彼得前書 2 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

彼得前書 2:1-25


1因此,你們既然已經除去一切惡毒、欺詐、虛偽、嫉妒和毀謗, 2就要像初生的嬰兒一樣渴慕純淨的靈奶,好不斷成長,直到完全得救。 3因為你們嚐過主恩的滋味是何等甘美。


4主是活石,雖然被人棄絕,卻被上帝揀選、視為寶貴。 5你們也如同活石,被用來建造屬靈的宮殿,好做聖潔的祭司,藉著耶穌基督獻上蒙上帝悅納的靈祭。 6因為聖經上說:









9但你們是蒙揀選的族群,是君尊的祭司,是聖潔的國度,是上帝的子民,因此你們可以宣揚上帝的美德。祂曾呼召你們離開黑暗,進入祂奇妙的光明。 10從前你們不是上帝的子民,現在卻作了祂的子民;從前你們未蒙憐憫,現在卻蒙了憐憫。


11親愛的弟兄姊妹,你們是客旅,是寄居的,我勸你們要禁戒與靈魂為敵的邪情私慾。 12你們在異教徒當中要品行端正。這樣,儘管他們毀謗你們是作惡的人,但看見你們的好行為,也會在主來的日子把榮耀歸給上帝。

13為主的緣故,你們要服從人間的一切權柄,不管是居首位的君王, 14還是被君王派來賞善罰惡的官員。 15因為上帝的旨意是要你們行善,使那些愚昧無知的人啞口無言。 16你們是自由的人,不要以自由為藉口去犯罪作惡,要作上帝的奴僕。 17要尊重所有的人,愛主內的弟兄姊妹,敬畏上帝,尊敬君王。


18你們做奴僕的,要存敬畏的心順服主人,不但順服那良善溫和的,也要順服那兇暴的。 19因為人若為了讓良心對得起上帝而忍受冤屈之苦,就會得到恩福。 20如果你們犯罪受責打,能夠忍受得住,有什麼功勞呢?但如果你們因行善而受苦,還能忍受,就是上帝所喜悅的。

21你們蒙召也是為此,因為基督也為你們受過苦,給你們留下榜樣,叫你們可以追隨祂的腳步。 22祂沒有犯罪,口中也沒有詭詐。 23祂被辱駡也不還口,被迫害也不揚言報復,只把自己交託給按公義施行審判的上帝。 24祂被釘在十字架上,親身擔當了我們的罪,使我們向著罪死了,可以過公義的生活。因祂所受的鞭傷,你們得到了醫治。 25從前你們好像是迷路的羊,現在卻歸向了你們靈魂的牧人和監護者。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Peter 2:1-25

1So get rid of every kind of evil, and stop telling lies. Don’t pretend to be something you are not. Stop wanting what others have, and don’t speak against one another. 2Like newborn babies, you should long for the pure milk of God’s word. It will help you grow up as believers. 3You can do this now that you have tasted how good the Lord is.

The Living Stone and a Chosen People

4Christ is the living Stone. People did not accept him, but God chose him. God places the highest value on him. 5You also are like living stones. As you come to Christ, you are being built into a house for worship. There you will be holy priests. You will offer spiritual sacrifices. God will accept them because of what Jesus Christ has done. 6In Scripture it says,

“Look! I am placing a stone in Zion.

It is a chosen and very valuable stone.

It is the most important stone in the building.

The one who trusts in him

will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 28:16)

7This stone is very valuable to you who believe. But to people who do not believe,

“The stone the builders did not accept

has become the most important stone of all.” (Psalm 118:22)


“It is a stone that causes people to trip.

It is a rock that makes them fall.” (Isaiah 8:14)

They trip and fall because they do not obey the message. That is also what God planned for them.

9But God chose you to be his people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are God’s special treasure. You are all these things so that you can give him praise. God brought you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10Once you were not a people. But now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy. But now you have received mercy.

Living Godly Lives Among People Who Don’t Believe

11Dear friends, you are outsiders and those who wander in this world. So I’m asking you not to give in to your sinful desires. They fight against your soul. 12People who don’t believe might say you are doing wrong. But lead good lives among them. Then they will see your good deeds. And they will give glory to God on the day he comes to judge.

13Follow the lead of every human authority. Do this for the Lord’s sake. Obey the emperor. He is the highest authority. 14Obey the governors. The emperor sends them to punish those who do wrong. He also sends them to praise those who do right. 15By doing good you will put a stop to the talk of foolish people. They don’t know what they are saying. 16Live as free people. But don’t use your freedom to cover up evil. Live as people who are God’s slaves. 17Show proper respect to everyone. Love the family of believers. Have respect for God. Honor the emperor.

18Slaves, obey your masters out of deep respect for God. Obey not only those who are good and kind. Obey also those who are not kind. 19Suppose a person suffers pain unfairly because they want to obey God. This is worthy of praise. 20But suppose you receive a beating for doing wrong, and you put up with it. Will anyone honor you for this? Of course not. But suppose you suffer for doing good, and you put up with it. God will praise you for this. 21You were chosen to do good even if you suffer. That’s because Christ suffered for you. He left you an example that he expects you to follow. 22Scripture says,

“He didn’t commit any sin.

No lies ever came out of his mouth.” (Isaiah 53:9)

23People shouted at him and made fun of him. But he didn’t do the same thing back to them. When he suffered, he didn’t say he would make them suffer. Instead, he trusted in the God who judges fairly. 24“He himself carried our sins” in his body on the cross. (Isaiah 53:5) He did it so that we would die as far as sins are concerned. Then we would lead godly lives. “His wounds have healed you.” (Isaiah 53:5) 25“You were like sheep wandering away.” (Isaiah 53:6) But now you have returned to the Shepherd. He is the one who watches over your souls.