历代志上 5 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

历代志上 5:1-26


1以色列的长子原是吕便,但因为他玷污了父亲的床5:1 指跟父亲的妾通奸一事,参见创世记35:22,他长子的名分就给了他弟弟约瑟的后代。因此,按家谱他不是长子。 2犹大虽然在众弟兄中最强大,君王也是出自他的后裔,长子的名分却属于约瑟3以色列长子吕便的儿子是哈诺法路希斯伦迦米4约珥的儿子是示玛雅示玛雅的儿子是歌革歌革的儿子是示每5示每的儿子是米迦米迦的儿子是利·亚雅利·亚雅的儿子是巴力6巴力的儿子是备·拉备·拉吕便支派的首领,被亚述提革拉·毗尼色掳去。 7按家谱记载,他做族长的亲族是耶利撒迦利雅比拉8比拉亚撒的儿子,亚撒示玛的儿子,示玛约珥的儿子。约珥住在亚罗珥尼波巴力·免一带。 9他们的牲畜在基列繁殖众多,便又向东迁移到幼发拉底河西边的旷野。 10扫罗执政期间,吕便人与夏甲人交战,打败了夏甲人,占领了基列东边的整片土地。


11迦得的后代住在毗邻吕便支派的巴珊,向东远至撒迦12巴珊做首领的有族长约珥、副族长沙番以及雅乃沙法13他们同族的弟兄有米迦勒米书兰示巴约赖雅干细亚希伯,共七人。 14这些都是亚比孩的儿子。亚比孩户利的儿子,户利耶罗亚的儿子,耶罗亚基列的儿子,基列米迦勒的儿子,米迦勒耶示筛的儿子,耶示筛耶哈多的儿子,耶哈多布斯的儿子。 15古尼的孙子、押比碟的儿子亚希是他们家族的族长。 16他们住在基列巴珊巴珊附近的乡村以及沙仑所有的草原,直到四围的边界地带。 17这些人是在犹大约坦以色列耶罗波安执政期间被记录在族谱里的。

18吕便支派、迦得支派和玛拿西半个支派中善用盾牌、刀剑、弓箭、能征善战的勇士共有四万四千七百六十人。 19他们与夏甲人、伊突人、拿非施人和挪答人打仗, 20击败了夏甲人及其盟军,因为他们信靠上帝,在作战的时候向上帝求助,上帝应允了他们的祈求。 21他们从敌人那里掳走了五万只骆驼、二十五万只羊、两千头驴和十万人口。 22敌人伤亡惨重,因为他们有上帝的帮助。他们占据敌人的土地,一直到被掳的时候。


23玛拿西半个支派的人住在从巴珊巴力·黑们示尼珥黑门山一带。 24他们的族长以弗以示以列亚斯列耶利米何达威雅雅叠都是英勇的战士,是著名的人物和各家族的首领。

25可是,他们却背弃他们祖先的上帝,与当地居民的神明苟合。上帝曾在他们面前毁灭那些居民。 26因此,以色列的上帝驱使亚述普勒,即提革拉·毗尼色,把吕便人、迦得人、玛拿西半个支派的人掳到哈腊哈博哈拉歌散河边,他们至今还在那里。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 5:1-26

The Family Line of Reuben

1Reuben was the oldest son of Israel. But he slept with his father’s concubine. By doing that, he made his father’s bed “unclean.” That’s why his rights as the oldest son were given to the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel. So Reuben isn’t listed in the family history as the one who had the rights of the oldest son. 2Judah also did not have the rights of the oldest son. Judah didn’t have them even though he was the leader among his brothers. And a ruler came from his family line. But the rights of the oldest son belonged to Joseph. 3Reuben was the oldest son of Israel. Reuben’s sons were

Hanok, Pallu, Hezron and Karmi.

4The family line of Joel includes

his son Shemaiah. Gog was the son of Shemaiah.

Shimei was the son of Gog. 5Micah was the son of Shimei.

Reaiah was the son of Micah. Baal was the son of Reaiah.

6And Beerah was the son of Baal. Beerah was a leader of the people of Reuben. Tiglath-Pileser took Beerah as a prisoner to another country. Tiglath-Pileser was the king of Assyria.

7Here are the relatives of the family groups of Reuben. They are listed in their family history.

They include Chief Jeiel, Zechariah 8and Bela. Bela was the son of Azaz. Azaz was the son of Shema. Shema was the son of Joel.

All of them made their homes in the area from Aroer to Nebo and Baal Meon. 9To the east they made their homes in the land up to the edge of the desert. That desert reaches all the way to the Euphrates River. They made their homes there because their livestock had increased in Gilead.

10While Saul was king, the people of Reuben went to war against the Hagrites. They won the battle over them. Then they lived in the houses of the Hagrites. The people of Reuben lived in the entire area east of Gilead.

The Family Line of Gad

11The people of Gad lived next to the people of Reuben in Bashan. They spread out all the way to Salekah.

12Joel was their chief. Shapham was next. Then came Janai and Shaphat in Bashan.

13Here are their relatives family by family. They included

Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jakan, Zia and Eber. The total number of them was seven.

14These were the sons of Abihail. Abihail was the son of Huri. Huri was the son of Jaroah. Jaroah was the son of Gilead. Gilead was the son of Michael. Michael was the son of Jeshishai. Jeshishai was the son of Jahdo. And Jahdo was the son of Buz.

15Ahi was the leader of some of the families of Gad. Ahi was the son of Abdiel. Abdiel was the son of Guni.

16The people of Gad lived in the land of Gilead. They lived in the villages of Bashan. They also lived on all the grasslands of Sharon as far as they reached.

17All these names were written down in the family history. They were written during the time when Jotham was king of Judah and Jeroboam was king of Israel.

18The tribes of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh had 44,760 men able to serve in the army. Each one was able to handle a shield and sword. Each was also able to use a bow. Each was trained for battle. 19They went to war against the Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish and Nodab. 20God helped his people fight against the Hagrites and all who were helping them. He handed over all those enemies to his people. That’s because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. 21They captured the livestock of the Hagrites. They captured 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep and 2,000 donkeys. They also took 100,000 people as prisoners. 22Many others were killed, because God won the battle over them. His people lived in the land until they themselves were taken as prisoners to other countries.

The Family Line of Half of the Tribe of Manasseh

23The people in half of the tribe of Manasseh became a very large group. They made their homes in the land from Bashan to Baal Hermon. Baal Hermon is also called Senir. Another name for it is Mount Hermon.

24Here are the leaders of their families. They included Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel. They were brave fighting men. They were also famous and were leaders of their families. 25But they weren’t faithful to the God of their people. They joined themselves to the gods of the nations of the land and worshiped them. God had destroyed those nations to make room for his people. 26So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul. He was king of Assyria. He was also called Tiglath-Pileser. He took the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh to other countries as his prisoners. He took them to Halah, Habor, Hara and the river of Gozan. And that’s where they still are to this day.