Masalimo 59 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Masalimo 59:1-17

Salimo 59

Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Potsata mayimbidwe a “Musawononge.” Ndakatulo ya Davide. Pamene Sauli anatumiza anthu kuti akalondere nyumba ya Davide ndi cholinga choti amuphe.

1Landitseni kwa adani anga, Inu Mulungu;

munditeteze kwa anthu amene auka kutsutsana nane.

2Landitseni kwa anthu ochita zoyipa

ndipo mundipulumutse kwa anthu okhetsa magazi.

3Onani momwe iwo akundibisalira!

Anthu owopsa agwirizana zolimbana nane;

osati chifukwa cha mlandu kapena tchimo langa, Inu Yehova.

4Ine sindinachite cholakwa, koma iwo ndi okonzeka kundithira nkhondo.

Dzukani kuti mundithandize; penyani mavuto anga!

5Inu Yehova Mulungu Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli,

dzidzutseni nokha kuti mulange anthu a mitundu ina yonse;

musaonetse chifundo chanu kwa anthu oyipa achinyengowa.

6Iwo amabweranso madzulo

akuchita phokoso ngati agalu

ndi kumangoyendayenda mu mzinda.

7Onani zomwe amalavula mʼkamwa mwawo;

iwo amalavula malupanga kuchokera pa milomo yawo,

ndipo amanena kuti, “Ndani angatimve?”

8Koma Inu Yehova, mumawaseka,

mumayinyoza mitundu yonseyo.

9Inu mphamvu yanga, ine ndiyangʼana kwa inu;

Inu Mulungu, ndinu linga langa. 10Mulungu wanga wachikondi.

Mulungu adzapita patsogolo panga

ndipo adzandilola kunyada pa iwo amene amandinyoza.

11Koma musawaphe, Inu Ambuye chishango chathu,

kuopa kuti anthu anga angayiwale.

Mwa mphamvu zanu,

lolani kuti azingoyendayenda ndipo muwatsitse.

12Chifukwa cha machimo a pakamwa pawo

chifukwa cha mawu a milomo yawo,

iwo akodwe mʼkunyada kwawo.

Chifukwa cha matemberero ndi mabodza amene ayankhula

13muwawononge mu ukali (wanu)

muwawononge mpaka atheretu.

Pamenepo zidzadziwika ku malekezero a dziko lapansi

kuti Mulungu amalamulira Yakobo.

14Iwo amabweranso madzulo,

akuchita phokoso ngati agalu

ndi kumangoyenda mu mzinda.

15Iwo amayendayenda kufuna chakudya

ndipo amawuwa ngati sanakhute.

16Koma ine ndidzayimba za mphamvu yanu,

mmawa ndidzayimba zachikondi chanu;

pakuti ndinu linga langa,

pothawirapo panga mʼnthawi ya mavuto.

17Inu mphamvu yanga, ndiyimba matamando kwa inu;

Inu Mulungu, ndinu linga langa, Mulungu wanga wachikondi.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 59:1-17

Psalm 59

For the director of music. A miktam of David when Saul had sent men to watch David’s house. Saul sent the men to kill David. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.”

1God, save me from my enemies.

Keep me safe from people who are attacking me.

2Save me from those who do evil.

Save me from people who want to kill me.

3See how they hide and wait for me!

Lord, angry people plan to harm me,

even though I haven’t hurt them in any way or sinned against them.

4I haven’t done anything wrong to them. But they are ready to attack me.

Rise up and help me! Look at what I’m up against!

5Lord God who rules over all, rise up. God of Israel,

punish all the nations.

Don’t show any mercy to those sinful people

who have turned against me.

6My enemies are like a pack of barking dogs

that come back to the city in the evening.

They prowl around the city.

7Listen to what pours out of their mouths.

The words from their lips are like swords.

They think, “Who can hear us?”

8But you laugh at them, Lord.

You make fun of all those nations.

9You give me strength. I look to you.

God, you are like a fort to me. 10You are my God, and I can depend on you.

God will march out in front of me.

He will let me look down on those who tell lies about me.

11Lord, you are like a shield that keeps us safe.

Don’t kill my enemies all at once.

If you do, my people will forget about it.

Use your power to pull my enemies up by the roots like weeds.

Destroy them.

12They have sinned with their mouths.

Their lips have spoken evil words.

They have cursed me and lied.

Let them be caught in their pride.

13Burn them up in your anger.

Burn them up until there isn’t anything left of them.

Then everyone from one end of the earth to the other will know

that God rules over the people of Jacob.

14My enemies are like a pack of barking dogs

that come back into the city in the evening.

They prowl around the city.

15They wander around looking for food.

They groan if they don’t find something that will satisfy them.

16But I will sing about your strength.

In the morning I will sing about your love.

You are like a fort to me.

You keep me safe in times of trouble.

17You give me strength. I sing praise to you.

God, you are like a fort to me. You are my God, and I can depend on you.