2 Samueli 4 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

2 Samueli 4:1-12

Kuphedwa kwa Isiboseti

1Isiboseti mwana wa Sauli atamva kuti Abineri waphedwa ku Hebroni, anataya mtima ndipo Aisraeli onse anachita mantha kwambiri. 2Koma Isiboseti anali ndi anthu akuluakulu awiri amene ankatsogolera magulu a ankhondo. Mmodzi mwa iwo dzina lake linali Baana ndipo mnzakeyo anali Rekabu. Iwo anali ana a Rimoni wa banja la Beeroti wa fuko la Benjamini Beeroti. Iwo ankatengedwa ngati mbali imodzi ya Benjamini, 3chifukwa anthu a ku Beeroti anathawira ku Gitaimu ndipo akhala ali kumeneko ngati alendo mpaka lero lino.

4(Yonatani mwana wa Sauli anali ndi mwana wamwamuna amene anali wolumala mapazi ake onse awiri. Iye anali ndi zaka zisanu pamene nkhani ya Sauli ndi Yonatani inamveka kuchokera ku Yezireeli. Amene amamulera anamunyamula ndi kuthawa naye, koma pamene amachita zinthu mofulumira mwanayo anagwa ndipo analumala. Dzina lake linali Mefiboseti).

5Choncho Rekabu ndi Baana ana a Rimoni wa ku Beeroti ananyamuka kupita ku nyumba ya Isi-Boseti, ndipo anafika nthawi ya masana kukutentha pamene iye amapumula. 6Iwo analowa mʼchipinda chamʼkati ngati kuti amakatenga tirigu, ndipo anamulasa mʼmimba. Kenaka Rekabu ndi mʼbale wake Baana anathawa.

7Iwo analowa mʼnyumbamo iye akugona pa bedi mʼchipinda chake. Atamulasa ndi kumupha, anadula mutu wake nʼkuwutenga, nayenda usiku wonse mʼnjira yopita ku Araba. 8Iwo anabweretsa mutu wa Isi-Boseti kwa Davide ku Hebroni ndipo anati kwa mfumu, “Nawu mutu wa Isiboseti mwana wa Sauli, mdani wanu, amene anafuna kukuphani. Lero lino Yehova wabwezera mbuye wanga mfumu adani anu, Sauli ndi ana ake.”

9Davide anayankha Rekabu ndi mʼbale wake Baana, ana a Rimoni wa ku Beeroti kuti, “Pali Yehova wamoyo, amene wandipulumutsa ku mavuto anga onse, 10pamene munthu wina anandiwuza kuti, ‘Sauli wafa’ ndipo ankaganiza kuti wabweretsa nkhani yabwino, ine ndinamugwira ndi kumupha ku Zikilagi. Iyi inali mphotho imene ndinapereka kwa iyeyo chifukwa cha uthenga wake! 11Nanji pamene anthu oyipa apha munthu wosalakwa ali mʼnyumba mwake ndiponso pa bedi lake! Kodi ine ndingaleke kukulangani ndi kukuchotsani pa dziko lapansi pano?”

12Kotero Davide analamulira ankhondo ake, ndipo anawapha. Iwo anawadula manja ndi mapazi ndi kupachika matupi awo pa dziwe la ku Hebroni. Koma anatenga mutu wa Isi-Boseti nawuyika mʼmanda a Abineri ku Hebroni.

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 4:1-12

Ish-Bosheth Is Murdered

1Ish-Bosheth, the son of Saul, heard that Abner had died in Hebron. Then he wasn’t so brave anymore. And all the Israelites became alarmed. 2Two men in Ish-Bosheth’s army led small fighting groups that attacked their enemies. The names of the men were Baanah and Rekab. They were sons of Rimmon from the town of Beeroth. Rimmon was from the tribe of Benjamin. Beeroth is considered to be part of Benjamin. 3That’s because the people who used to live in Beeroth had run away to Gittaim. They have lived there as outsiders to this day.

4Jonathan, the son of Saul, had a son named Mephibosheth. Both of Mephibosheth’s feet were hurt. He was five years old when the news that Saul and Jonathan had died came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and ran. But as she hurried to get away, he fell down. That’s how his feet were hurt.

5Rekab and Baanah started out for the house of Ish-Bosheth. They were the sons of Rimmon from Beeroth. They arrived there during the hottest time of the day. Ish-Bosheth was taking his early afternoon nap. 6Rekab and his brother Baanah went into the inside part of the house. They acted as if they were going to get some wheat. Instead, they stabbed Ish-Bosheth in the stomach. Then they slipped away.

7They had gone into the house while Ish-Bosheth was lying on his bed in his bedroom. They stabbed him and killed him. Then they cut off his head and took it with them. They traveled all night through the Arabah Valley. 8They brought the head of Ish-Bosheth to King David at Hebron. They said to him, “Here’s the head of Ish-Bosheth, the son of Saul. Saul was your enemy. He often tried to kill you. Today the Lord has paid back Saul and his family. He has let you get even with them. You are our king and master.”

9David gave an answer to Rekab and his brother Baanah. They were the sons of Rimmon from Beeroth. David said, “The Lord has saved me from every trouble. 10Someone once told me, ‘Saul is dead.’ He thought he was bringing me good news. But I grabbed him. I had him put to death in Ziklag. That’s the reward I gave him for his news! And that’s just as sure as the Lord is alive. 11Now you evil men have killed a man in his own house. He hadn’t done anything wrong. You killed him while he was lying on his own bed. You spilled his blood. So shouldn’t I spill your blood? Shouldn’t I wipe you off the face of the earth?”

12Then David gave an order to his men. They killed Rekab and Baanah. They cut off their hands and feet. They hung their bodies by the pool in Hebron. But they buried the head of Ish-Bosheth in Abner’s tomb at Hebron.