创世记 30 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

创世记 30:1-43

1拉结见自己没有给雅各生孩子,就嫉妒姐姐。她对雅各说:“你给我孩子,不然我还不如死了!” 2雅各气愤地说:“使你不能生育的是上帝,难道我能代替上帝吗?” 3拉结说:“你去跟我的婢女辟拉同房吧,这样她可以为我生孩子,我也可以留下后代。” 4于是拉结把婢女辟拉给丈夫做妾,雅各辟拉同房。 5辟拉怀了孕,为雅各生下一个儿子。 6拉结说:“上帝为我申了冤,也听了我的恳求,赐给我一个儿子。”拉结就给孩子取名叫30:6 ”意思是“申冤”。7拉结的婢女辟拉又怀孕,为雅各生了第二个儿子。 8拉结说:“我跟姐姐相争,我得胜了。”她就给这孩子取名叫拿弗他利30:8 拿弗他利”意思是“相争”。

9利亚见自己不再生育,就把婢女悉帕雅各做妾。 10悉帕雅各生了一个儿子。 11利亚说:“真幸运!”她便给孩子取名叫迦得30:11 迦得”意思是“幸运”。12悉帕又给雅各生了第二个儿子, 13利亚说:“我真有福啊!妇女们会说我有福!”她就为孩子取名亚设30:13 亚设”意思是“有福”。

14在收麦子的季节,吕便在田间找到一些风茄,拿回家给母亲利亚拉结知道后,对利亚说:“请给我一些你儿子找到的风茄。” 15利亚说:“你抢了我丈夫还不够吗?现在还要抢我儿子的风茄吗?”拉结回答说:“你给我风茄,今夜雅各就跟你同房。” 16那天晚上,雅各从田间回来,利亚就出来迎接他说:“你要来跟我同房,因为我已经用儿子的风茄把你雇下来了。”于是,那天晚上雅各便跟利亚同房。 17上帝答应利亚的祈求,使她怀孕,为雅各生了第五个儿子。 18利亚说:“我把婢女送给丈夫做妾,现在上帝给我报酬了。”因此,她就为孩子取名叫以萨迦30:18 以萨迦”意思是“报酬”。

19后来,利亚又怀孕,给雅各生下第六个儿子。 20她说:“上帝赐给我珍贵的礼物,现在我丈夫会尊重我,因为我给他生了六个儿子。”于是,她就给这个儿子取名叫西布伦30:20 西布伦”意思是“尊重”。21后来,利亚又生了一个女儿,给她取名叫底娜

22上帝眷顾拉结,听了她的祷告,使她可以生育。 23她就怀孕,生了一个儿子,说:“上帝除去了我的羞辱。” 24她给孩子取名叫约瑟30:24 约瑟”意思是“增添”。,又说:“愿上帝再给我添一个儿子!”


25拉结约瑟以后,雅各拉班说:“请让我走吧!我想回故乡, 26请你让我和妻儿一同回去吧!她们都是我替你工作得来的,你知道我怎样努力为你工作。”

27拉班却挽留他,说:“如果你肯赏光,请你留下来!因为我占卜得知上帝为了你的缘故才赐福给我。 28你要多少酬劳,只管说出来,我一定会给你。”

29雅各回答说:“你知道我怎样努力地服侍你,照顾你的牲畜。 30我来以前,你的财产很少。上帝因为我的到来而赐福给你,使你财产大增。但我自己什么时候才能兴家立业呢?”

31拉班问:“我该给你什么呢?”雅各说:“你不用给我什么,只要你答应一件事,我就继续照料你的羊群。 32今天让我从你的羊群中挑出黑色或有斑点的绵羊,以及有斑点的山羊作为我的薪酬。 33以后,如果你在给我作薪酬的羊群中发现白色的绵羊或没有斑点的山羊,就算是我偷的。这样你可以知道我是否诚实。”

34拉班说:“好,就照你的话做!” 35当天,拉班把有条纹或斑点的公山羊以及有斑点或夹杂白纹的母山羊,连同黑色的绵羊都挑出来,交给自己的儿子们看管。 36然后,他离开雅各,彼此相隔三天的路程。雅各继续为他照料其余的羊。

37雅各折下一些杨树、杏树和枫树的嫩枝,削掉部分树皮,露出白色的条纹, 38然后把这些嫩枝插在羊喝水的水槽和水沟里。羊群来喝水时互相交配。 39它们对着这些树枝交配,就生下有条纹和有斑点的羊羔。 40雅各把这些羊羔分出来,使它们与拉班的羊各在一处。他把自己的羊安置在一处,不与拉班的羊搀杂在一起。 41每当肥壮的羊交配时,雅各就把有条纹的枝子插在水沟里,使羊对着树枝交配。 42但如果交配的羊是瘦弱的,他就不插枝子。这样,瘦弱的羊归拉班,肥壮的羊归雅各43因此,雅各变得极其富有,拥有很多羊、骆驼、驴和仆婢。

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 30:1-43

1Rachel saw that she wasn’t having any children by Jacob. So she became jealous of her sister. She said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”

2Jacob became angry with her. He said, “Do you think I’m God? He’s the one who has kept you from having children.”

3Then she said, “Here’s my servant Bilhah. Sleep with her so that she can have children for me. Then I too can have a family through her.”

4So Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. Jacob slept with her. 5And Bilhah became pregnant. She had a son by him. 6Then Rachel said, “God has stood up for my rights. He has listened to my prayer and given me a son.” So she named him Dan.

7Rachel’s servant Bilhah became pregnant again. She had a second son by Jacob. 8Then Rachel said, “I’ve had a great struggle with my sister. Now I’ve won.” So she named him Naphtali.

9Leah saw that she had stopped having children. So she gave her servant Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. 10Leah’s servant Zilpah had a son by Jacob. 11Then Leah said, “What good fortune!” So she named him Gad.

12Leah’s servant Zilpah had a second son by Jacob. 13Then Leah said, “I’m so happy! The women will call me happy.” So she named him Asher.

14While the wheat harvest was being gathered, Reuben went out into the fields. He found some mandrake plants. He brought them to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes.”

15But Leah said to her, “Isn’t it enough that you took my husband away? Are you going to take my son’s mandrakes too?”

Rachel said, “All right. Jacob can sleep with you tonight if you give me your son’s mandrakes.”

16Jacob came in from the fields that evening. Leah went out to meet him. “You have to sleep with me tonight,” she said. “I’ve traded my son’s mandrakes for that time with you.” So he slept with her that night.

17God listened to Leah. She became pregnant and had a fifth son by Jacob. 18Then Leah said, “God has rewarded me because I gave my female servant to my husband.” So she named the boy Issachar.

19Leah became pregnant again. She had a sixth son by Jacob. 20Then Leah said, “God has given me a priceless gift. This time my husband will treat me with honor. I’ve had six sons by him.” So she named the boy Zebulun.

21Some time later she had a daughter. She named her Dinah.

22Then God listened to Rachel. He showed concern for her. He made it possible for her to have children. 23She became pregnant and had a son. Then she said, “God has taken away my shame.” 24She said, “May the Lord give me another son.” So she named him Joseph.

Jacob Becomes the Owner of Large Flocks

25After Rachel had Joseph, Jacob spoke to Laban. He said, “Send me on my way. I want to go back to my own home and country. 26Give me my wives and children. I worked for you to get them. So I’ll be on my way. You know how much work I’ve done for you.”

27But Laban said to him, “If you are pleased with me, stay here. I’ve discovered that the Lord has blessed me because of you.” 28He continued, “Name your pay. I’ll give it to you.”

29Jacob said to him, “You know how hard I’ve worked for you. You know that your livestock has done better under my care. 30You had only a little before I came. But that little has become a lot. The Lord has blessed you everywhere I’ve been. But when can I do something for my own family?”

31“What should I give you?” Laban asked.

“Don’t give me anything,” Jacob replied. “Just do one thing for me. Then I’ll go on taking care of your flocks and watching over them. 32Let me go through all your flocks today. Let me remove every speckled or spotted sheep. Let me remove every dark-colored lamb. Let me remove every speckled or spotted goat. They will be my pay. 33My honesty will be a witness about me in days to come. It will be a witness every time you check on what you have paid me. Suppose I have a goat that doesn’t have speckles or spots. Or suppose I have a lamb that isn’t dark colored. Then it will be considered stolen.”

34“I agree,” said Laban. “Let’s do what you have said.” 35That same day Laban removed all the male goats that had stripes or spots. He removed all the female goats that had speckles or spots. They were the ones that had white on them. He also removed all the dark-colored lambs. He had his sons take care of them. 36Then he put a journey of three days between himself and Jacob. But Jacob continued to take care of the rest of Laban’s flocks.

37Jacob took freshly cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees. He made white stripes on the branches by peeling off their bark. 38Then he placed the peeled branches in all the stone tubs where the animals drank water. He placed them there so they would be right in front of the flocks when they came to drink. The flocks were ready to mate when they came to drink. 39So they mated in front of the branches. And the flocks gave birth to striped, speckled or spotted little ones. 40Jacob put the little ones of the flock to one side by themselves. But he made the older ones face the striped and dark-colored animals that belonged to Laban. In that way, he made separate flocks for himself. He didn’t put them with Laban’s animals. 41Every time the stronger females were ready to mate, Jacob would place the branches in the stone tubs. He would place them in front of the animals so they would mate near the branches. 42But if the animals were weak, he wouldn’t place the branches there. So the weak animals went to Laban. And the strong ones went to Jacob. 43That’s how Jacob became very rich. He became the owner of large flocks. He also had many male and female servants. And he had many camels and donkeys.