利未記 14 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

利未記 14:1-57


1耶和華對摩西說: 2「以下是有關痲瘋病患者的潔淨條例。

「痲瘋病患者痊癒後,要通知祭司。 3祭司要到營外去檢查,如果發現他的病已痊癒, 4要吩咐人為他拿來兩隻潔淨的鳥、香柏木、朱紅色線和牛膝草。 5祭司要吩咐人在一個盛清水的陶器上宰殺一隻鳥, 6然後祭司要把另一隻鳥,連同香柏木、朱紅色線和牛膝草一起蘸在摻了清水的鳥血裡。 7祭司要用鳥血在他身上灑七次,宣佈他是潔淨的,然後放走那隻活鳥,讓牠飛向田野。 8他要洗淨衣服,剃去所有毛髮,沐浴之後便潔淨了,可以回到營內,但要住在自己的帳篷外七天。 9第七天,他要再次剃掉頭髮、鬍鬚和眉毛等各處毛髮,並洗衣、沐浴,之後便潔淨了。

10「第八天,他要帶來兩隻毫無殘疾的公羊羔、一隻毫無殘疾的一歲母羊羔、三公斤作素祭的調油的細麵粉和一杯油。 11主持潔淨禮的祭司要把他及其祭物帶到會幕門口、耶和華面前, 12並獻上一隻公羊羔和一杯油作贖過祭,作為搖祭在耶和華面前搖一搖。 13他要在殺贖罪祭牲和燔祭牲的聖潔之處宰公羊羔。贖過祭的祭物要歸祭司,像贖罪祭一樣,這是至聖之物。 14祭司要拿一些贖過祭祭牲的血抹在求潔淨者的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右腳大腳趾上。 15祭司要拿那杯油,倒一些在自己左手掌中, 16用一根右手指蘸左手掌裡的油,在耶和華面前彈灑七次, 17然後用手掌中剩下的油抹求潔淨者的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右腳大腳趾,就是抹了贖過祭祭牲血的地方。 18祭司要把手掌裡剩下的油抹在求潔淨者的頭上。這樣,祭司在耶和華面前為他贖了罪。 19祭司要獻上贖罪祭,為求潔淨者贖罪。然後,祭司要宰殺燔祭牲, 20在祭壇上獻燔祭和素祭,為他贖罪,他就潔淨了。

21「他如果貧窮,獻不起那麼多祭物,可以獻一隻公羊羔作贖過祭,用搖祭的方式贖罪;也要獻一公斤作素祭的調油的細麵粉和一杯油; 22還要按自己的能力獻兩隻斑鳩或雛鴿,一隻作贖罪祭,一隻作燔祭。 23第八天,他必須把這些祭物帶到會幕門口,在耶和華面前交給祭司。 24祭司要用作贖過祭的羊羔和一杯油作搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖。 25接著,祭司要宰殺作贖過祭的羊羔,拿一些羊血抹在他的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右腳大腳趾上。 26祭司也要把一些油倒在自己左手掌中, 27用一根右手指蘸左手掌中的油,在耶和華面前彈灑七次, 28然後把手掌中的一些油抹在他的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右腳大腳趾上,就是抹了贖過祭祭牲血的地方。 29祭司要把手掌裡剩下的油抹在他頭上,在耶和華面前為他贖罪。 30然後獻上那人按自己能力帶來的兩隻斑鳩或雛鴿, 31一隻作贖罪祭,一隻作燔祭。這樣,祭司在耶和華面前為他贖了罪。 32這是獻不起潔淨禮所需祭物的痲瘋病患者應當遵守的條例。」



34「你們到了我賜給你們作產業的迦南以後,如果我使那裡的房屋中有發黴現象, 35屋主必須去告訴祭司,『我的房子裡好像有發黴現象。』 36祭司進去檢查前,要吩咐人把房子騰空,免得房子裡的一切都變得不潔淨。之後,祭司要進去檢查, 37如發現牆壁上出現紅色或綠色黴斑,並且侵入牆中, 38就要封閉房子七天。 39第七天,祭司要回去檢查。若發現牆壁上的黴斑蔓延, 40就要下令拆掉有黴斑的石塊,丟到城外不潔淨的地方, 41然後命人刮掉屋內牆壁上的灰泥,倒在城外不潔淨的地方。 42要另找石塊補被拆掉的地方,並用灰泥重新粉刷房子。

43「如果拆掉石塊、刮掉灰泥、重新粉刷以後,黴斑再度出現並蔓延, 44祭司要去檢查,若發現黴斑已蔓延,那房子就不潔淨。 45房主要拆掉房子,把石塊、木料和所有灰泥都丟到城外不潔淨的地方。 46房子封閉期間,任何人進去,都不潔淨,要等到傍晚才能潔淨。 47凡在房內睡覺或吃飯的人,都必須洗淨衣服。

48「祭司檢查粉刷後的房子,若發現房內沒有再度出現黴斑,就要宣佈房子是潔淨的。 49為潔淨房子,祭司要取兩隻鳥、香柏木、朱紅色線和牛膝草, 50在一個盛清水的陶器上宰殺一隻鳥, 51然後用香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線和另一隻活鳥蘸摻了清水的鳥血,向房子灑七次。 52祭司用鳥血、清水、活鳥、香柏木、牛膝草和朱紅色線潔淨那房子後, 53要放走那隻活鳥,讓牠飛到城外的田野。這樣,祭司為那房子贖了罪,房子就潔淨了。」

54以上是有關痲瘋病、疥癬、 55衣物或房子發黴、 56腫包、皮疹或白斑的條例。 57根據這些條例,可以分辨有關的人或物何時潔淨、何時不潔淨。

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 14:1-57

Making People “Clean” From Skin Diseases

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He told him to say to the people, 2“Here are the rules for making anyone ‘clean’ who has had a skin disease. They apply when the person is brought to the priest. 3The priest must go outside the camp. He must look the person over carefully. Suppose they have been healed of their skin disease. 4Then the priest will order someone to bring him two live ‘clean’ birds. He will also order someone to bring him some cedar wood, bright red yarn and branches of a hyssop plant. All these things will be used to make the person ‘clean.’ 5The priest will order someone to kill one of the birds. It must be killed over fresh water in a clay pot. 6Then the priest must take the live bird. He must dip it into the blood of the bird killed over the fresh water. He must dip it into the blood together with the cedar wood, the bright red yarn and the hyssop plant. 7The priest will sprinkle the blood on the person who had the skin disease. That will make them ‘clean.’ The priest must sprinkle them seven times. Then the priest must announce that they are ‘clean.’ After that, the priest must let the live bird go free in the open fields.

8“The person must also wash their clothes to be made ‘clean.’ They must shave off all their hair. They must take a bath. Then they will be ‘clean.’ After that, they may come into the camp. But they must stay outside their tent for seven days. 9On the seventh day they must shave off all their hair. They must shave their head. They must shave off their beard. They must also shave off their eyebrows and the rest of their hair. They must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. Then they will be ‘clean.’

10“On the eighth day they must bring two male lambs and one female lamb as an offering. The female must be a year old. The lambs must not have any flaws. They must also bring 11 pounds of the finest flour as a grain offering. They must mix it with olive oil. They must also bring 11 ounces of oil. 11The priest who announces that the person is ‘clean’ must bring them and their offerings to me. He must do it at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

12“Then the priest must take one of the male lambs. He must offer it as a guilt offering. He must offer it along with 11 ounces of oil. He must lift all of it up and wave it in front of me as a wave offering. 13He must kill the lamb in the holy area where sin offerings and burnt offerings are killed. The guilt offering belongs to the priest, just as the sin offering does. The guilt offering is very holy. 14The priest must take some of the blood from the guilt offering and put it on the person’s right earlobe. He must put some on the thumb of their right hand. He must also put some on the big toe of their right foot. 15Then the priest must take some of the oil and pour it into his own left hand. 16He must dip his right forefinger into the oil in his hand. He must use his finger to sprinkle some of the oil in front of me seven times. 17The priest must put some of the oil in his hand on the same places he put the blood of the guilt offering. He must put some on the person’s right earlobe. He must put some on the thumb of their right hand. He must put some on the big toe of their right foot. 18He must put on their head the rest of the oil in his hand. It will pay for the person’s sin in my sight.

19“Then the priest must sacrifice the sin offering. It will pay for the person’s sin. They will be made ‘clean’ after being ‘unclean.’ After that, the priest will kill the burnt offering. 20He will offer it on the altar. He will offer it together with the grain offering. It will pay for the person’s sin. Then they will be ‘clean.’

21“But suppose they are poor. Suppose they can’t afford all these offerings. Then they must bring one male lamb as a guilt offering. It must be lifted up and waved in front of me to pay for their sin. They must also bring three and a half pounds of the finest flour along with the lamb. They must mix the flour with olive oil. It is a grain offering. They must offer it along with 11 ounces of oil. 22They must also bring two doves or two young pigeons that they can afford. One is for a sin offering. The other is for a burnt offering.

23“On the eighth day they must bring them to the priest so they can be made ‘clean.’ They must bring them to the entrance to the tent of meeting. They must do it in my sight. 24The priest must take the lamb for the guilt offering. He must take it together with the 11 ounces of oil. He must lift all of it up and wave it in front of me as a wave offering. 25He must kill the lamb for the guilt offering. He must take some of its blood and put it on the person’s right earlobe. He must put some on the thumb of their right hand. He must also put some on the big toe of their right foot. 26The priest must pour some of the oil into his own left hand. 27He must dip his right forefinger into the oil in his hand. He must use his finger to sprinkle some of it seven times in front of me. 28Here is what he must do with some of the oil in his hand. He must put it on the same places where he put the blood of the guilt offering. He must put some on the person’s right earlobe. He must put some on the thumb of their right hand. He must also put some on the big toe of their right foot. 29He must put on their head the rest of the oil in his hand. It will pay for the person’s sin in my sight. 30The priest will sacrifice the doves or the young pigeons that the person can afford. 31One is for a sin offering. The other is for a burnt offering. The priest must offer them together with the grain offering. In that way he will pay for the person’s sin in my sight. He will do it to make them ‘clean.’ ”

32These are the rules for anyone who has a skin disease. They are for people who can’t afford the regular offerings that are required to make them “clean.”

Making Things “Clean” From Mold

33The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. He told them to say to the people, 34“You will enter the land of Canaan. I am giving it to you as your own. When you enter it, suppose I put mold in one of your houses. And suppose the mold spreads. 35Then the owner of that house must go and speak to the priest. He must say, ‘I’ve seen something that looks like mold in my house.’ 36The priest must order everything to be taken out of the house. It must be done before he goes in to look carefully at the mold. If it is not done, the priest must announce that everything in the house is ‘unclean.’ After the house is empty the priest must go in and check it. 37He must look carefully at the mold on the walls. Suppose it looks as if it has green or red dents in it. And suppose the dents look as if they are behind the surface of the wall. 38Then the priest must go out the door. He must close the house up for seven days. 39On the seventh day the priest will return to check the house. Suppose the mold on the walls has spread. 40Then he must order someone to tear out the stones that have mold on them. He must have them thrown into an ‘unclean’ place outside the town. 41He must have all the inside walls of the house scraped. Everything scraped off must be dumped into an ‘unclean’ place outside the town. 42Then other stones must be put in the place of the stones that had mold on them. The inside walls of the house must be coated with new clay.

43“Suppose the stones have been torn out. The house has been scraped. And the walls have been coated with new clay. But the mold appears again. 44Then the priest must go and look things over carefully. Suppose the mold has spread in the house. Then it is the kind of mold that destroys things. The house is not ‘clean.’ 45It must be torn down. The stones, the wood and all the clay coating must be torn out. All of it must be taken out of the town to an ‘unclean’ place.

46“Suppose someone goes into the house while it is closed up. Then they will be ‘unclean’ until evening. 47If they sleep or eat in the house, they must wash their clothes.

48“But suppose the priest comes to look things over carefully. And suppose the mold has not spread after the walls had been coated with new clay. Then he will announce that the house is ‘clean.’ The mold is gone. 49To make the house pure, the priest must get two birds. He must also get some cedar wood, bright red yarn and branches of a hyssop plant. 50He must kill one of the birds over fresh water in a clay pot. 51Then he must take the cedar wood, the hyssop plant, the bright red yarn and the live bird. He must dip all of them into the blood of the dead bird. He must also dip them into the fresh water. He must sprinkle the house seven times. 52The priest will use the blood and the water to make the house pure. He will use the live bird to make it pure. He will also use the cedar wood, the hyssop plant and the bright red yarn to make it pure. 53Then he must let the live bird go free in the open fields outside the town. In that way he will make the house pure. It will be ‘clean.’ ”

54These are the rules for skin diseases. They apply to sores. 55They apply to mold in clothes or in houses. 56They also apply to swellings, rashes or shiny red spots on the skin. 57Use these rules to decide whether something is “clean” or not.

These are the rules for skin diseases and for mold.