歷代志下 2 – CCBT & KJV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

歷代志下 2:1-18



2他徵用七萬名搬運工、八萬名在山上鑿石的匠人、三千六百名監工, 3並派人去見泰爾希蘭,說:「你曾運香柏木給我父親建造王宮,請你也照樣幫助我。 4現在,我要為我的上帝耶和華的名建一座殿,我要把殿獻給祂,在祂面前燒芬芳的香,經常獻上供餅,在每天早晚、安息日、朔日2·4 朔日」即每月初一。及我們的上帝耶和華所定的節期獻上燔祭。這是以色列人應當永遠遵守的定例。 5我要建造的殿宇極其宏偉,因為我們的上帝超越一切神明。 6諸天尚且容納不下祂,誰能為祂建造殿宇呢?我是誰,怎能為祂建造殿宇?我不過是建個向祂燒香的地方。 7現在,請你派一位巧匠來,他要懂得雕刻,會用金銀銅鐵鑄造物品,會編織紫色、朱紅色和藍色的布,好與我父大衛猶大耶路撒冷所預備的巧匠一起工作。 8也請你從黎巴嫩運些香柏木、松木和檀香木來,因為我知道你的僕人擅長砍伐黎巴嫩的樹木。我會派人與你的僕人一起工作。 9我要建的殿宇非常宏偉,所以需要的木料非常多。 10我會供給你的伐木工人四百四十萬升小麥、四百四十萬升大麥、四十四萬升酒和四十四萬升油。」

11泰爾希蘭寫信給所羅門說:「耶和華愛祂的子民,所以立你做他們的王。 12創造天地的以色列的上帝耶和華當受稱頌!祂賜給大衛王一個有智慧、謀略和悟性的兒子來為耶和華建殿,也為他自己建造王宮。 13現在,我派聰明能幹的巧匠戶蘭去你那裡。 14他的母親是支派的人,父親是泰爾人。他精於雕刻和設計,善用金銀銅鐵和木石製造物品,又會編織紫色、藍色、朱紅色的布和細麻布。你可以讓他與你的工匠和你父親大衛的工匠一起工作。 15現在,請我主把許諾的小麥、大麥、油和酒運給僕人。 16我們會在黎巴嫩砍伐你需要的木材,紮成木筏,經海道運到約帕,你可以從那裡將木材轉運到耶路撒冷。」

17所羅門依照他父親大衛的方法,統計所有寄居在以色列的外族人,共有十五萬三千六百人。 18他指派其中的七萬人做搬運工,八萬人在山上採鑿石頭,三千六百人做監工。

King James Version

2 Chronicles 2:1-18

1And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom. 2And Solomon told out threescore and ten thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand to hew in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.

3¶ And Solomon sent to Huram the king of Tyre, saying, As thou didst deal with David my father, and didst send him cedars to build him an house to dwell therein, even so deal with me.2.3 Huram: or, Hiram 4Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.2.4 sweet…: Heb. incense of spices 5And the house which I build is great: for great is our God above all gods. 6But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?2.6 is able: Heb. hath retained, or, obtained strength 7Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide.2.7 to grave: Heb. to grave gravings 8Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum trees, out of Lebanon: for I know that thy servants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon; and, behold, my servants shall be with thy servants,2.8 algum: also called, almuggim 9Even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great.2.9 wonderful…: Heb. great and wonderful 10And, behold, I will give to thy servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil.

11¶ Then Huram the king of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent to Solomon, Because the LORD hath loved his people, he hath made thee king over them. 12Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.2.12 endued…: Heb. knowing prudence and understanding 13And now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding, of Huram my father’s, 14The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord David thy father. 15Now therefore the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants: 16And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.2.16 as much…: Heb according to all thy need2.16 Joppa: Heb. Japho

17¶ And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred.2.17 the strangers: Heb. the men the strangers 18And he set threescore and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people a work.