撒迦利亚书 3 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

撒迦利亚书 3:1-10


1耶和华又让我看见约书亚大祭司站在祂的天使面前,撒旦站在约书亚的右边要控诉他。 2耶和华对撒旦说:“撒旦啊,耶和华斥责你!拣选耶路撒冷的耶和华斥责你!这人岂不像从火中抽出来的一根柴吗?” 3那时,约书亚穿着污秽的衣服站在天使面前。 4天使对侍立在周围的说:“脱掉他污秽的衣服。”他又对约书亚说:“看啊,我已除掉你的罪,我要给你穿上华美的衣服。”


6耶和华的天使告诫约书亚7“万军之耶和华说,‘你若遵行我的道,谨守我的吩咐,便可以管理我的家,看守我的院宇。我必让你在这些侍立的天使中间自由出入。 8约书亚大祭司啊,你和坐在你面前的同伴们听着,你们都是将来之事的预兆——我将使我仆人大卫的苗裔兴起。 9看啊,这是我在约书亚面前安置的石头,它有七眼3:9 ”或作“面”。,我要在上面刻上字,并在一天之内除掉这地方的罪。这是万军之耶和华说的。 10到那天,你们将各自邀请邻居坐在葡萄树和无花果树下。这是万军之耶和华说的。’”

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 3:1-10

A Vision of the High Priest Dressed in Fine Clothes

1Then the Lord showed me Joshua the high priest. He was standing in front of the angel of the Lord. Satan was standing to the right of Joshua. He was there to bring charges against the high priest. 2The Lord said to Satan, “May the Lord correct you! He has chosen Jerusalem. So may he correct you! Isn’t this man Joshua like a burning stick pulled out of the fire?”

3Joshua stood in front of the angel. He was wearing clothes that were very dirty. 4The angel spoke to those who were standing near him. He said, “Take his dirty clothes off.”

He said to Joshua, “I have taken your sin away. I will put fine clothes on you.”

5I added, “Put a clean turban on his head.” So they did. And they dressed him while the angel of the Lord stood by.

6Then the angel spoke to Joshua. He said, 7“The Lord who rules over all says, ‘You must obey me. You must do what I have commanded. Then you will rule in my temple. You will be in charge of my courtyards. And I will give you a place among these who are standing here.

8“ ‘High Priest Joshua, pay attention! I want you other priests who are sitting with Joshua to listen also. All you men are signs of things to come. I am going to bring to you my servant the Branch. 9Look at the stone I have put in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone. I will carve a message on it,’ says the Lord who rules over all. ‘And I will remove the sin of this land in one day.

10“ ‘At that time each of you will invite your neighbors to visit you. They will sit under your vines and fig trees,’ announces the Lord.”