历代志下 11 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

历代志下 11:1-23


1罗波安回到耶路撒冷,从犹大便雅悯支派召集了十八万精兵,要攻打以色列,收复全国。 2然而,耶和华上帝对祂的仆人示玛雅说: 3“你去告诉所罗门的儿子犹大罗波安和所有住在犹大便雅悯以色列人, 4耶和华这样说,‘你们不要上去与弟兄交战,都回家吧,因为这事出于我。’”众人听从了耶和华的话,没有去攻打耶罗波安,各自回家去了。


5罗波安住在耶路撒冷,他在犹大修筑城池以作防御。 6他修筑的城池有伯利恒以坦提哥亚7伯·夙梭哥亚杜兰8迦特玛利沙西弗9亚多莱音拉吉亚西加10琐拉亚雅仑希伯仑,这些都是犹大便雅悯的坚城。 11他又在各城池加强防御,派将领驻守,供给食物、油和酒。 12他在城内储备盾牌和矛枪,使城池非常坚固。犹大便雅悯都归属他。


13以色列全境的祭司和利未人都从四面八方来投奔罗波安14利未人撇下他们的草场和产业,来到犹大耶路撒冷,因为耶罗波安和他的众子不准他们做祭司事奉耶和华。 15耶罗波安却为丘坛、公山羊像和他造的牛犊像设立他自己的祭司。 16以色列各支派中那些诚心寻求以色列的上帝耶和华的人,都跟随利未人到耶路撒冷献祭给他们祖先的上帝耶和华。 17他们使犹大国坚固,他们效忠所罗门的儿子罗波安三年之久,并在此期间遵行大卫所罗门的道。


18罗波安娶了大卫的儿子耶利摩的女儿玛哈拉为妻,她母亲亚比孩耶西的儿子以利押的女儿。 19玛哈拉为他生了耶乌施示玛利雅撒罕三个儿子。 20后来,他又娶了押沙龙的女儿玛迦11:20 押沙龙的女儿玛迦”或译“押沙龙的孙女玛迦”。,生了亚比雅亚太细撒示罗密21罗波安共有十八个妻子、六十个妾、二十八个儿子、六十个女儿。众妻妾中玛迦最得宠爱, 22罗波安就立她所生的儿子亚比雅为太子,以便让他继承王位。 23罗波安精明地把其他王子派驻到犹大便雅悯境内的各坚城,给他们充足的供应和许多妻妾。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 11:1-23

1Rehoboam arrived in Jerusalem. He brought together 180,000 capable young men from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. He had decided to go to war against Israel. He wanted his fighting men to get the kingdom of Israel back for him.

2But a message came to Shemaiah from the Lord. Shemaiah was a man of God. The Lord said to him, 3“Speak to Solomon’s son Rehoboam, the king of Judah. Speak to all the people of Israel in Judah and Benjamin. Tell them, 4‘The Lord says, “Do not go up to fight against your relatives. I want every one of you to go back home. Things have happened exactly the way I planned them.” ’ ” So the young men obeyed the Lord’s message. They turned back. They didn’t march out against Jeroboam.

Rehoboam Builds Up Judah’s Towns

5Rehoboam lived in Jerusalem. He made Judah more secure by building up its towns. 6He built up Bethlehem, Etam, Tekoa, 7Beth Zur, Soko and Adullam. 8He also built up Gath, Mareshah, Ziph, 9Adoraim, Lachish, Azekah, 10Zorah, Aijalon and Hebron. All of them were cities in Judah and Benjamin that had high walls around them. 11Rehoboam made those cities even more secure. He put commanders in them. He gave the cities plenty of food, olive oil and wine. 12He put shields and spears in all those cities. He made them very strong. So he ruled over Judah and Benjamin.

13The priests and Levites were on Rehoboam’s side. They came from their territories all over Israel. 14The Levites even left their grasslands and other property behind. They came to Judah and Jerusalem. That’s because Jeroboam and his sons had refused to accept them as priests of the Lord. 15Jeroboam had appointed his own priests to serve at the high places. He had made statues of gods that looked like goats and calves. His priests served those gods. 16Some people from every tribe in Israel followed the Levites to Jerusalem. With all their hearts they wanted to worship the Lord. He is the God of Israel. They came to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices to him. He was the God of their people of long ago. 17All those who came to Jerusalem made the kingdom of Judah strong. They helped Solomon’s son Rehoboam for three years. During that time they lived the way David and Solomon had lived.

Rehoboam’s Family

18Rehoboam married Mahalath. She was the daughter of David’s son Jerimoth. Her mother was Abihail. Abihail was the daughter of Jesse’s son Eliab. 19Mahalath had sons by Rehoboam. Their names were Jeush, Shemariah and Zaham. 20Then Rehoboam married Maakah. She was the daughter of Absalom. She had sons by Rehoboam. Their names were Abijah, Attai, Ziza and Shelomith. 21Rehoboam loved Absalom’s daughter Maakah. In fact, he loved her more than any of his other wives and concubines. He had a total of 18 wives and 60 concubines. And he had a total of 28 sons and 60 daughters.

22Rehoboam appointed Maakah’s son Abijah to be the chief prince among his brothers. He did it because he wanted to make him king. 23Rehoboam acted wisely. He scattered some of his sons through all the territories of Judah and Benjamin. He put them in all the cities that had high walls around them. He gave them plenty of food and everything else they needed. He also gave them many wives.