列王紀上 10 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

列王紀上 10:1-29


1示巴女王聽說所羅門因耶和華而名聲大震,便來用難題考問他。 2她率領許多隨從,用駱駝馱著香料、寶石和大量黃金到耶路撒冷晉見所羅門王,與所羅門談論她心中的疑問。 3所羅門王解答了她所有的問題,沒有一樣難得住他。 4示巴女王見所羅門智慧非凡,又看見他建的宮殿、 5席上的美味、入座的群臣、侍立一旁的僕人及其服裝、酒政以及他在耶和華殿裡獻的燔祭,感到萬分驚奇。

6她對所羅門說:「我在本國聽到的有關你的功業和智慧原來都是真的。 7若不是親眼目睹,我不會相信。事實上,我聽到的還不到一半!你的智慧和財富遠超過我聽到的傳聞。 8你的臣僕能經常侍立在你面前聆聽智慧之言,真有福氣! 9你的上帝耶和華當受稱頌!祂喜愛你,立你為以色列的王。因為祂永遠愛以色列,所以立你為王,使你秉公行義。」


11希蘭王的船隻從俄斐運來黃金、大量的檀香木和寶石。 12所羅門王用這些檀香木為耶和華的殿和王宮造欄杆,又為歌樂手製作琴瑟。此後,再沒有人運來或見過這樣的檀香木。



14所羅門每年收到的黃金約二十三噸。 15此外,還有商人、阿拉伯諸王和國中各總督送來的貢稅。 16所羅門用錘好的金子打造了二百面大盾牌,每面用七公斤金子; 17又用錘好的金子打造了三百面小盾牌,每面用三點五公斤金子,全部存放在黎巴嫩林宮。

18王又造了一個象牙寶座,外面用純金包裹。 19這寶座有六級臺階,靠背是圓形的,兩旁有扶手,扶手兩邊各站著一頭獅子。 20六級臺階上共站著十二頭獅子,每級臺階兩端各站一頭。這寶座舉世無雙。 21所羅門王所有的杯子都是金的,黎巴嫩林宮裡的所有器皿都是純金的,沒有一件是用銀子造的,因為所羅門年間銀子不算什麼。 22王有他施船隊和希蘭的船隊一起出海,每三年就運回金銀、象牙、猿猴和孔雀。

23所羅門王的財富和智慧超過天下諸王。 24天下的人都紛紛來朝見他,聆聽上帝賜給他的智言慧語。 25他們年年都帶來禮物,有金銀器皿、衣服、兵器、香料和騾馬。

26所羅門組建了戰車和騎兵,有一千四百輛戰車、一萬二千名騎兵,駐紮在屯車城和他所在的耶路撒冷27王使耶路撒冷的金銀多如石頭,使香柏木多如丘陵的無花果樹。 28所羅門的馬匹都是由王室商隊從埃及古厄按定價買來的。 29他們從埃及買來車馬,每輛車六百塊銀子,每匹馬一百五十塊銀子,他們也把車馬賣給人諸王和亞蘭諸王。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 10:1-29

The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon

1The queen of Sheba heard about how famous Solomon was. She also heard about how he served and worshiped the Lord. So she came to test Solomon with hard questions. 2She arrived in Jerusalem with a very large group of attendants. Her camels were carrying spices, huge amounts of gold, and valuable jewels. She came to Solomon and asked him about everything she wanted to know. 3Solomon answered all her questions. There wasn’t anything too hard for the king to explain to her. 4So the queen of Sheba saw how very wise Solomon was. She saw the palace he had built. 5She saw the food on his table. She saw his officials sitting there. She saw the robes of the servants who waited on everyone. She saw his wine tasters. And she saw the burnt offerings Solomon sacrificed at the Lord’s temple. She could hardly believe everything she had seen.

6She said to the king, “Back in my own country I heard a report about you. I heard about how much you had accomplished. I also heard about how wise you are. Everything I heard is true. 7But I didn’t believe those things. So I came to see for myself. And now I believe it! You are twice as wise and wealthy as people say you are. The report I heard doesn’t even begin to tell the whole story about you. 8How happy your people must be! How happy your officials must be! They always get to serve you and hear the wise things you say. 9May the Lord your God be praised. He takes great delight in you. He placed you on the throne of Israel. The Lord will love Israel for all time to come. That’s why he has made you king. He knows that you will do what is fair and right.”

10She gave the king four and a half tons of gold. She also gave him huge amounts of spices and valuable jewels. No one would ever bring to King Solomon as many spices as the queen of Sheba gave him.

11Hiram’s ships brought gold from Ophir. From there they also brought huge amounts of almugwood and valuable jewels. 12The king used the almugwood to make supports for the Lord’s temple and the royal palace. He also used it to make harps and lyres for those who played the music. That much almugwood has never been brought into Judah or seen there since that day.

13King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba everything she wanted and asked for. That was in addition to what he had given her out of his royal riches. Then she left. She returned to her own country with her attendants.

Solomon’s Greatness

14Each year Solomon received 25 tons of gold. 15That didn’t include the money brought in by business and trade. It also didn’t include the money from all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the territories.

16King Solomon made 200 large shields out of hammered gold. Each one weighed 15 pounds. 17He also made 300 small shields out of hammered gold. Each one weighed seven and a half pounds. The king put all the shields in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.

18Then he made a large throne. It was covered with ivory. And that was covered with fine gold. 19The throne had six steps. Its back had a rounded top. The throne had armrests on both sides of the seat. A statue of a lion stood on each side of the throne. 20Twelve lions stood on the six steps. There was one at each end of each step. Nothing like that throne had ever been made for any other kingdom. 21All of King Solomon’s cups were made out of gold. All the things used in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon were made out of pure gold. Nothing was made out of silver. When Solomon was king, silver wasn’t considered to be worth very much. 22He had many ships that carried goods to be traded. His ships went to sea along with Hiram’s ships. Once every three years the ships returned. They brought gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks.

23King Solomon was richer than all the other kings on earth. He was also wiser than they were. 24People from the whole world wanted to meet Solomon in person. They wanted to see for themselves how wise God had made him. 25Year after year, everyone who came to him brought a gift. They brought gifts made out of silver and gold. They brought robes, weapons and spices. They also brought horses and mules.

26Solomon had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses. He kept some of his horses and chariots in the chariot cities. He kept the others with him in Jerusalem. 27The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones. He made cedar wood as common there as sycamore-fig trees in the western hills. 28Solomon got horses from Egypt and from Kue. The royal traders bought them from Kue at the current price. 29They weighed out 15 pounds of silver for a chariot from Egypt. And they weighed out almost four pounds of silver for a horse. They also sold horses and chariots to all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Arameans.