约书亚记 11 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

约书亚记 11:1-23


1夏琐耶宾听见这些消息,就派人去见玛顿约巴伸仑王、押煞王, 2还有北方山区、基尼烈南面的亚拉巴、西部丘陵和多珥高原的各王, 3以及东西两面的迦南人、山区的亚摩利人、人、比利洗人、耶布斯人和黑门山麓米斯巴地区的希未人。 4这些王便率领自己的军队,带着许多马匹和战车倾巢出动,人数多如海边的沙。 5他们在米伦河会师,一同扎营,要跟以色列人交战。

6耶和华对约书亚说:“你不要惧怕他们。明天这个时候,我必把他们全部交给以色列人杀戮,你要砍断他们马匹的蹄筋,烧毁他们的战车。” 7于是,约书亚率领所有的军兵在米伦河边突袭敌军。 8耶和华把敌军交在以色列人手中,以色列人打败了他们,追杀他们直到西顿大城、米斯利弗·玛音和东面的米斯巴谷,全部消灭了他们,一个没留。 9约书亚照耶和华的吩咐,砍断他们马匹的蹄筋,烧毁他们的战车。

10然后,约书亚回师攻陷夏琐,杀了夏琐王。夏琐在诸国中为首。 11以色列人杀了城内的人,一个没留。约书亚放火烧了夏琐12约书亚攻占了诸王所有的城池,擒获诸王。他照耶和华的仆人摩西的吩咐,将诸王全部杀死,毁掉城池。 13以色列人只烧毁了夏琐,没有烧建在山丘上的其他城池。 14他们杀掉城内所有的居民,一个没留,掳掠了城内所有的财物和牲畜。 15耶和华怎样吩咐祂的仆人摩西摩西也怎样吩咐约书亚约书亚都一一照办,没有遗漏任何耶和华吩咐摩西的事。

16约书亚占领了整个地区,包括山区、南地、歌珊全境、丘陵、亚拉巴以色列山区及平原, 17哈拉山起到西珥,直到黑门山山麓黎巴嫩山谷的巴力·迦得城。约书亚擒获了各城的王,杀死了他们。 18约书亚跟这些地区的诸王争战了很久。 19除了基遍希未人以外,其他没有一城向以色列人求和,以色列人全部攻占了这些城。 20原来耶和华使他们心里刚硬,跟以色列人作战,好让他们遭受无情的毁灭,正如耶和华对摩西的吩咐。

21那时,约书亚又出兵把希伯仑底璧亚拿伯以色列犹大各山区的亚衲人和他们的城邑全部毁灭。 22除了在迦萨迦特亚实突有一些残余之外,以色列境内没有亚衲人了。 23约书亚照耶和华对摩西的指示,夺取整个地区,把土地按照支派分给以色列人作产业。于是境内国泰民安,没有战事了。

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 11:1-23

The Campaign Against the Cities in the North

1Jabin was the king of Hazor. He heard about the battles Israel had won. So he sent a message to Jobab. Jobab was the king of Madon. Jabin sent the same message to the kings of Shimron and Akshaph. 2He also sent it to many other kings. Some ruled in the mountains in the north. Some ruled in the Arabah Valley south of Kinnereth. Others ruled in the western hills. Still others ruled in Naphoth Dor in the west. 3Jabin sent the same message to the people of east Canaan and west Canaan. He sent it to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites and Jebusites. They lived in the central hill country. He also sent it to the Hivites who lived below Mount Hermon in the area of Mizpah. 4Those kings marched out with all their troops. They had a large number of horses and chariots. It was a huge army. The fighting men were as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. 5All those kings gathered their armies together to fight against Israel. They set up camp together at the Waters of Merom.

6The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them. By this time tomorrow I will hand all of them over to Israel. All of them will be killed. You must cut the legs of their horses. You must burn their chariots.”

7So Joshua and his whole army attacked them suddenly. They fought against them at the Waters of Merom. 8The Lord handed them over to Israel. The Israelites won the battle over them. They hunted them down all the way to Greater Sidon. They chased them to Misrephoth Maim. They chased them to the Valley of Mizpah in the east. Not one of them was left alive. 9Joshua did to them what the Lord had ordered him to do. He cut the legs of their horses. He burned up their chariots.

10At that time Joshua turned back. He captured Hazor. He killed its king with his sword. Hazor was the most important city in all those kingdoms. 11The army of Israel killed everyone in Hazor with their swords. Its people had been set apart to the Lord to be destroyed. Israel’s army didn’t spare anyone who breathed. Then Joshua burned down the city.

12Joshua captured all those royal cities and their kings. He and his men killed everyone in those cities with their swords. He totally destroyed them. He did just as Moses, the servant of the Lord, had commanded. 13Many cities were built on top of earlier cities that had been destroyed. Israel didn’t burn any of those except Hazor. Joshua burned it down. 14The army of Israel kept for themselves the livestock and everything else they took from those cities. But they killed all the people with their swords. They completely destroyed them. They didn’t spare anyone who breathed. 15The Lord had commanded his servant Moses to do all these things. Moses had passed that command on to Joshua. And Joshua carried it out. He did everything the Lord had commanded Moses.

16So Joshua captured the whole land. He took over the central hill country and the whole Negev Desert. He took over the whole area of Goshen. He took over the western hills. He took over the Arabah Valley. He took over the mountains of Israel and the hills around them. 17He took over the area that begins at Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir. The area ends at Baal Gad in the Valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon. Joshua captured the kings who ruled over that whole land. He put them to death. 18He fought battles against all those kings for a long time. 19Only the Hivites who lived in Gibeon made a peace treaty with the Israelites. No other city made a treaty with them. So Israel captured all those cities in battle. 20The Lord himself made their people stubborn. He made them go to war against Israel so he could totally destroy them. He wanted to wipe them out. He didn’t show them any mercy. The Lord had commanded Moses to destroy the Canaanites.

21At that time Joshua went and destroyed the Anakites. They lived all through the hill country of Judah and Israel. They lived in Hebron, Debir and Anab. Joshua totally destroyed the Anakites and their towns. 22There weren’t any Anakites left alive in Israel’s territory. But a few were left alive in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod.

23So Joshua captured the whole land, just as the Lord had directed Moses. Joshua gave the land to Israel as their very own. He divided it up and gave each tribe its share. Then the land had peace and rest.