撒迦利亚书 4 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

撒迦利亚书 4:1-14


1那位与我说话的天使又来唤醒我,像唤醒睡觉的人一样。 2他问我:“你看见了什么?”

我说:“我看见一个纯金的灯台,上面有一个油碗,灯台上有七盏灯,每盏灯有七个灯芯。 3灯台旁边有两棵橄榄树,左右各一棵。” 4我问与我说话的天使:“主啊,这是什么意思?” 5他说:“你不知道吗?”我说:“主啊,我不知道。”

6他对我说:“这是耶和华对所罗巴伯讲的话。万军之耶和华说,‘不靠权势,不靠才能,乃靠我的灵。 7大山啊,你算什么?你必在所罗巴伯面前化为平地。他必搬出那块封殿顶的石头,伴随着欢呼声——愿恩典、恩典归于这殿!’”

8耶和华的话又传给了我,说: 9所罗巴伯的手奠立这殿的根基,他的手也必完成这项工程。那时你便知道是万军之耶和华差遣我到你们这里来的。 10谁敢藐视这微不足道的日子?人们看见所罗巴伯手中拿着线锤时,就必欢喜。


11我又问天使:“灯台左右的两棵橄榄树是什么意思?” 12然后我又问道:“流出橄榄油的两个金管旁边的两根橄榄枝是什么意思?” 13他说:“你不知道吗?”我说:“主啊,我不知道。” 14他说:“这是侍立在天下之主旁边的两位受膏者。”

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 4:1-14

A Vision of the Gold Lampstand and Two Olive Trees

1Then the angel who was talking with me returned. He woke me up. It was as if I had been asleep. 2“What do you see?” he asked me.

“I see a solid gold lampstand,” I answered. “It has a bowl on top of it. There are seven lamps on it. Seven tubes lead to the lamps. 3There are two olive trees by the lampstand. One is on its right side. The other is on its left.”

4I asked the angel who was talking with me, “Sir, what are these?”

5He answered, “Don’t you know what they are?”

“No, sir,” I replied.

6So he said to me, “A message from the Lord came to Zerubbabel. The Lord said, ‘Your strength will not get my temple rebuilt. Your power will not do it either. Only the power of my Spirit will do it,’ says the Lord who rules over all.

7“So nothing can stop Zerubbabel from completing the temple. Even a mountain of problems will be smoothed out by him. When the temple is finished, he will put its most important stone in place. Then the people will shout, ‘God bless it! God bless it!’ ”

8Then a message from the Lord came to me. His angel said, 9“The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple. His hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you.

10“Do not look down on the small amount of work done on the temple so far. The seven eyes of the Lord look over the whole earth. They will see Zerubbabel holding the most important stone. They will be filled with joy when they see it.”

11Then I said to the angel, “I see two olive trees. One is on the right side of the lampstand. The other is on the left. What are these trees?”

12I continued, “I also see two olive branches. They are next to the two gold pipes that pour out golden olive oil. What are these branches?”

13He answered, “Don’t you know what they are?”

“No, sir,” I said.

14So he told me, “They are Zerubbabel and Joshua. The Lord of the whole earth has anointed them to serve him.”