Masalimo 86 – CCL & NIVUK

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Masalimo 86:1-17

Salimo 86

Pemphero la Davide.

1Ndimvereni Yehova ndipo mundiyankhe,

pakuti ndine wosauka ndi wosowa.

2Yangʼanirani moyo wanga, pakuti ndine wodzipereka kwa Inu.

Inu ndinu Mulungu wanga;

pulumutsani mtumiki wanu amene amadalira Inu.

Inu ndinu Mulungu wanga.

3Mundichitire chifundo, Inu Ambuye,

pakuti ndikuyitana Inu tsiku lonse.

4Bweretsani chimwemwe kwa mtumiki wanu, Ambuye,

pakuti ndimadalira Inu.

5Inu Ambuye, ndinu wokhululuka ndi wabwino,

wodzaza ndi chikondi kwa onse amene amayitana Inu.

6Yehova imvani pemphero langa;

mvetserani kulira kwanga kofuna chifundo.

7Pa tsiku la mavuto anga ndidzayitana Inu,

pakuti Inu mudzandiyankha.

8Pakati pa milungu palibe wina wofanana nanu Ambuye;

palibe ntchito zolingana ndi ntchito zanu.

9Mitundu yonse ya anthu imene munayipanga

idzabwera ndi kudzalambira pamaso panu Ambuye;

iwo adzabweretsa ulemerero pa dzina lanu.

10Pakuti ndinu wamkulu ndipo mumachita zodabwitsa;

Inu nokha ndiye Mulungu.

11Ndiphunzitseni njira yanu Yehova,

ndipo ndidzayenda mʼchoonadi chanu;

patseni mtima wosagawikana

kuti ndilemekeze dzina lanu.

12Ndidzakutamandani Ambuye Mulungu wanga, ndi mtima wanga wonse;

ndidzalemekeza dzina lanu kwamuyaya.

13Pakuti chikondi chanu nʼchachikulu kwa ine;

mwandipulumutsa ku malo ozama a manda.

14Inu Mulungu wanga, anthu odzikuza akundithira nkhondo;

anthu ankhanza akufuna kundipha,

amene salabadira za Inu.

15Koma Ambuye ndinu Mulungu wachifundo ndi wokoma mtima,

wosakwiya msanga, wodzaza ndi chikondi ndi wokhulupirika.

16Tembenukirani kwa ine ndipo ndichitireni chifundo;

perekani mphamvu zanu kwa mtumiki wanu

ndipo pulumutsani mwana wa mdzakazi wanu.

17Mundionetse chizindikiro cha ubwino wanu

kuti adani achione ndi kuchititsidwa manyazi,

pakuti Yehova mwandithandiza ndi kunditonthoza.

New International Version – UK

Psalms 86:1-17

Psalm 86

A prayer of David.

1Hear me, Lord, and answer me,

for I am poor and needy.

2Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;

save your servant who trusts in you.

You are my God; 3have mercy on me, Lord,

for I call to you all day long.

4Bring joy to your servant, Lord,

for I put my trust in you.

5You, Lord, are forgiving and good,

abounding in love to all who call to you.

6Hear my prayer, Lord;

listen to my cry for mercy.

7When I am in distress, I call to you,

because you answer me.

8Among the gods there is none like you, Lord;

no deeds can compare with yours.

9All the nations you have made

will come and worship before you, Lord;

they will bring glory to your name.

10For you are great and do marvellous deeds;

you alone are God.

11Teach me your way, Lord,

that I may rely on your faithfulness;

give me an undivided heart,

that I may fear your name.

12I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;

I will glorify your name for ever.

13For great is your love towards me;

you have delivered me from the depths,

from the realm of the dead.

14Arrogant foes are attacking me, O God;

ruthless people are trying to kill me –

they have no regard for you.

15But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,

slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

16Turn to me and have mercy on me;

show your strength on behalf of your servant;

save me, because I serve you

just as my mother did.

17Give me a sign of your goodness,

that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,

for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.