1 Timoteyo 1 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

1 Timoteyo 1:1-20

1Paulo, mtumwi wa Khristu Yesu mwa lamulo la Mulungu, Mpulumutsi wathu ndiponso Khristu Yesu chiyembekezo chathu.

2Kwa Timoteyo mwana wanga weniweni mʼchikhulupiriro.

Chisomo, chifundo ndi mtendere zochokera kwa Mulungu Atate ndi Khristu Yesu Ambuye athu zikhale ndi iwe.

Kutsutsa Aphunzitsi Onyenga

3Monga ndinakupempha pamene ndinkapita ku Makedoniya, khala ku Efeso komweko kuti uletse anthu ena kuphunzitsa ziphunzitso zonyenga, 4kapena kumangoyika mitima pa nthano zopeka ndi kufufuza za mayina a makolo awo. Zinthu zotere zimapititsa mʼtsogolo mikangano mʼmalo mwa ntchito ya Mulungu yomwe ndi ya chikhulupiriro. 5Cholinga cha lamuloli ndi chikondi, chomwe chimachokera mu mtima woyera, chikumbumtima chabwino ndi chikhulupiriro choona. 6Anthu ena anapatuka pa zimenezi ndipo anatsata nkhani zopanda tanthauzo. 7Iwo amafuna kukhala aphunzitsi amalamulo, koma sadziwa zimene akunena, kapena zimene akufuna kutsimikiza.

8Tikudziwa kuti Malamulo ndi abwino ngati munthu awagwiritsa ntchito bwino. 9Tikudziwanso kuti Malamulo sakhazikitsidwa chifukwa cha anthu olungama, koma ophwanya lamulo ndi owukira, osaopa Mulungu ndi ochimwa, wopanda chiyero ndi osapembedza; amene amapha abambo awo ndi amayi awo, kapena anthu ena. 10Malamulo amayikidwa chifukwa cha anthu achigololo ndi ochita zadama ndi amuna anzawo, anthu ogulitsa akapolo, abodza ndi olumbira zabodza, ndi ochita chilichonse chotsutsana ndi chiphunzitso choona. 11Chiphunzitso chimene chimagwirizana ndi Uthenga Wabwino wonena za ulemerero wa Mulungu wodala, umene Iye mwini anandisungitsa.

Chisomo cha Ambuye kwa Paulo

12Ndikuthokoza Khristu Yesu Ambuye athu, amene anandipatsa mphamvu pa ntchitoyi. Iye ananditenga kukhala wokhulupirira, nandipatsa ntchito mu utumiki wake. 13Ngakhale kuti kale ndinali wachipongwe, wozunza ndi wankhanza, anandichitira chifundo chifukwa ndinkachita mwaumbuli ndi mopanda chikhulupiriro. 14Chisomo cha Ambuye athu chinatsanulidwa pa ine mochuluka, pamodzi ndi chikhulupiriro ndi chikondi zimene zili mwa Khristu Yesu.

15Mawu odalirika ndi woyenera kuwavomereza kwathunthu ndi awa: Yesu Khristu anabwera pa dziko lapansi kudzapulumutsa ochimwa, ndipo mwa iwowo ine ndiye wochimwitsitsa. 16Ndipo pa chifukwa chimenechi, Mulungu anandichitira chifundo, kuti mwa ine, wochimwitsitsa, Khristu Yesu aonetse kuleza mtima kwake konse kuti ndikhale chitsanzo cha omwe angathe kumukhulupirira ndi kulandira moyo wosatha. 17Tsopano kwa Mfumu yamuyaya, yosafa, yosaoneka, amene Iye yekha ndiye Mulungu, kukhale ulemu ndi ulemerero mpaka muyaya. Ameni.

Ntchito ya Timoteyo

18Mwana wanga Timoteyo, ndikukupatsa langizo ili molingana ndi maulosi amene aneneri ananena za iwe. Pamene ukumbukira mawu amenewa udzatha kumenya bwino nkhondo 19utagwiritsitsa chikhulupiriro ndi chikumbumtima chabwino. Ena anazikana zimenezi motero chikhulupiriro chawo chinawonongeka. 20Ena mwa amenewa ndi Humenayo ndi Alekisandro, amene ndinawapereka kwa Satana kuti aphunzire kusachita chipongwe Mulungu.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Timothy 1:1-20

1I, Paul, am writing this letter. I am an apostle of Christ Jesus, just as God our Savior commanded. Christ Jesus also commanded it. We have put our hope in him.

2Timothy, I am sending you this letter. You are my true son in the faith.

May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace.

Paul Warns Timothy to Oppose False Teachers

3Timothy, stay there in Ephesus. That is what I told you to do when I went into Macedonia. I want you to command certain people not to teach things that aren’t true. 4And command them not to spend their time on stories that are made up. They must not waste time on family histories that never end. These things only lead to fights about ideas. They don’t help God’s work move forward. His work is done by faith. 5Love is the purpose of my command. Love comes from a pure heart. It comes from a good sense of what is right and wrong. It comes from faith that is honest and true. 6Some have turned from these teachings. They would rather talk about things that have no meaning. 7They want to be teachers of the law. And they are very sure about that law. But they don’t know what they are talking about.

8We know that the law is good if it is used properly. 9We also know that the law isn’t made for godly people. It is made for those who break the law. It is for those who refuse to obey. It is for ungodly and sinful people. It is for those who aren’t holy and who don’t believe. It is for those who kill their fathers or mothers. It is for murderers. 10It is for those who commit sexual sins. It is for those who commit homosexual acts. It is for people who buy and sell slaves. It is for liars. It is for people who tell lies in court. It is for those who are a witness to things that aren’t true. And it is for anything else that is the opposite of true teaching. 11True teaching agrees with the good news about the glory of the blessed God. He trusted me with that good news.

The Lord Pours Out His Grace on Paul

12I am thankful to Christ Jesus our Lord. He has given me strength. I thank him that he considered me faithful. I thank him for appointing me to serve him. 13I used to speak evil things against Jesus. I tried to hurt his followers. I really pushed them around. But God showed me mercy anyway. I did those things without knowing any better. I wasn’t a believer. 14Our Lord poured out more and more of his grace on me. Along with it came faith and love from Christ Jesus.

15Here is a saying that you can trust. It should be accepted completely. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And I am the worst sinner of all. 16But for that very reason, God showed me mercy. And I am the worst of sinners. He showed me mercy so that Christ Jesus could show that he is very patient. I was an example for those who would come to believe in him. Then they would receive eternal life. 17The eternal King will never die. He can’t be seen. He is the only God. Give him honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Paul Commands Timothy

18My son Timothy, I am giving you this command. It is in keeping with the prophecies once made about you. By remembering them, you can fight the battle well. 19Then you will hold on to faith. You will hold on to a good sense of what is right and wrong. Some have not accepted this knowledge of right and wrong. So they have destroyed their faith. They are like a ship that has sunk. 20Hymenaeus and Alexander are among them. I have handed them over to Satan. That will teach them not to speak evil things against God.