Luka 8 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Luka 8:1-56

Fanizo la Wofesa

1Zitatha izi, Yesu anayendayenda kuchoka mzinda wina kupita wina ndiponso mudzi wina kupita wina, akulalikira Uthenga Wabwino wa ufumu wa Mulungu. Ophunzira ake khumi ndi awiri aja anali naye, 2komanso akazi ena amene anachiritsidwa ku mizimu yoyipa ndi matenda: Mariya, wotchedwa Magadalena, amene mwa iye munatuluka ziwanda zisanu ndi ziwiri; 3Yohana mkazi wa Kuza, woyangʼanira mʼnyumba ya Herode; Suzana; ndi ena ambiri analinso. Akazi awa ankawathandiza ndi chuma chawo.

4Anthu ambiri ankasonkhana, ndipo pamene anthu ankabwera kwa Yesu kuchokera ku midzi, Iye anawawuza fanizo ili, 5“Mlimi anapita kukafesa mbewu zake. Akufesa mbewuzo, zina zinagwa mʼmbali mwa njira; zinapondedwa, ndipo mbalame zamlengalenga zinadya. 6Zina zinagwa pa thanthwe, ndipo pamene zinamera, zinafota chifukwa panalibe chinyezi. 7Mbewu zina zinagwera pakati pa minga, zinakulira pamodzi ndi mingazo ndipo zinalepheretsa mmerawo kukula. 8Mbewu zina zinagwera pa nthaka yabwino. Zinamera ndipo zinabala mowirikiza 100 kuposa zimene zinafesedwa zija.”

Atanena izi, anafuwula kuti, “Amene ali ndi makutu, amve.”

9Ophunzira ake anamufunsa tanthauzo lake la fanizolo. 10Iye anati, “Kudziwa zinsinsi za ufumu wa Mulungu kwapatsidwa kwa inu, koma kwa ena ndimawayankhula mʼmafanizo kuti,

“ngakhale akuona, asapenye;

ngakhale akumva, asazindikire.”

11“Tanthauzo la fanizoli ndi ili: Mbewu ndi mawu a Mulungu. 12Mbewu za mʼmbali mwa njira ndi anthu amene amamva mawu, ndipo kenaka mdierekezi amabwera ndi kuchotsa mawuwo mʼmitima mwawo kuti asakhulupirire ndi kupulumutsidwa. 13Mbewu za pa thanthwe ndi anthu amene amalandira mawu mwachimwemwe pamene akumva, koma mawuwo sazika mizu. Iwo amakhulupirira kwa kanthawi, koma pa nthawi ya mayesero, amagwa. 14Mbewu zimene zinagwa pakati pa minga zikuyimira anthu amene amamva mawu, koma akamayenda mʼnjira zawo amatsamwitsidwa ndi zodandaulitsa za moyo uno, chuma ndi zosangalatsa, ndipo iwo samakhwima. 15Koma mbewu za pa nthaka yabwino zikuyimira anthu amene ali ndi mtima woona ndi wabwino, amene amamva mawu nawasunga, ndipo amalimbikira mpaka amabala zipatso.

Nyale ndi Choyikapo Chake

16“Palibe amayatsa nyale ndi kuyibisa mu mtsuko kapena kuyika pansi pa bedi. Koma mʼmalo mwake, amayika pa choyikapo chake, kuti anthu olowamo aone kuwala. 17Pakuti palibe kanthu kobisika kamene sikadzawululika, ndipo palibe kanthu kophimbika kamene sikadzadziwika kapena kuonetsedwa poyera. 18Choncho ganizirani mozama. Iye amene ali nazo adzapatsidwa zambiri, iye amene alibe, ngakhale chimene akuganiza kuti ali nacho adzalandidwa.”

Amayi ndi Abale a Yesu

19Tsopano amayi ndi abale a Yesu anabwera kudzamuona Iye, koma analephera kuti afike pafupi ndi Iye chifukwa cha gulu la anthu. 20Wina anamuwuza Iye kuti, “Amayi ndi abale anu ayima kunja, akufuna kukuonani.”

21Yesu anayankha kuti, “Amayi ndi abale anga ndi amene amamva mawu a Mulungu ndi kumachita zimene mawuwo akunena.”

Yesu Aletsa Namondwe

22Tsiku lina Yesu anati kwa ophunzira ake, “Tiyeni tiwolokere tsidya lina la nyanja.” Ndipo analowa mʼbwato nanyamuka. 23Akuwoloka, Iye anagona tulo. Namondwe wamkulu anayamba pa nyanja, ndipo bwatolo linayamba kudzaza ndi madzi ndipo anali pa chiopsezo chachikulu.

24Ophunzira anapita ndi kukamudzutsa Iye, nati, “Ambuye, Ambuye, ife tikumira!”

Anadzuka ndipo anadzudzula mphepo ndi madzi owindukawo. Namondwe anasiya, ndipo panali bata. 25Iye anafunsa ophunzira ake kuti, “Chikhulupiriro chanu chili kuti?”

Koma pogwidwa ndi mantha ndi kudabwa anafunsana wina ndi mnzake kuti, “Uyu ndi ndani? Iye alamulira ngakhale mphepo ndi madzi, ndipo zimumvera Iye.”

Achiritsidwa Munthu Wogwidwa ndi Ziwanda

26Iwo anawolokera ku chigawo cha Gerasa chimene chili tsidya lina la nyanja kuchokera ku Galileya. 27Yesu ataponda pa mtunda, anakumana ndi munthu wogwidwa ndi ziwanda wochokera mu mzindawo. Kwa nthawi yayitali munthuyu sanavale zovala kapena kukhala mʼnyumba, koma amakhala ku manda. 28Iye ataona Yesu, anakuwa nagwa pa mapazi ake akufuwula kwambiri kuti, “Mukufuna chiyani ndi ine, Yesu Mwana wa Mulungu Wammwambamwamba? Ndikupemphani Inu, musandizunze ine!” 29Pakuti Yesu analamula mzimu woyipawo kuti utuluke mwa munthuyo. Kawirikawiri umamugwira iye, ndipo ngakhale anali womangidwa ndi unyolo dzanja ndi mwendo ndi kuti ankamuyangʼanira, koma amadula maunyolo akewo ndipo ziwanda zimamutengera kumalo a yekha.

30Yesu anamufunsa kuti, “Dzina lako ndani?”

Iye anayankha kuti, “Legiyo,” chifukwa ziwanda zambiri zinalowa mwa iye. 31Ndipo ziwandazo zimamupempha mobwerezabwereza kuti asazitumize ku dzenje la mdima.

32Gulu lalikulu la nkhumba limadya pamenepo mʼmbali mwa phiri. Ziwandazo zinamupempha Yesu kuti azilole kuti zikalowe mu nkhumbazo ndipo Iye anazilola. 33Ziwanda zija zitatuluka mwa munthuyo, zinakalowa mwa nkhumbazo, ndipo gulu lonselo linathamangira ku mtsetse ndi kukalowa mʼnyanja ndi kumira.

34Oweta nkhumbazo ataona zimene zinachitikazo, anathamanga ndi kukanena izi mu mzinda ndi ku madera a ku midzi. 35Ndipo anthu anapita kukaona zimene zinachitika. Atafika kwa Yesu, anapeza munthu amene anatulutsidwa ziwanda uja atakhala pa mapazi a Yesu, atavala ndipo ali ndi nzeru zake; ndipo iwo anachita mantha. 36Amene anaona izi anawuza anthu mmene munthu wogwidwa ndi ziwandayo anachiritsidwira. 37Kenaka anthu onse a ku chigawo cha Gerasa anamupempha Yesu kuti achoke kwa iwo, chifukwa anadzazidwa ndi mantha. Choncho Iye analowa mʼbwato nachoka.

38Munthu amene anatulutsidwa ziwanda uja, anapempha Yesu kuti apite nawo, koma Yesu anamubweza nati, 39“Bwerera kwanu kafotokoze zimene Mulungu wakuchitira.” Ndipo munthuyo anachoka ndi kukanena ku mzinda wonsewo zimene Yesu anamuchitira iye.

Mwana Wamkazi wa Yairo ndi Mayi Wokhudza Chovala cha Yesu

40Yesu atabwerera, gulu lalikulu la anthu linamulandira, chifukwa onse ankamuyembekezera. 41Nthawi yomweyo munthu wotchedwa Yairo, woweruza wa mu sunagoge, anabwera ndi kugwa pa mapazi a Yesu, namupempha Iye kuti apite ku nyumba kwake, 42chifukwa mwana wake yekhayo wamkazi, kamtsikana ka zaka khumi ndi ziwiri, kanali pafupi kufa.

Pamene Yesu ankapita gulu la anthu linkamupanikiza. 43Ndipo pomwepo panali mayi wina amene ankataya magazi kwa zaka khumi ndi ziwiri, koma panalibe wina akanamuchiritsa. 44Iye anafika kumbuyo kwake ndi kukhudza mothera mwa chovala chake, ndipo nthawi yomweyo magazi ake analeka kutuluka.

45Yesu anafunsa kuti, “Wandikhudza ndani?”

Onse atakana, Petro anati, “Anthu akukupanikizani ndi kukukankhani.”

46Koma Yesu anati, “Wina wandikhudza; ndikudziwa chifukwa mphamvu yachoka mwa Ine.”

47Ndipo mayiyo podziwa kuti sanathe kuchoka wosadziwika, anabwera akunjenjemera ndipo anagwa pa mapazi a Yesu. Pamaso pa anthu onse, anafotokoza chifukwa chimene anamukhudzira Iye ndi mmene iye anachiritsidwira nthawi yomweyo. 48Kenaka anati kwa iye, “Mwana wamkazi, chikhulupiriro chako chakuchiritsa. Pita mu mtendere.”

49Pamene Yesu ankayankhulabe, munthu wina anabwera kuchokera ku nyumba ya Yairo, woweruza wa ku sunagoge uja. Iye anati, “Mwana wanu wa mkazi wamwalira, musawavutitsenso Aphunzitsiwa.”

50Atamva zimenezi, Yesu anati kwa Yairo, “Usachite mantha, ingokhulupirira basi ndipo adzachiritsidwa.”

51Iye atafika ku nyumba ya Yairo, sanalole wina aliyense kulowa kupatula Petro, Yohane, ndi Yakobo ndi abambo ndi amayi a mwanayo. 52Pa nthawiyi nʼkuti anthu onse akubuma ndi kumulirira iye. Yesu anati, “Lekani kulira, sanafe koma wagona tulo.”

53Iwo anamuseka podziwa kuti anali atamwalira. 54Koma Iye anamugwira dzanja lake ndipo anati, “Mwana wanga, dzuka!” 55Mzimu wake unabwerera, ndipo nthawi yomweyo anayimirira. Kenaka Yesu anawawuza kuti amupatse chakudya. 56Makolo ake anadabwa, koma Iye anawalamulira kuti asawuze wina aliyense zimene zinachitikazo.

New International Reader’s Version

Luke 8:1-56

The Story of the Farmer

1After this, Jesus traveled around from one town and village to another. He announced the good news of God’s kingdom. His 12 disciples were with him. 2So were some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses. One was Mary Magdalene. Seven demons had come out of her. 3Another was Joanna, the wife of Chuza. He was the manager of Herod’s household. Susanna and many others were there also. These women were helping to support Jesus and the 12 disciples with their own money.

4A large crowd gathered together. People came to Jesus from town after town. As they did, he told a story. He said, 5“A farmer went out to plant his seed. He scattered the seed on the ground. Some fell on a path. People walked on it, and the birds ate it up. 6Some seed fell on rocky ground. When it grew, the plants dried up because they had no water. 7Other seed fell among thorns. The thorns grew up with it and crowded out the plants. 8Still other seed fell on good soil. It grew up and produced a crop 100 times more than the farmer planted.”

When Jesus said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears should listen.”

9His disciples asked him what the story meant. 10He said, “You have been given the chance to understand the secrets of God’s kingdom. But to outsiders I speak by using stories. In that way,

“ ‘They see, but they will not know what they are seeing.

They hear, but they will not understand what they are hearing.’ (Isaiah 6:9)

11“Here is what the story means. The seed is God’s message. 12The seed on the path stands for God’s message in the hearts of those who hear. But then the devil comes. He takes away the message from their hearts. He does it so they won’t believe. Then they can’t be saved. 13The seed on rocky ground stands for those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But they have no roots. They believe for a while. But when they are tested, they fall away from the faith. 14The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear the message. But as they go on their way, they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures. So they do not reach full growth. 15But the seed on good soil stands for those with an honest and good heart. Those people hear the message. They keep it in their hearts. They remain faithful and produce a good crop.

A Lamp on a Stand

16“No one lights a lamp and then hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand. Then those who come in can see its light. 17What is hidden will be seen. And what is out of sight will be brought into the open and made known. 18So be careful how you listen. Whoever has something will be given more. Whoever has nothing, even what they think they have will be taken away from them.”

Jesus’ Mother and Brothers

19Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him. But they could not get near him because of the crowd. 20Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside. They want to see you.”

21He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and do what it says.”

Jesus Calms the Storm

22One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and left. 23As they sailed, Jesus fell asleep. A storm came down on the lake. It was so bad that the boat was about to sink. They were in great danger.

24The disciples went and woke Jesus up. They said, “Master! Master! We’re going to drown!”

He got up and ordered the wind and the huge waves to stop. The storm quieted down. It was completely calm. 25“Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.

They were amazed and full of fear. They asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey him.”

Jesus Heals a Man Controlled by Demons

26Jesus and his disciples sailed to the area of the Gerasenes across the lake from Galilee. 27When Jesus stepped on shore, he was met by a man from the town. The man was controlled by demons. For a long time he had not worn clothes or lived in a house. He lived in the tombs. 28When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet. He shouted at the top of his voice, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God, what do you want with me? I beg you, don’t hurt me!” 29This was because Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times the spirit had taken hold of him. The man’s hands and feet were chained, and he was kept under guard. But he had broken his chains. And then the demon had forced him to go out into lonely places in the countryside.

30Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him. 31And they begged Jesus again and again not to order them to go into the Abyss.

32A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs. And he allowed it. 33When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs. Then the herd rushed down the steep bank. They ran into the lake and drowned.

34Those who were tending the pigs saw what had happened. They ran off and reported it in the town and countryside. 35The people went out to see what had happened. Then they came to Jesus. They found the man who was now free of the demons. He was sitting at Jesus’ feet. He was dressed and thinking clearly. All this made the people afraid. 36Those who had seen it told the others how the man who had been controlled by demons was now healed. 37Then all the people who lived in the area of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them. They were filled with fear. So he got into the boat and left.

38The man who was now free of the demons begged to go with him. But Jesus sent him away. He said to him, 39“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away. He told people all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

Jesus Heals a Dead Girl and a Suffering Woman

40When Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him. They were all expecting him. 41Then a man named Jairus came. He was a synagogue leader. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged Jesus to come to his house. 42His only daughter was dying. She was about 12 years old. As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him.

43A woman was there who had a sickness that made her bleed. Her sickness had lasted for 12 years. No one could heal her. 44She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his clothes. Right away her bleeding stopped.

45“Who touched me?” Jesus asked.

Everyone said they didn’t do it. Then Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pushing against you.”

46But Jesus said, “Someone touched me. I know that power has gone out from me.”

47The woman realized that people would notice her. Shaking with fear, she came and fell at his feet. In front of everyone, she told why she had touched him. She also told how she had been healed in an instant. 48Then he said to her, “Dear woman, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

49While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of Jairus. Jairus was the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” the messenger said. “Don’t bother the teacher anymore.”

50Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just believe. She will be healed.”

51When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let everyone go in with him. He took only Peter, John and James, and the child’s father and mother. 52During this time, all the people were crying and sobbing loudly over the child. “Stop crying!” Jesus said. “She is not dead. She is sleeping.”

53They laughed at him. They knew she was dead. 54But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” 55Her spirit returned, and right away she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. 56Her parents were amazed. But Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.