民数记 31 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

民数记 31:1-54


1耶和华对摩西说: 2“你要为以色列人向米甸人报仇,之后你将归到祖先那里。” 3于是,摩西对民众说:“你们男子要拿起兵器去攻打米甸,为耶和华报仇。 4以色列的每个支派要派一千人出战。” 5于是,他们从以色列每个支派选出一千人,武装了一万二千军兵。 6每个支派选出的一千军兵由摩西派遣出战,以利亚撒祭司的儿子非尼哈拿着圣所的器具和号角随行。 7他们照耶和华对摩西的吩咐去攻打米甸人,杀死了米甸的所有男子, 8包括以未利金苏珥户珥利巴五个王,还杀了比珥的儿子巴兰9以色列人虏获了米甸的妇女、孩子、牛羊和财物, 10将他们的城邑营寨付之一炬, 11带走了掳掠的人畜等战利品。 12他们来到耶利哥对面、约旦河边的摩押平原,把战利品交给摩西以利亚撒祭司和以色列全体会众。

13摩西以利亚撒祭司以及所有民众的首领都到营外迎接他们。 14摩西对回来的千夫长和百夫长发怒, 15说:“你们为什么让这些妇女活着? 16就是她们听了巴兰的指使在毗珥引诱以色列人背叛耶和华,以致瘟疫降在耶和华的会众身上。 17现在,你们要杀掉所有的男孩以及与男人发生过关系的女子, 18但可以留下那些处女。 19你们凡杀了人和碰过死人的都要在营外待七天。在第三天和第七天,你们要洁净自己及掳来的人, 20也要洁净自己所有的衣服、皮具、山羊毛织的物品和木器。” 21以利亚撒祭司对打仗回来的军兵说:“以下是耶和华借摩西颁布的律例。 22金、银、铜、铁、锡、铅, 23凡耐火之物都要用火来洁净,还要用除秽水加以洁净;不耐火之物要用水来洁净。 24第七天,你们洗完衣服后就洁净了,可以回营。”

25耶和华对摩西说: 26“你和以利亚撒祭司以及会众的各族长要统计俘虏和牲畜的数目, 27然后把这些战利品分成两份,一份给出征的战士,一份给会众。 28要从战士分得的俘虏、牛、驴和羊群中抽出五百分之一献给耶和华, 29要把那五百分之一交给以利亚撒祭司献给耶和华作举祭。 30要从会众分得的俘虏和牛、驴、羊等牲畜中抽出五十分之一交给在我圣幕司职的利未人。” 31摩西以利亚撒祭司遵命而行。

32战士虏获的战利品中有六十七万五千只羊, 33七万二千头牛, 34六万一千头驴, 35三万二千名处女。 36战士分得的战利品有三十三万七千五百只羊, 37其中六百七十五只献给耶和华; 38三万六千头牛,其中七十二头献给耶和华; 39三万零五百头驴,其中六十一头献给耶和华; 40一万六千名处女,其中三十二人献给耶和华。 41摩西照耶和华的吩咐,把献给耶和华的举祭交给以利亚撒祭司。

42以色列会众分得的那一半战利品,即摩西从出征之人的战利品中分出来给他们的, 43有三十三万七千五百只羊、 44三万六千头牛、 45三万零五百头驴、 46一万六千名处女。 47摩西照耶和华的吩咐,从中抽出五十分之一交给在圣幕里司职的利未人。

48统领军队的千夫长和百夫长来见摩西49说:“仆人们统计了手下出征的战士,未失一兵一卒。 50现在我们把各自虏获的臂环、镯子、图章戒指、耳环、项链等金器都带来献给耶和华,作为我们生命的赎价。” 51摩西以利亚撒祭司收了他们所献的各种金制物品。 52千夫长和百夫长献给耶和华作举祭的金子约二百公斤。 53战士则保留了自己虏获的财物。 54摩西以利亚撒祭司就把千夫长和百夫长献的金子带进会幕,在耶和华面前作以色列人的纪念。

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 31:1-54

The Lord Punishes the Midianites

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2“Pay the Midianites back for what they did to the Israelites. After that, you will join the members of your family who have already died.”

3So Moses said to the people, “Prepare some of your men for battle. They must go to war against Midian. They will carry out the Lord’s plan to punish Midian. 4Send 1,000 men from each of the tribes of Israel into battle.” 5So Moses prepared 12,000 men for battle. There were 1,000 from each tribe. They came from the families of Israel. 6Moses sent them into battle. He sent 1,000 from each tribe. Phinehas the priest went along with them. Phinehas was the son of Eleazar. Phinehas took some things from the sacred tent with him. He also took the trumpets. The trumpet blasts would tell the people what to do and when to do it.

7They fought against Midian, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. They killed every man. 8Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba were among the men they killed. Those men were the five kings of Midian. The Israelites also killed Balaam with their swords. Balaam was the son of Beor. 9The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children. They took for themselves all the herds, flocks and goods. 10They burned down all the towns where the Midianites lived. They also burned all their camps. 11They carried off everything they had taken. That included the people and the animals. 12They brought back to Israel’s camp the prisoners and everything else they had taken. They took them to Moses and to Eleazar the priest. They brought them to the whole community. Israel was camped on the plains of Moab. They were by the Jordan River across from Jericho.

13Moses and Eleazar the priest went to meet them outside the camp. So did all the leaders of the community. 14Moses was angry with the officers of the army who had returned from the battle. Some of them were the commanders of thousands of men. Others were the commanders of hundreds.

15“Have you let all the women remain alive?” Moses asked them. 16“The women followed Balaam’s advice. They caused the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord. The people worshiped the god named Baal that was worshiped at Peor. So a plague struck them. 17Kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man. 18But save for yourselves every woman who has never slept with a man.

19“Anyone who has killed a person must stay outside the camp for seven days. And anyone who has touched a person who was killed must do the same thing. On the third and seventh days you must make yourselves pure. You must also make your prisoners pure. 20Make all your clothes pure and ‘clean.’ Everything made out of leather, goat hair or wood must be made pure and ‘clean.’ ”

21Then Eleazar the priest spoke to the soldiers who had gone into battle. He said, “Here is what the law the Lord gave Moses requires. 22All your gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin and lead 23must be put through fire. So must everything else that doesn’t burn up. Then those things will be ‘clean.’ But they must also be made pure with the special water. In fact, everything that won’t burn up must be put through that water. 24On the seventh day wash your clothes. And you will be ‘clean.’ Then you can come into the camp.”

The People Divide Up What They Had Taken

25The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 26“Here is what you and Eleazar the priest and the family leaders of the community must do. You must count all the people and animals you captured. 27Divide up some of what you took with the soldiers who fought in the battle. Divide up the rest with the others in the community. 28Set apart a gift for me. Take something from the soldiers who fought in the battle. Set apart one out of every 500 people, cattle, donkeys or sheep. 29Take my gift from the soldiers’ half. Give it to Eleazar the priest. It is my share. 30Also take something from the half that belongs to the Israelites. Choose one out of every 50 people, cattle, donkeys, sheep or other animals. Give them to the Levites. They are responsible for taking care of my holy tent.” 31So Moses and Eleazar the priest did just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

32What the soldiers took included 675,000 sheep. 33There were also 72,000 cattle 34and 61,000 donkeys. 35And there were 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.

36Here is the half that belonged to those who had fought in the battle.

There were 337,500 sheep. 37From among them, the Lord’s gift was 675.

38There were 36,000 cattle. From among them, the Lord’s gift was 72.

39There were 30,500 donkeys. From among them, the Lord’s gift was 61.

40There were 16,000 women. From among them, the Lord’s gift was 32.

41Moses gave the gift to Eleazar the priest. It was the Lord’s share. Moses did just as the Lord had commanded him.

42The other half belonged to the Israelites. Moses set it apart from what belonged to the fighting men. 43The community’s half was 337,500 sheep, 4436,000 cattle, 4530,500 donkeys 46and 16,000 women. 47Moses chose one out of every 50 people and animals. He gave them to the Levites. They were accountable for taking care of the Lord’s holy tent. Moses did just as the Lord had commanded him.

48Then the army officers went to Moses. Some of them were the commanders of thousands of men. Others were the commanders of hundreds. 49All of them said to Moses, “We have counted the soldiers under our command. Not a single one is missing. 50So we’ve brought an offering to the Lord. We’ve brought the gold each of us took in the battle. That includes armbands, bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces. We’ve brought them in front of the Lord to pay for our sin.”

51Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted the beautiful gold things from the army officers. 52The gold received from the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds weighed 420 pounds. Moses and Eleazar offered all of it as a gift to the Lord. 53Each soldier had taken things from the battle for himself. 54Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted the gold from all the commanders. They brought it into the tent of meeting. It reminded the Lord of the Israelites.