Genesis 9 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Genesis 9:1-29

Pangano la Mulungu ndi Nowa

1Ndipo Mulungu anadalitsa Nowa ndi ana ake aamuna nati kwa iwo, “Berekanani ndipo muchulukane ndi kudzaza dziko lapansi. 2Nyama zonse za dziko lapansi, ndi mbalame zonse za mlengalenga, ndi chamoyo chilichonse chokwawa, ndiponso nsomba zonse za ku nyanja; zidzakuopani ndipo ndazipereka kuti muzilamulire. 3Tsopano chamoyo chilichonse chidzakhala chakudya chanu. Monga momwe ndinakupatsirani ndiwo zamasamba, tsopano ndikupatsaninso nyama iliyonse.

4“Koma musamadye nyama imene ikanali ndi magazi oyenda. 5Aliyense wopha munthu adzaphedwa, nyama iliyonse yopha munthu idzaphedwa, munthu aliyense wopha munthu mnzake, adzaphedwa.

6“Aliyense wopha munthu,

adzaphedwanso ndi munthu;

pakuti Mulungu analenga munthu

mʼchifanizo chake.

7Inu muberekane ndi kuchulukana kuti mudzaze dziko lonse lapansi ndi kuligonjetsa.”

8Mulungu anawuza Nowa ndi ana ake kuti, 9“Tsopano Ine ndapangana ndi iwe ndi zidzukulu zako zamʼtsogolomo, 10pamodzi ndi zamoyo zonse, mbalame, ziweto ndi nyama zonse za kuthengo, ndi zonse zimene zinatuluka mʼchombo pamodzi ndi iwe. 11Pangano langa ndi ili: Ine ndilonjeza kuti sindidzawononganso zamoyo ndi madzi a chigumula. Chigumula sichidzawononganso dziko lapansi.”

12Ndipo Mulungu anati, “Ine ndikupereka chizindikiro ichi cha pangano langa la pakati pa Ine ndi iwe, ana ako, zamoyo zonse, pamodzi ndi mibado ya mʼtsogolo. 13Ndayika utawaleza wanga mʼmitambo, ndipo chidzakhala chizindikiro cha pangano langa ndi dziko lapansi. 14Nthawi zonse pakakhala mitambo mu mlengalenga ndipo utawaleza uwoneka, 15ndizikumbukira pangano langa pakati pa Ine ndi inu ndi zolengedwa zonse. Madzi sadzakhalanso chigumula chowononga dziko lapansi. 16Utawaleza ukamadzaoneka mʼmitambo, ndidzawuona ndi kukumbukira pangano losatha pakati pa Mulungu ndi zamoyo zonse pa dziko lapansi.”

17Choncho Mulungu anati kwa Nowa, “Ichi ndiye chizindikiro cha pangano limene ndalichita pakati pa Ine ndi zamoyo zonse pa dziko lapansi.”

Ana Aamuna a Nowa

18Ana aamuna a Nowa amene anatuluka mʼchombo muja anali Semu, Hamu ndi Yafeti. Hamu anali abambo ake a Kanaani. 19Ana aamuna a Nowa amenewa ndiwo anali makolo a anthu onse pa dziko lapansi.

20Nowa anali munthu woyamba kulima munda wamphesa. 21Tsiku lina pamene Nowa anamwako vinyo wa zipatso za mʼmundawo analedzera ndipo anavula zovala zake zonse ndi kugona mu tenti yake ali maliseche. 22Hamu, abambo ake a Kanaani ataona kuti abambo ake ali maliseche anakawuza abale ake awiri aja omwe anali panja. 23Koma Semu ndi Yafeti anatenga chofunda nachiyika pa mapewa awo; ndipo anayenda chamʼmbuyo naphimba umaliseche wa abambo awo. Anafulatira kuti asaone umaliseche wa abambo awo.

24Nowa atadzuka, kuledzera kutatha, ndikudziwa zimene mwana wake wamngʼono wamwamuna uja anamuchitira, 25anati,

“Atembereredwe Kanaani!

Adzakhala kapolo

wa pansi kwenikweni kwa abale ake.”


“Atamandike Yehova, Mulungu wa Semu!

Kanaani akhale kapolo wa Semu.

27Mulungu akulitse dziko la Yafeti;

Yafeti alandire madalitso pamodzi ndi Semu,

ndipo Kanaani akhale kapolo wawo.”

28Chitatha chigumula, Nowa anakhala ndi moyo zaka 350. 29Anamwalira ali ndi zaka 950.

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 9:1-29

God Makes a Covenant With Noah

1Then God blessed Noah and his sons. He said to them, “Have children so that there are many of you. Fill the earth. 2All the land animals will be afraid of you. All the birds in the sky will be afraid of you. Every creature that moves along the ground will be afraid of you. So will every fish in the seas. Every living thing is put under your control. 3Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. I have already given you the green plants for food. Now I am giving you everything.

4“But you must not eat meat that still has blood in it. 5I will certainly hold someone accountable if you are murdered. I will even hold animals accountable if they kill you. I will also hold anyone accountable who murders another person.

6“Anyone who murders a human being

will be killed by a human being.

That is because I have made human beings

so that they are like me.

7Have children so that there will be many of you. Multiply and become many on the earth.”

8Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons who were with him. He said, 9“I am now making my covenant with you and with all your children who will be born after you. 10I am making it also with every living creature that was with you in the ark. I am making my covenant with the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals. I am making it with all the creatures that came out of the ark with you. In fact, I am making it with every living thing on earth. 11Here is my covenant I am making with you. The waters of a flood will never again destroy all life. A flood will never again destroy the earth.”

12God continued, “My covenant is between me and you and every living creature with you. It is a covenant for all time to come. Here is the sign of the covenant I am making. 13I have put my rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14Sometimes when I bring clouds over the earth, a rainbow will appear in them. 15Then I will remember my covenant between me and you and every kind of living creature. The waters will never again become a flood to destroy all life. 16When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it. I will remember that my covenant will last forever. It is a covenant between me and every kind of living creature on earth.”

17So God said to Noah, “The rainbow is the sign of my covenant. I have made my covenant between me and all life on earth.”

The Sons of Noah

18The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. Ham was the father of Canaan. 19The people who were scattered over the earth came from Noah’s three sons.

20Noah was a man who farmed the land. He decided to plant a field that produced grapes for making wine. 21When he drank some of the wine, it made him drunk. Then he lay down inside his tent without any clothes on. 22Ham saw his father naked. Then Ham, the father of Canaan, went outside and told his two brothers. 23But Shem and Japheth picked up a piece of clothing and laid it across their shoulders. Then they walked backward into the tent. They covered their father’s body. They turned their faces away because they didn’t want to see their father naked.

24Then Noah woke up from his sleep that was caused by the wine. He found out what his youngest son had done to him. 25He said,

“May a curse be put on Canaan!

He will be the lowest of slaves to his brothers.”

26Noah also said,

“May the Lord, the God of Shem, be praised.

May Canaan be the slave of Shem.

27May God add land to Japheth’s territory.

May Japheth live in the tents of Shem.

And may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.”

28After the flood Noah lived 350 years. 29Noah lived a total of 950 years. And then he died.