1 Mafumu 11 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

1 Mafumu 11:1-43

Akazi a Solomoni

1Komatu Mfumu Solomoni anakonda akazi ambiri achilendo ndipo kuwonjezera pa mwana wamkazi wa Farao, analinso ndi akazi a mitundu iyi: Amowabu, Aamoni, Aedomu, Asidoni, ndi Ahiti. 2Akazi amenewa anali ochokera ku mitundu ija imene Yehova anawuza Aisraeli kuti, “Simuyenera kudzakwatirana nawo amenewa, chifukwa ndithu, amenewa adzatembenuza mitima yanu kuti mutsatire milungu yawo.” Komabe Solomoni anawakonda kwambiri akazi amenewa. 3Iye anali ndi akazi 700 ochokera ku mabanja achifumu ndi azikazi 300 ndipo akaziwo anamusocheretsa. 4Solomoni atakalamba, akazi akewo anakopa mtima wake kuti atsatire milungu ina, ndipo sanatsatire Yehova Mulungu wake ndi mtima wodzipereka, monga unalili mtima wa Davide abambo ake. 5Pakuti iye ankapembedza Asitoreti, mulungu wamkazi wa Asidoni, ndiponso Moleki mulungu wonyansa wa Aamoni. 6Kotero Solomoni anachita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova. Sanatsatire Yehova kwathunthu monga anachitira Davide abambo ake.

7Pa phiri la kummawa kwa Yerusalemu, anamanga malo opembedzerapo Kemosi, mulungu wonyansa wa Mowabu, ndiponso malo a Moleki, mulungu wonyansa wa Aamoni. 8Iye anamangiranso malo oterewa akazi ake onse achilendo, amene amafukiza lubani ndi kumapereka nsembe kwa milungu yawo.

9Choncho Yehova anakwiyira Solomoni chifukwa mtima wake unatembenuka kuchoka kwa Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, amene anamuonekera kawiri konse. 10Ngakhale kuti Yehova anamuletsa Solomoni kutsatira milungu ina, iyeyo sanamvere lamulo la Yehova. 11Pamenepo Yehova anati kwa Solomoni, “Popeza mtima wako ndi wotere ndipo sunasunge pangano langa ndi malamulo anga amene ndinakuwuza, ndithudi, Ine ndidzawugawa ufumuwu kuwuchotsa kwa iwe ndi kuwupereka kwa mmodzi mwa atumiki ako. 12Koma chifukwa cha Davide abambo ako, sindidzachita zimenezi iwe uli moyo. Ndidzawugawa mʼdzanja la mwana wako. 13Komabe sindidzamulanda ufumu wonse, koma ndidzamusiyira fuko limodzi chifukwa cha mtumiki wanga Davide ndiponso chifukwa cha Yerusalemu, mzinda umene ndinawusankha.”

Adani a Solomoni

14Ndipo Yehova anamuutsira Solomoni mdani, Hadadi Mwedomu, wochokera ku banja laufumu ku Edomu. 15Kale pamene Davide ankachita nkhondo ndi Aedomu, Yowabu mkulu wa ankhondo, amene anapita kukakwirira Aisraeli akufa, anakantha amuna onse ku Edomu. 16Yowabu ndi Aisraeli onse anakhala kumeneko miyezi isanu ndi umodzi mpaka anawononga amuna onse a ku Edomu. 17Koma Hadadi akanali mwana anathawira ku Igupto pamodzi ndi akuluakulu ena a ku Edomu amene ankatumikira abambo ake. 18Iwo ananyamuka ku Midiya ndi kupita ku Parani. Ndipo anatenga amuna ena ku Paraniko, napita nawo ku Igupto, kwa Farao mfumu ya Igupto, amene anamupatsa nyumba, malo ndiponso chakudya.

19Farao anamukomera mtima Hadadi ndipo anamupatsa mkazi amene anali mngʼono wake wa Mfumukazi Tahipenesi. 20Mngʼono wake wa Tahipenesi anabereka mwana wamwamuna ndipo anamutcha Genubati, amene analeredwa mʼnyumba yaufumu ndi Tahipenesi. Genubatiyo ankakhala limodzi ndi ana a Farao.

21Ali ku Iguptoko, Hadadi anamva kuti Davide ndi Yowabu anamwalira. Pamenepo Hadadi anati kwa Farao, “Loleni ndichoke kuti ndibwerere ku dziko la kwathu.”

22Farao anafunsa kuti, “Kodi ukusowa chiyani kuno kuti ufune kubwerera ku dziko la kwanu?”

Hadadi anayankha kuti, “Palibe chimene ndikusowa, koma loleni kuti ndichoke!”

23Ndipo Mulungu anawutsira Solomoni mdani wina, Rezoni mwana wa Eliada, amene anali atathawa mbuye wake, Hadadezeri mfumu ya ku Zoba. 24Iye anasonkhanitsa anthu ndipo anali mtsogoleri wa anthu owukira pamene Davide anapha ankhondo a ku Zoba. Anthu owukirawa anapita ku Damasiko, nakakhala kumeneko ndi kuyamba kulamulira. 25Rezoni anali mdani wa Israeli pa masiku onse a Solomoni, kuwonjezera pa mavuto amene ankabweretsa Hadadi. Kotero Rezoni ankalamulira ku Aramu ndipo ankadana ndi Israeli.

Yeroboamu Awukira Solomoni

26Yeroboamu, mwana wa Nebati anawukiranso mfumu. Iye anali mmodzi mwa akuluakulu a Solomoni wa fuko la Efereimu, wa ku Zeredi, ndipo amayi ake anali Zeruya, mkazi wamasiye.

27Nkhani ya kuwukira kwa Yeroboamu inali yotere: Solomoni anamanga malo a chitetezo a Milo ndipo anakonza khoma logumuka la mzinda wa Davide, abambo ake. 28Tsono Yeroboamu anali munthu wamphamvu kwambiri ndipo Solomoni ataona kuti mnyamatayo amadziwa kugwira ntchito bwino, anamuyika kukhala woyangʼanira anthu a ntchito onse a nyumba ya Yosefe.

29Tsiku lina Yeroboamu ali pa ulendo kuchokera ku Yerusalemu, anakumana ndi mneneri Ahiya pa msewu, ndipo Ahiyayo anali atavala mwinjiro watsopano. Awiriwo anali okha kuthengoko, 30ndipo Ahiya anagwira mwinjiro watsopano umene anavala ndi kuwungʼamba zidutswa 12. 31Tsono iye anati kwa Yeroboamu, “Tenga zidutswa khumi, pakuti Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli akuti, ‘Taona, Ine ndidzachotsa ufumu mʼdzanja la Solomoni ndipo ndidzakupatsa iwe mafuko khumi. 32Koma chifukwa cha mtumiki wanga Davide ndiponso mzinda wa Yerusalemu, umene ndinawusankha pakati pa mafuko a Israeli, iye adzakhala ndi fuko limodzi lokha. 33Ndidzachita zimenezi chifukwa wandisiya Ine ndi kupembedza Asitoreti mulungu wamkazi wa Asidoni, Kemosi mulungu wa Amowabu ndiponso Moleki mulungu wa Aamoni, ndipo sanayende mʼnjira yanga, kapena kusunga mawu anga ndi malamulo anga monga anachitira Davide abambo ake.

34“ ‘Koma sindidzalanda ufumu wonse mʼdzanja la Solomoni. Ine ndamuyika kukhala wolamulira masiku onse a moyo wake chifukwa cha mtumiki wanga Davide, amene ndinamusankha ndiponso amene anamvera malamulo anga ndi mawu anga. 35Ndidzalanda ufumu mʼdzanja la mwana wake ndipo ndidzakupatsa iwe mafuko khumi. 36Ndidzapereka fuko limodzi kwa mwana wake ndi cholinga choti Davide mtumiki wanga adzakhale nyale nthawi zonse pamaso panga mu Yerusalemu, mzinda umene ndinawusankha kuyikamo Dzina langa. 37Koma kunena za iwe, ndidzakutenga ndipo udzalamulira chilichonse chimene mtima wako ukukhumba; udzakhala mfumu ya Israeli. 38Ngati udzamvera zonse zimene ndidzakulamula ndi kuyenda mʼnjira yanga ndi kuchita zabwino pamaso panga, posunga malamulo anga ndi mawu anga monga anachitira Davide mtumiki wanga, Ine ndidzakhala nawe. Ndidzakupatsa ufumu umene udzakhala wokhazikika monga ndinamupatsira Davide, ndipo Ine ndidzakupatsa Israeli. 39Ine ndidzalanga zidzukulu za Davide chifukwa cha zimenezi, koma osati kwamuyaya.’ ”

40Solomoni anafunitsitsa kupha Yeroboamu, koma Yeroboamu anathawira ku Igupto, kwa Sisaki mfumu ya Igupto ndipo anakhala kumeneko mpaka Solomoni atamwalira.

Kumwalira kwa Solomoni

41Ntchito zina za Solomoni, zonse zomwe anachita komanso za nzeru zake, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya Solomoni? 42Solomoni analamulira Aisraeli onse mu Yerusalemu kwa zaka makumi anayi. 43Ndipo anagona ndi makolo ake nayikidwa mʼmanda mu mzinda wa Davide abambo ake. Ndipo Rehobowamu mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo ake.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 11:1-43

Solomon’s Wives

1King Solomon loved many women besides Pharaoh’s daughter. They were from other lands. They were Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2The Lord had warned Israel about women from other nations. He had said, “You must not marry them. If you do, you can be sure they will turn your hearts toward their gods.” But Solomon continued to love them anyway. He wouldn’t give them up. 3He had 700 wives who came from royal families. And he had 300 concubines. His wives led him astray. 4As Solomon grew older, his wives turned his heart toward other gods. He didn’t follow the Lord his God with all his heart. So he wasn’t like his father David. 5Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth. Ashtoreth was the female god of the Sidonians. He also worshiped Molek. Molek was the god of the Ammonites. The Lord hated that god. 6Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He didn’t completely obey the Lord. He didn’t do what his father David had done.

7There is a hill east of Jerusalem. Solomon built a high place for worshiping Chemosh there. He built a high place for worshiping Molek there too. Chemosh was the god of Moab. Molek was the god of Ammon. The Lord hated both of those gods. 8Solomon also built high places so that all his wives from other nations could worship their gods. Those women burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

9The Lord became angry with Solomon. That’s because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel. He had appeared to Solomon twice. 10He had commanded Solomon not to worship other gods. But Solomon didn’t obey the Lord. 11So the Lord said to Solomon, “You have chosen not to keep my covenant. You have decided not to obey my rules. I commanded you to do what I told you. But you did not do it. So you can be absolutely sure I will tear the kingdom away from you. I will give it to one of your officials. 12But I will not do that while you are still living. Because of your father David I will wait. I will tear the kingdom out of your son’s hand. 13But I will not tear the whole kingdom away from him. I will give him one of the tribes because of my servant David. I will also do it because of Jerusalem. That is the city I have chosen.”

Solomon’s Enemies

14Then the Lord brought an enemy against Solomon. The enemy’s name was Hadad. He was from Edom. In fact, he belonged to the royal family of Edom. 15David had fought against Edom. Joab had been the commander of the army. He had gone up to bury the dead bodies of the Israelites who had been killed in battle. At that time he had struck down all the men in Edom. 16In fact, Joab and all the men of Israel stayed there for six months. During that time they destroyed all the men in Edom. 17But when Hadad was only a boy, he ran away to Egypt. Some officials from Edom went with him. They had served Hadad’s father. 18They started out from Midian and went to Paran. They took some people from Paran with them. Then they went to Egypt. They went to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. He gave Hadad a house and some land. He also supplied him with food.

19Pharaoh was very pleased with Hadad. Pharaoh’s wife was Queen Tahpenes. He gave Hadad her sister to be his wife. 20The sister of Tahpenes had a son by Hadad. The baby was named Genubath. Tahpenes brought him up in the royal palace. Genubath lived there with Pharaoh’s own children.

21Hadad heard that David had joined the members of his family who had already died. He also heard that Joab, the commander of the army, was dead. Hadad heard those things while he was in Egypt. He said to Pharaoh, “Let me go. I want to return to my own country.”

22“Why do you want to go back to your own country?” Pharaoh asked. “Don’t you have everything you need right here?”

“Yes,” Hadad replied. “But I want you to let me go anyway!”

23God brought another enemy against Solomon. The enemy’s name was Rezon. He was the son of Eliada. Rezon had run away from his master Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. 24David had destroyed Zobah’s army. Then Rezon gathered together some men to follow him. He became their leader. They went to Damascus where they made their homes. They also took control of Damascus. 25Rezon was Israel’s enemy as long as Solomon was living. Rezon added to the trouble Hadad had caused. So Rezon ruled in Aram. He was Israel’s enemy.

Jeroboam Refuses to Follow Solomon

26Jeroboam refused to follow King Solomon. He was one of Solomon’s officials. He was from Zeredah in the territory of Ephraim. His father was Nebat. His mother was a widow named Zeruah.

27Here is the story of how Jeroboam refused to follow the king. Solomon had filled in the low places near the palace. He had also repaired the wall of the city of his father David. 28Jeroboam was a very important young man. Solomon saw how well he did his work. So he put him in charge of all the workers in northern Israel.

29About that time Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem. Ahijah the prophet met him on the road. Ahijah was from Shiloh. He was wearing a new coat. The two of them were all alone out in the country. 30Ahijah grabbed the new coat he had on. He tore it up into 12 pieces. 31Then he said to Jeroboam, “Take ten pieces for yourself. The Lord is the God of Israel. He says, ‘I am going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon’s hand. I will give you ten of its tribes. 32Solomon will have one of its tribes. I will let him keep it because of my servant David and because of Jerusalem. I have chosen that city out of all the cities in the tribes of Israel. 33I will do these things because the tribes have deserted me. They have worshiped Ashtoreth, the female god of the people of Sidon. They have worshiped Chemosh, the god of the people of Moab. And they have worshiped Molek, the god of the people of Ammon. They have not lived the way I wanted them to. They have not done what is right in my eyes. They have not obeyed my rules and laws as Solomon’s father David did.

34“ ‘But I will not take the whole kingdom out of Solomon’s hand. I have made him ruler all the days of his life. I have done it because of my servant David. I chose him, and he obeyed my commands and rules. 35I will take the kingdom out of his son’s hands. And I will give you ten of the tribes. 36I will give one of the tribes to David’s son. Then my servant David will always have a son on his throne in Jerusalem. The lamp of David’s kingdom will always burn brightly in my sight. Jerusalem is the city I chose for my Name. 37But I will make you king over Israel. You will rule over everything your heart desires. So you will be the king of Israel. 38Do everything I command you to do. Live the way I want you to. Do what is right in my eyes. Obey my rules and commands. That is what my servant David did. If you do those things, I will be with you. I will build you a kingdom. It will last as long as the one I built for David. I will give Israel to you. 39I will punish David’s family because of what Solomon has done. But I will not punish them forever.’ ”

40Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam. But Jeroboam ran away to Egypt. He went to Shishak, the king of Egypt. He stayed there until Solomon died.

Solomon Dies

41The other events of Solomon’s rule are written down. Everything he did and the wisdom he showed are written down. They are written in the official records of Solomon. 42Solomon ruled in Jerusalem over the whole nation of Israel for 40 years. 43Then he joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in the city of his father David. Solomon’s son Rehoboam became the next king after him.