Yesaya 50 – CCL & NIVUK

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Yesaya 50:1-11

Tchimo la Israeli, Kumvera kwa Mtumiki

1Yehova akuti,

“Kalata imene ndinasudzulira amayi

anu ili kuti?

Kapena mwa anthu amene ndili nawo ngongole,

ndinakugulitsani kwa ati?

Inu munagulitsidwa ku ukapolo chifukwa cha machimo anu;

amayi anu anachotsedwa chifukwa cha kulakwa kwanu.

2Nʼchifukwa chiyani pamene ndinabwera kudzakupulumutsani panalibe munthu?

Pamene ndinayitana, nʼchifukwa chiyani panalibe wondiyankha?

Kodi dzanja langa ndi lalifupi kuti nʼkulephera kukuwombolani?

Kodi ndilibe mphamvu zokupulumutsirani?

Ndi kudzudzula kokha ndinawumitsa nyanja yayikulu,

mitsinje ndinayisandutsa chipululu;

nsomba za mʼmenemo zinawola chifukwa chosowa madzi;

ndipo zinafa ndi ludzu.

3Ndinaphimba thambo ndi mdima

ndipo chiguduli chinakhala chofunda chake.”

4Ambuye Yehova anandiphunzitsa mawu oyenera kuyankhula

kudziwa mawu olimbitsa mtima anthu ofowoka.

Mmawa mulimonse amandidzutsa,

amathwetsa khutu langa kuti ndimve monga amachitira munthu amene akuphunzira.

5Ambuye Yehova wanditsekula makutu anga,

ndipo sindinakhale munthu wowukira

ndipo sindinabwerere mʼmbuyo.

6Ndinapereka msana wanga kwa ondimenya

masaya anga ndinawapereka kwa anthu ondizula ndevu;

sindinawabisire nkhope yanga

anthu ondinyoza ndi ondilavulira.

7Popeza Ambuye Yehova amandithandiza,

sindidzachita manyazi.

Tsono ndalimba mtima ngati msangalabwi,

chifukwa ndikudziwa kuti sindidzachita manyazi.

8Wondikhalira kumbuyo ali pafupi,

ndaninso amene adzandiyimba mlandu?

Abwere kuti tionane maso ndi maso!

Mdani wanga ndi ndani?

Abweretu kuti tilimbane!

9Ambuye Yehova ndiye amene amandithandiza.

Ndaninso amene adzanditsutsa?

Onse adzatha ngati chovala

chodyedwa ndi njenjete.

10Ndani mwa inu amaopa Yehova

ndi kumvera mawu a mtumiki wake?

Aliyense woyenda mu mdima,

popanda chomuwunikira,

iye akhulupirire dzina la Yehova

ndi kudalira Mulungu wake.

11Koma tsopano inu nonse amene mumasonkha moto

ndi kuyatsa sakali za moto kufuna kuwononga anzanu,

lowani mʼmoto wanu womwewo.

Pitani mu sakali za moto zimene mwayatsa.

Ndipo ine Yehova

ndiye amene ndidzakugwetsereni mazunzowo.

New International Version – UK

Isaiah 50:1-11

Israel’s sin and the servant’s obedience

1This is what the Lord says:

‘Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce

with which I sent her away?

Or to which of my creditors

did I sell you?

Because of your sins you were sold;

because of your transgressions your mother was sent away.

2When I came, why was there no-one?

When I called, why was there no-one to answer?

Was my arm too short to deliver you?

Do I lack the strength to rescue you?

By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea,

I turn rivers into a desert;

their fish rot for lack of water

and die of thirst.

3I clothe the heavens with darkness

and make sackcloth its covering.’

4The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue,

to know the word that sustains the weary.

He wakens me morning by morning,

wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.

5The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;

I have not been rebellious,

I have not turned away.

6I offered my back to those who beat me,

my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;

I did not hide my face

from mocking and spitting.

7Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,

I will not be disgraced.

Therefore have I set my face like flint,

and I know I will not be put to shame.

8He who vindicates me is near.

Who then will bring charges against me?

Let us face each other!

Who is my accuser?

Let him confront me!

9It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.

Who will condemn me?

They will all wear out like a garment;

the moths will eat them up.

10Who among you fears the Lord

and obeys the word of his servant?

Let the one who walks in the dark,

who has no light,

trust in the name of the Lord

and rely on their God.

11But now, all you who light fires

and provide yourselves with flaming torches,

go, walk in the light of your fires

and of the torches you have set ablaze.

This is what you shall receive from my hand:

you will lie down in torment.