但以理書 6 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

但以理書 6:1-28


1大流士決定設立一百二十個總督治理全國。 2總督之上,設三個總長,以維護王的統治,但以理是其中之一。 3因為但以理有非凡的心智,遠超過其他總長和總督,王便考慮讓他治理全國。 4於是,其他總長和總督想在但以理的政務中找把柄控告他,卻找不到任何把柄或過失,因為他誠實可靠,毫無過失。 5最後他們說:「除非我們從但以理上帝的律法下手,否則找不到指控他的把柄。」

6於是,這些總長和總督齊來見王,說:「願大流士王萬歲! 7所有總長、行政官、總督、謀士和省長都認為王應該下一道禁令,三十天內,任何人不得向王以外的神明或人禱告,違者必被扔進獅子坑。 8王啊,求你頒佈、簽署這道禁令,使之不可更改,正如瑪代人和波斯人的律令是不可更改的。」 9於是大流士王簽署了這道禁令。

10但以理知道王簽署禁令後,就回到家裡。他樓上的窗戶朝向耶路撒冷,他像往常一樣每日三次跪下向上帝禱告、感恩。 11那些官員一同來了,發現但以理向他的上帝禱告、祈求, 12便去見王,提及王的禁令,說:「王啊,你不是簽署禁令,三十天內,任何人不得向王以外的神明或人禱告,違者必被扔進獅子坑嗎?」王說:「確有此事,按照瑪代人和波斯人的律,這禁令不可更改。」 13他們對王說:「王啊,被擄來的猶大但以理不理會你和你的禁令,仍一日三次向他的上帝祈禱。」 14王聽了這些話,十分愁煩,一心想救但以理,直到日落都在籌畫解救之道。 15那些人齊來見王,說:「王啊,按照瑪代人和波斯人的律,王頒佈的禁令和律例是不可更改的。」

16王便下令把但以理帶來扔進獅子坑。他對但以理說:「願你忠心事奉的上帝拯救你!」 17坑口用大石封住,並加上王和大臣的封印,使懲辦但以理的事不可更改。 18王回宮後,整夜禁食,拒絕娛樂,無法入睡。

19次日黎明,王起來匆忙趕往獅子坑, 20到了坑邊,淒聲呼喊但以理:「永活上帝的僕人但以理啊,你忠心事奉的上帝有沒有救你脫離獅子的口?」 21但以理對王說:「願王萬歲! 22我的上帝差遣天使封住了獅子的口,不讓牠們傷害我,因為我在上帝面前是清白的。王啊,我在你面前也沒有過錯。」 23王非常高興,便命人把但以理從坑中拉上來。於是,但以理從坑中被拉了上來,他因為信靠他的上帝,身上毫無損傷。 24王下令把那些惡意控告但以理的人及其兒女妻子都帶來,扔進獅子坑。他們還沒到坑底,獅子便撲上去,咬碎了他們的骨頭。

25後來,大流士王傳諭境內的各族、各邦、各語種的人,說:「願你們大享平安! 26我下令,我統治的國民都要敬畏但以理的上帝,








New International Reader’s Version

Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel Is Thrown Into a Den of Lions

1It pleased Darius to appoint 120 royal rulers over his entire kingdom. 2He placed three leaders over them. One of the leaders was Daniel. The royal rulers were made accountable to the three leaders. Then the king wouldn’t lose any of his wealth. 3Daniel did a better job than the other two leaders or any of the royal rulers. He was an unusually good and able man. So the king planned to put him in charge of the whole kingdom. 4But the other two leaders and the royal rulers heard about it. So they looked for a reason to bring charges against Daniel. They tried to find something wrong with the way he ran the government. But they weren’t able to. They couldn’t find any fault with his work. He could always be trusted. He never did anything wrong. And he always did what he was supposed to. 5Finally these men said, “We want to bring charges against this man Daniel. But it’s almost impossible for us to come up with a reason to do it. If we find a reason, it will have to be in connection with the law of his God.”

6So the two leaders and the royal rulers went as a group to the king. They said, “King Darius, may you live forever! 7All the royal leaders, high officials, royal rulers, advisers and governors want to make a suggestion. We’ve agreed that you should give an order. And you should make sure it’s obeyed. Your Majesty, here is the command you should make your people obey for the next 30 days. Don’t let any of your people pray to any god or human being except to you. If they do, throw them into the lions’ den. 8Now give the order. Write it down in the law of the Medes and Persians. Then it can’t be changed.” 9So King Darius put the order in writing.

10Daniel found out that the king had signed the order. In spite of that, he did just as he had always done before. He went home to his upstairs room. Its windows opened toward Jerusalem. He went to his room three times a day to pray. He got down on his knees and gave thanks to his God. 11Some of the other royal officials went to where Daniel was staying. They saw him praying and asking God for help. 12So they went to the king. They spoke to him about his royal order. They said, “Your Majesty, didn’t you sign an official order? It said that for the next 30 days your people could pray only to you. They could not pray to anyone else, whether god or human being. If they did, they would be thrown into the lions’ den.”

The king answered, “The order must still be obeyed. It’s what the law of the Medes and Persians requires. So it can’t be changed.”

13Then they spoke to the king again. They said, “Daniel is one of the prisoners from Judah. He doesn’t pay any attention to you, Your Majesty. He doesn’t obey the order you put in writing. He still prays to his God three times a day.” 14When the king heard this, he was very upset. He didn’t want Daniel to be harmed in any way. Until sunset, he did everything he could to save him.

15Then the men went as a group to King Darius. They said to him, “Your Majesty, remember that no order or command you give can be changed. That’s what the law of the Medes and Persians requires.”

16So the king gave the order. Daniel was brought out and thrown into the lions’ den. The king said to him, “You always serve your God faithfully. So may he save you!”

17A stone was brought and placed over the opening of the den. The king sealed it with his own special ring. He also sealed it with the rings of his nobles. Then nothing could be done to help Daniel. 18The king returned to his palace. He didn’t eat anything that night. He didn’t ask for anything to be brought to him for his enjoyment. And he couldn’t sleep.

19As soon as the sun began to rise, the king got up. He hurried to the lions’ den. 20When he got near it, he called out to Daniel. His voice was filled with great concern. He said, “Daniel! You serve the living God. You always serve him faithfully. So has he been able to save you from the lions?”

21Daniel answered, “Your Majesty, may you live forever! 22My God sent his angel. And his angel shut the mouths of the lions. They haven’t hurt me at all. That’s because I haven’t done anything wrong in God’s sight. I’ve never done anything wrong to you either, Your Majesty.”

23The king was filled with joy. He ordered his servants to lift Daniel out of the den. So they did. They didn’t see any wounds on him. That’s because he had trusted in his God.

24Then the king gave another order. The men who had said bad things about Daniel were brought in. They were thrown into the lions’ den. So were their wives and children. Before they hit the bottom of the den, the lions attacked them. And the lions crushed all their bones.

25Then King Darius wrote to people of all nations, no matter what language they spoke. He said,

“May you have great success!

26“I order people in every part of my kingdom to respect and honor Daniel’s God.

“He is the living God.

He will live forever.

His kingdom will not be destroyed.

His rule will never end.

27He sets people free and saves them.

He does miraculous signs and wonders.

He does them in the heavens and on the earth.

He has saved Daniel

from the power of the lions.”

28So Daniel had success while Darius was king. Things went well with Daniel during the rule of Cyrus, the Persian.