Yobu 21 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Yobu 21:1-34

Mawu a Yobu

1Pamenepo Yobu anayankha kuti,

2“Mvetserani bwino mawu anga;

ichi chikhale chitonthozo changa chochokera kwa inu.

3Ndiloleni ndiyankhule

ndipo ndikatha kuyankhula munditonzetonze.

4“Kodi ine ndikudandaulira munthu?

Tsono ndilekerenji kupsa mtima?

5Ndipenyeni ndipo mudabwe;

mugwire dzanja pakamwa.

6Ndikamaganiza zimenezi ndimachita mantha kwambiri;

thupi langa limanjenjemera.

7Chifukwa chiyani anthu oyipa amakhalabe ndi moyo,

amakalamba ndi kusanduka amphamvu?

8Amaona ana awo akukhazikika pamodzi nawo,

zidzukulu zawo zikukula bwino iwo akuona.

9Mabanja awo amakhala pa mtendere ndipo sakhala ndi mantha;

mkwapulo wa Mulungu suwakhudza nʼkomwe.

10Ngʼombe zawo zazimuna sizilephera kubereketsa;

ngʼombe zawo zazikazi sizipoloza.

11Amatulutsa ana awo ngati gulu la nkhosa;

makanda awo amavinavina pabwalo.

12Amayimba nyimbo pogwiritsa ntchito matambolini ndi azeze;

amakondwa pakumva kulira kwa chitoliro.

13Zaka zawo zimatha ali mu ulemerero

ndipo amatsikira ku manda mwamtendere.

14Koma anthuwo amawuza Mulungu kuti, ‘Tichokereni!’

Ife tilibe chikhumbokhumbo chofuna kudziwa njira zanu.

15Kodi Wamphamvuzonseyo ndani kuti timutumikire?

Ife tipindula chiyani tikamapemphera kwa Iyeyo?

16Komatu ulemerero wawo suli mʼmanja mwawo,

koma ine ndimakhala patali ndi uphungu wa anthu oyipa.

17“Koma nʼkangati kamene nyale ya anthu oyipa imazimitsidwa?

Nʼkangati kamene tsoka limawagwera?

Nʼkangati kamene Mulungu amawakwiyira ndi kuwalanga?

18Nʼkangati kamene iwo amakhala ngati phesi lowuluka ndi mphepo,

ngati mungu wowuluzika ndi kamvuluvulu?

19Paja amati, ‘Mulungu amalanga ana chifukwa cha machimo abambo awo.’

Koma Mulungu amabwezera chilango munthuyo, kuti adziwe kuti Mulungu amalangadi.

20Mulole kuti adzionere yekha chilango chake,

kuti alawe ukali wa Wamphamvuzonse.

21Nanga kodi amalabadira chiyani zabanja lake limene walisiya mʼmbuyo,

pamene chiwerengero cha masiku ake chatha?

22“Kodi alipo wina amene angaphunzitse Mulungu nzeru,

poti Iye amaweruza ngakhale anthu apamwamba?

23Munthu wina amamwalira ali ndi mphamvu zonse,

ali pa mtendere ndi pa mpumulo,

24thupi lake lili lonenepa,

mafupa ake ali odzaza ndi mafuta.

25Munthu wina amamwalira ali wowawidwa mtima,

wosalawapo chinthu chabwino chilichonse.

26Olemera ndi osauka omwe amamwalira ndi kuyikidwa mʼmanda

ndipo onse amatuluka mphutsi.

27“Ndikudziwa bwino zimene mukuganiza,

ziwembu zanu zomwe mukuti mundichitire.

28Inu mukuti, ‘Kodi nyumba ya mkulu uja ili kuti,

matenti amene munkakhala anthu oyipa aja ali kuti?’

29Kodi munawafunsapo anthu amene ali pa ulendo?

Kodi munaganizirapo zimene iwo amanena?

30Zakuti munthu woyipa amasungidwa chifukwa cha tsiku la tsoka,

kuti amapulumutsidwa chifukwa cha tsiku la ukali wa Mulungu?

31Kodi ndani amadzudzula munthu wochimwayo?

Ndani amamubwezera zoyipa zimene anachita?

32Iye amanyamulidwa kupita ku manda

ndipo anthu amachezera pa manda ake.

33Dothi la ku chigwa limamukomera;

anthu onse amatsatira mtembo wake,

ndipo anthu osawerengeka amakhala patsogolo pa chitanda chakecho.

34“Nanga inu mudzanditonthoza bwanji ine ndi mawu anu opandapakewo

palibe chimene chatsala kuti muyankhe koma mabodza basi!”

New International Reader’s Version

Job 21:1-34

Job’s Reply

1Job replied,

2“Listen carefully to what I’m saying.

Let that be the comfort you people give me.

3Put up with me while I speak.

After I’ve spoken, you can make fun of me!

4“I’m not arguing with mere human beings.

So why shouldn’t I be angry and uneasy?

5Look at me and be shocked.

Put your hand over your mouth and stop talking!

6When I think about these things, I’m terrified.

My whole body trembles.

7Why do sinful people keep on living?

The older they grow, the richer they get.

8They see their children grow up around them.

They watch their family grow larger.

9Their homes are safe.

They don’t have to be afraid.

God isn’t punishing them.

10Every time their bulls mate, their cows become pregnant.

And the calves don’t die before they are born.

11Sinful people send their children out like a flock of lambs.

Their little ones dance around.

12They sing to the music of tambourines and lyres.

They have a good time while flutes are being played.

13Those who are evil spend their years living well.

They go down to their graves in peace.

14But they say to God, ‘Leave us alone!

We don’t want to know how you want us to live.

15Who is the Mighty One? Why should we serve him?

What would we get if we prayed to him?’

16But they aren’t in control of their own success.

So I don’t pay any attention to their plans.

17“How often are their lamps blown out?

How often does trouble come on them?

How often does God punish them when he’s angry?

18How often are they like straw blowing in the wind?

How often are they like tumbleweeds swept away by a storm?

19People say, ‘God stores up the punishment of evil people for their children.’

But let God punish the evil people themselves.

Then they’ll learn a lesson from it.

20Let their own eyes see how they are destroyed.

Let them drink the wine of the Mighty One’s anger.

21What do they care about the families they leave behind?

What do they care about them

when their lives come to an end?

22“Can anyone teach God anything?

After all, he judges even the angels in heaven.

23Some people die while they are still very strong.

They are completely secure. They have an easy life.

24They are well fed.

Their bodies are healthy.

25Others die while their spirits are bitter.

They’ve never enjoyed anything good.

26Side by side they lie in the dust of death.

The worms in their graves cover all of them.

27“I know exactly what you people are thinking.

I know you are planning to do bad things to me.

28You are saying to yourselves,

‘Where is the great man’s house now?

Where are the tents where his evil family lived?’

29Haven’t you ever asked questions of those who travel?

Haven’t you paid any attention to their stories?

30They’ll tell you that sinful people

are spared from the day of trouble.

They’ll say that those people

are saved from the day when God will judge.

31Who speaks against them for the way they act?

Who pays them back for what they’ve done?

32Their bodies will be carried to their graves.

Guards will watch over their tombs.

33The soil in the valley will be pleasant

to those who have died.

Many people will walk along behind their bodies.

Many others will walk in front of them.

34“So how can you comfort me with your speeches?

They don’t make any sense at all.

Your answers are nothing but lies!”