撒母耳记下 1 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

撒母耳记下 1:1-27


1大卫战胜了亚玛力人之后便回到洗革拉,在那里住了两天。那时扫罗已经死了。 2第三天,有一个衣服撕裂、头蒙灰尘的人从扫罗军营中跑到大卫面前,俯伏下拜。 3大卫问他:“你从哪里来?”那人答道:“我是从以色列军营逃出来的。” 4大卫说:“请告诉我那边的情况。”他说:“以色列军溃逃,伤亡惨重,扫罗和他儿子约拿单都死了!” 5大卫又问报信的青年:“你怎么知道扫罗和他儿子约拿单死了?” 6青年说:“我偶然到基利波山,看见扫罗在那里扶枪而立,敌人的战车骑兵紧紧追来。 7他回头看到我,便呼唤我。我说,‘我在这里。’ 8他问我是什么人。我告诉他我是亚玛力人。 9扫罗说他痛苦难当,却又死不掉,要我杀了他。 10我知道他身受重伤,必死无疑,就把他杀了,并取下他头上的王冠和臂上的镯子带来献给我主。”

11大卫就撕裂衣服,他的随从也撕裂衣服。 12他们因扫罗、他的儿子约拿单和耶和华的子民——以色列同胞阵亡而悲哀痛哭,禁食直到黄昏。 13大卫又问报信的青年:“你是哪里的人?”他答道:“我是寄居在以色列亚玛力人。” 14大卫说:“你怎么敢下手杀耶和华所膏立的王? 15-16你是咎由自取!因为你亲口承认自己杀了耶和华所膏立的王。”大卫随即命令一个年轻的随从杀死他,随从便杀死了他。
































New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 1:1-27

David Hears That Saul Has Died

1After Saul died, David returned to Ziklag. He had won the battle over the Amalekites. He stayed in Ziklag for two days. 2On the third day a man arrived from Saul’s camp. His clothes were torn. He had dust on his head. When he came to David, he fell to the ground to show him respect.

3“Where have you come from?” David asked him.

He answered, “I’ve escaped from Israel’s camp.”

4“What happened?” David asked. “Tell me.”

He said, “Israel’s men ran away from the battle. Many of them were killed. Saul and his son Jonathan are dead.”

5David spoke to the young man who brought him the report. He asked him, “How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?”

6“I just happened to be there on Mount Gilboa,” the young man said. “Saul was there too. He was leaning on his spear. The enemy chariots and chariot drivers had almost caught up with him. 7Then he turned around and saw me. He called out to me. I said, ‘What do you want me to do?’

8“He asked me, ‘Who are you?’

“ ‘An Amalekite,’ I answered.

9“Then he said to me, ‘Stand here by me and kill me! I’m close to death, but I’m still alive.’

10“So I stood beside him and killed him. I did it because I knew that after he had lost the battle he would be killed anyway. So I took the crown that was on his head. I also took his armband. I’ve brought them here to you. You are my master.”

11Then David tore his clothes. And all his men tore their clothes. 12All of them were filled with sadness. They mourned over the whole nation of Israel. They didn’t eat anything until evening. That’s because Saul and Jonathan and the Lord’s army had been killed by swords.

13David spoke to the young man who had brought him the report. He asked, “Where are you from?”

“I’m the son of an outsider, an Amalekite,” he answered.

14David asked him, “Why weren’t you afraid to lift your hand to kill the Lord’s anointed king?”

15Then David called for one of his men. He said, “Go! Strike him down!” So he struck the man down, and the man died. 16That’s because David had said to him, “Anything that happens to you will be your own fault. What your own mouth has spoken is a witness against you. You said, ‘I killed the Lord’s anointed king.’ ”

David’s Song of Sadness About Saul and Jonathan

17David sang a song of sadness about Saul and his son Jonathan. 18He ordered that it be taught to the people of Judah. It is a song that is played on a stringed instrument. It is written down in the Book of Jashar. David sang,

19“Israel, a gazelle lies dead on your hills.

Your mighty men have fallen.

20“Don’t announce it in Gath.

Don’t tell it in the streets of Ashkelon.

If you do, the daughters of the Philistines will be glad.

The daughters of men who haven’t been circumcised will be joyful.

21“Mountains of Gilboa,

may no dew or rain fall on you.

May no showers fall on your hillside fields.

The shield of the mighty king wasn’t respected there.

The shield of Saul lies there. It isn’t rubbed with oil anymore.

22The bow of Jonathan didn’t turn back.

The sword of Saul didn’t return without being satisfied.

They spilled the blood of their enemies.

They killed mighty men.

23“When they lived, Saul and Jonathan were loved and respected.

When they died, they were not parted.

They were faster than eagles.

They were stronger than lions.

24“Daughters of Israel, mourn over Saul.

He dressed you in the finest clothes.

He decorated your clothes with ornaments of gold.

25“Your mighty men have fallen in battle.

Jonathan lies dead on your hills.

26My brother Jonathan, I’m filled with sadness because of you.

You were very special to me.

Your love for me was wonderful.

It was more wonderful than the love of women.

27“Israel’s mighty men have fallen.

Their weapons of war are broken.”