Masalimo 27 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Masalimo 27:1-14

Salimo 27

Salimo la Davide.

1Yehova ndiye kuwunika kwanga ndi chipulumutso changa;

ndidzaopa yani?

Yehova ndi linga la moyo wanga;

ndidzachita mantha ndi yani?

2Pamene anthu oyipa abwera kudzalimbana nane

kudzadya mnofu wanga,

pamene adani anga ndi achiwembu andithira nkhondo,

iwo adzapunthwa ndi kugwa.

3Ngakhale gulu lankhondo lindizinge,

mtima wanga sudzaopa.

Ngakhale nkhondo itayambika kulimbana nane,

ngakhale nthawi imeneyo, ine ndidzalimbika mtima.

4Chinthu chimodzi chokha chimene ndipempha kwa Yehova,

ichi ndi chimene ndidzachifunafuna:

kuti ndikhale mʼNyumba ya Yehova

masiku onse a moyo wanga,

ndi kuyangʼana kukongola kwa Yehova,

ndi kumufunafuna Iye mʼNyumba yake.

5Pakuti pa tsiku la msautso

Iye adzanditeteza mʼmalo ake okhalamo;

adzandibisa mʼkati mwa Nyumba yake

ndi kukhazika ine pamwamba pa thanthwe.

6Kotero mutu wanga udzakwezedwa

kuposa adani anga amene andizungulira;

pa Nyumba yake ndidzapereka nsembe ndi mfuwu wachimwemwe;

ndidzayimba nyimbo kwa Yehova.

7Imvani mawu anga pamene ndiyitana Inu Yehova

mundichitire chifundo ndipo mundiyankhe.

8Mtima wanga ukuti kwa Inu, “Funafuna nkhope yake!”

Nkhope yanu Yehova ndidzayifunafuna.

9Musandibisire nkhope yanu,

musamubweze mtumiki wanu mwamkwiyo;

mwakhala muli thandizo langa.

Musandikane kapena kunditaya,

Inu Mulungu Mpulumutsi wanga.

10Ngakhale abambo ndi amayi anga anditaya

Yehova adzandisamala.

11Phunzitseni njira yanu Inu Yehova,

munditsogolere mʼnjira yowongoka

chifukwa cha ondizunza.

12Musandipereke ku zokhumba za adani anga,

pakuti mboni zambiri zauka kutsutsana nane

ndipo zikundiopseza.

13Ine ndikutsimikiza mtima za zimenezi;

ndidzaona ubwino wa Yehova

mʼdziko la anthu amoyo.

14Dikirani pa Yehova;

khalani anyonga ndipo limbani mtima

nimudikire Yehova.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 27:1-14

Psalm 27

A psalm of David.

1The Lord is my light, and he saves me.

Why should I fear anyone?

The Lord is my place of safety.

Why should I be afraid?

2My enemies are evil.

They will trip and fall

when they attack me

and try to swallow me up.

3Even if an army attacks me,

my heart will not be afraid.

Even if war breaks out against me,

I will still trust in God.

4I’m asking the Lord for only one thing.

Here is what I want.

I want to live in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life.

I want to look at the beauty of the Lord.

I want to worship him in his temple.

5When I’m in trouble,

he will keep me safe in his house.

He will hide me in the safety of his holy tent.

He will put me on a rock that is very high.

6Then I will win the battle

over my enemies who are all around me.

At his holy tent I will offer my sacrifice with shouts of joy.

I will sing and make music to the Lord.

7Lord, hear my voice when I call out to you.

Treat me with kindness and answer me.

8My heart says, “Seek him!”

Lord, I will seek you.

9Don’t turn your face away from me.

Don’t turn me away because you are angry.

You have helped me.

God my Savior, don’t say no to me.

Don’t desert me.

10My father and mother may desert me,

but the Lord will accept me.

11Lord, teach me your ways.

Lead me along a straight path.

There are many people who treat me badly.

12My enemies want to harm me. So don’t turn me over to them.

Witnesses who tell lies are rising up against me.

They say all sorts of evil things about me.

13Here is something I am still sure of.

I will see the Lord’s goodness

while I’m still alive.

14Wait for the Lord.

Be strong and don’t lose hope.

Wait for the Lord.