changa chija chazimirira ngati mtambo.

16“Ndipo tsopano mtima wanga wachokamo;

ndili mʼmasiku amasautso.

17Mafupa anga akuphwanya usiku pakuti

zowawa zanga sizikuleka.

18Mʼmphamvu zake Mulungu wakhala ngati chovala changa;

Iye wandigwira ngati chovala chondithina pa khosi.

19Wandiponya mʼmatope,

ndipo ndasanduka ngati fumbi ndi phulusa.

20“Inu Mulungu, ine ndikulirira kwa Inu, koma simukundiyankha;

ndikayimirira, Inu simundiyangʼana nʼkomwe.

21Inuyo mumandichitira zankhanza;

mumandizunza ndi dzanja lanu lamphamvu.

22Mwandinyamulira ku mphepo ndipo mwandiwulutsa ndi mphepoyo;

mwandiponya mʼmphepo ya mkuntho.

23Ndikudziwa kuti Inu mudzandifikitsa ku imfa,

kumalo kumene amoyo onse adzapitako.

24“Ndithudi palibe munthu amene amalanga munthu wosweka mtima,

amene akupempha thandizo mʼmasautso ake.

25Kodi ine sindinalire nawo iwo amene anali pamavuto?

Kodi mtima wanga sunamvere chisoni anthu osauka?

26Koma pamene ndinkayembekezera zabwino, zoyipa ndiye zinandigwera;

pamene ndinkafunafuna kuwala, mdima ndiye unandigwera.

27Kuwawa kwa mʼkati mwanga sikukuleka;

ndili mʼmasiku amasautso.

28Ndikuyenda wothimbirira, komatu osati ndi dzuwa;

ndimayimirira pa msonkhano ndi kupempha chithandizo molira.

29Ndasanduka mʼbale wa nkhandwe,

mnzawo wa akadzidzi.

30Khungu langa layamba kuda ndipo likufunduka;

thupi langa likutentha chifukwa cha kuphwanya kwa thupi.

31Pangwe wanga wasanduka woyimbira maliro,

ndipo chitoliro changa chikuyimbira anthu olira.

New International Reader’s Version

Job 30:1-31

1“But now those who are younger than I am make fun of me.

I wouldn’t even put their parents with my sheep dogs!

2Their strong hands couldn’t give me any help.

That’s because their strength was gone.

3They were weak because they were needy and hungry.

They wandered through dry and empty deserts at night.

4Among the bushes they gathered salty plants.

They ate the roots of desert bushes.

5They were driven away from human society.

They were shouted at as if they were robbers.

6They were forced to live in dry stream beds.

They had to stay among rocks

and in holes in the ground.

7Like donkeys they cried out among the bushes.

There they crowded together and hid.

8They were so foolish that no one respected them.

They were driven out of the land.

9“Now their children laugh at me.

They make fun of me with their songs.

10They hate me. They stay away from me.

They even dare to spit in my face.

11God has made my body weak.

It’s like a tent that has fallen down.

So those children do what they want to in front of me.

12Many people attack me on my right side.

They lay traps for my feet.

They come at me from every direction.

13They tear up the road I walk on.

They succeed in destroying me.

They say, ‘No one can help him.’

14They attack me like troops smashing through a wall.

Among the destroyed buildings they come rolling in.

15Terrors sweep over me.

My honor is driven away as if by the wind.

My safety vanishes like a cloud.

16“Now my life is slipping away.

Days of suffering grab hold of me.

17At night my bones hurt.

My aches and pains never stop.

18God’s great power becomes like clothes to me.

He chokes me like the neck of my shirt.

19He throws me down into the mud.

I’m nothing but dust and ashes.

20“God, I cry out to you. But you don’t answer me.

I stand up. But all you do is look at me.

21You do mean things to me.

You attack me with your mighty power.

22You pick me up and blow me away with the wind.

You toss me around in the storm.

23I know that you will bring me down to death.

That’s what you have appointed for everyone.

24“No one would crush people

when they cry out for help in their trouble.

25Haven’t I wept for those who are in trouble?

Haven’t I felt sorry for poor people?

26I hoped good things would happen, but something evil came.

I looked for light, but all I saw was darkness.

27My insides are always churning.

Nothing but days of suffering are ahead of me.

28My skin has become dark, but the sun didn’t do it.

I stand up in the community and cry out for help.

29I’ve become a brother to wild dogs.

Owls are my companions.

30My skin grows black and peels.

My body burns with fever.

31My lyre is tuned to sadness.

My flute makes a sound like weeping.