傳道書 9 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

傳道書 9:1-18

1我仔細思想、探究這些事,就知道義人、智者及他們的行事為人都由上帝掌管,人無法知道前面等待自己的是愛還是恨。 2義人和惡人、好人和壞人、潔淨的和污穢的、獻祭的和不獻祭的、行善的和犯罪的、敢於起誓的和不敢起誓的人,最終的命運都一樣。 3在日光之下有一件可悲的事,就是人最終的命運都一樣。再者,人內心都充滿邪惡,活著的時候行事狂妄,最後都步入死亡。 4有生命就有希望,一條活狗總比一頭死獅子強。 5因為活著的人還知道自己終有一死,但死了的人什麼都不知道,再也得不到任何賞賜,他們被忘得一乾二淨。 6他們的愛、恨和嫉妒早已不復存在,他們再也無法參與日光之下的事。

7去歡歡喜喜、快快樂樂地吃喝吧!因為上帝已經悅納你所做的。 8你的衣服要經常保持潔白,頭上也不要缺少膏油。 9在你虛空的人生中,就是在上帝所賜、日光之下虛空的歲月裡,你要與愛妻快樂度日,因為這是你一生在日光之下的勞碌中所當得的。 10凡你的手能做的,都要盡力去做,因為在你要去的陰間沒有工作,沒有計劃,也沒有知識和智慧。 11我又發現,日光之下,跑得快的未必能得獎,強大的未必能得勝,智者未必得溫飽,聰明人未必有財富,博學者未必受愛戴,因為時機和境遇左右眾人。 12再者,人無法知道何時大難臨頭。禍患突然臨到時,人根本無法擺脫,就像魚落入險惡的網中,又像鳥兒陷入網羅。 13我看見日光之下有一種智慧,對我來說意義深遠。 14有一個勢力強大的君王來攻擊一個人口不多的小城,他建造營壘圍困這城。 15這城裡有一個貧窮的智者,他用智慧拯救了這城,但事後人們卻把他遺忘了。 16我認為智慧勝過武力,然而那位窮人的智慧卻被輕視,他所說的話也無人理會。 17智者的細語勝過官長在愚人中的喊叫。 18智慧勝過兵器,但一個罪人卻能破壞許多善事。

New International Reader’s Version

Ecclesiastes 9:1-18

Everyone Dies

1I thought about all these things. I realized that those who are wise and do what is right are under God’s control. What they do is also under his control. But no one knows whether they will be loved or hated. 2Everyone will die someday. Death comes to godly and sinful people alike. It comes to good and bad people alike. It comes to “clean” and “unclean” people alike. Those who offer sacrifices and those who don’t offer them also die.

A good person dies,

and so does a sinner.

Those who make promises die.

So do those who are afraid to make them.

3Here’s what is so bad about everything that happens on this earth. Death catches up with all of us. Also, the hearts of people are full of evil. They live in foolish pleasure. After that, they join those who have already died. 4Anyone who is still living has hope. Even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!

5People who are still alive know they’ll die.

But those who have died don’t know anything.

They don’t receive any more rewards.

And even their name is forgotten.

6Their love, hate and jealousy disappear.

They will never share again

in anything that happens on earth.

7Go and enjoy your food. Be joyful as you drink your wine. God has already approved what you do. 8Always wear white clothes to show you are happy. Anoint your head with olive oil. 9You love your wife. So enjoy life with her. Do it all the days of this meaningless life God has given you on earth. That’s what he made you for. That’s what you get for all your hard work on earth. 10No matter what you do, work at it with all your might. Remember, you are going to the place of the dead. And there isn’t any work or planning or knowledge or wisdom there.

11Here’s something else I’ve seen on this earth.

Races aren’t always won by those who run fast.

Battles aren’t always won by those who are strong.

Wise people don’t always have plenty of food.

Clever people aren’t always wealthy.

Those who have learned a lot aren’t always successful.

God controls the timing of every event.

He also controls how things turn out.

12No one knows when trouble will come to them.

Fish are caught in nets.

Birds are taken in traps.

And people are trapped by hard times

that come when they don’t expect them.

Being Wise Is Better Than Being Foolish

13Here’s something else I saw on this earth. I saw an example of wisdom that touched me deeply. 14There was once a small city. Only a few people lived there. A powerful king attacked it. He brought in war machines all around it. 15A certain man lived in that city. He was poor but wise. He used his wisdom to save the city. But no one remembered that poor man. 16So I said, “It’s better to be wise than to be powerful.” But people look down on the poor man’s wisdom. No one pays any attention to what he says.

17People should listen to the quiet words

of those who are wise.

That’s better than paying attention to the shouts

of a ruler of foolish people.

18Wisdom is better than weapons of war.

But one sinner destroys a lot of good.