撒迦利亞書 2 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

撒迦利亞書 2:1-13


1我又舉目觀看,見有人拿著準繩。 2於是我問:「你要去哪裡?」他回答說:「去丈量耶路撒冷,看看有多寬多長。」 3此前與我說話的天使離去時,迎著他走來另一位天使, 4對他說:「快跑去告訴那青年,『耶路撒冷必像沒有城牆限制的村莊,因為城中將有大量的人和牲畜。 5耶和華說,我要成為一堵火牆環繞耶路撒冷,作城中的榮耀。』

6「耶和華說,『我曾把你們分散到天下四方,現在,快!快逃離北方之地。這是耶和華說的。 7住在巴比倫城的人啊,快逃到錫安吧!』」 8萬軍之耶和華說,祂在彰顯榮耀之後要差遣我去那些擄掠你們的國家,因為誰侵害你們,就是侵害祂的瞳人。 9看啊,祂要揮手攻擊他們,使他們被自己的奴隸擄掠。那時你們便知道是萬軍之耶和華差遣了我。 10耶和華說:「錫安2·10 」希伯來文是「女子」,可能是對錫安的暱稱,下同9·9啊,高聲歡唱吧!因為我要來住在你裡面。」 11到那天,許多國家都要歸向耶和華,做祂的子民。祂要住在你裡面。那時,你便知道是萬軍之耶和華差遣我到你們這裡來的。 12耶和華必擁有猶大作祂聖地的產業,祂必再次揀選耶路撒冷13世人都當在耶和華面前肅靜,因為祂要從聖所起來了。

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 2:1-13

A Vision of a Man Holding a Measuring Line

1Then I looked up and saw a man. He was holding a measuring line. 2“Where are you going?” I asked.

“To measure Jerusalem,” he answered. “I want to find out how wide and how long it is.”

3The angel who was talking with me was leaving. At that time, another angel came over to him. 4He said to him, “Run! Tell that young man Zechariah, ‘Jerusalem will be a city that does not have any walls around it. It will have huge numbers of people and animals in it. 5And I myself will be like a wall of fire around it,’ announces the Lord. ‘I will be the city’s glory.’

6“Israel, I have scattered you,” announces the Lord. “I have used the power of the four winds of heaven to do it. Come quickly! Run away from the land of the north,” announces the Lord.

7“Come, people of Zion! Escape, you who live in Babylon!” 8The Lord rules over all. His angel says to Israel, “The Glorious One has sent me to punish the nations that have robbed you of everything. That’s because anyone who hurts you hurts those the Lord loves and guards. 9So I will raise my powerful hand to strike down your enemies. Their own slaves will rob them of everything. Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me.

10“ ‘People of Zion, shout and be glad! I am coming to live among you,’ announces the Lord. 11‘At that time many nations will join themselves to me. And they will become my people. I will live among you,’ says the Lord. Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you. 12He will receive Judah as his share in the holy land. And he will choose Jerusalem again. 13All you people of the world, be still because the Lord is coming. He is getting ready to come down from his holy temple in heaven.”