创世记 26 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

创世记 26:1-35


1亚伯拉罕在世的时候,那地方闹过一次饥荒,这时又闹饥荒。以撒就迁到基拉耳非利士亚比米勒那里。 2耶和华向以撒显现说:“不要下埃及去,要住在我指示你住的地方。 3你寄居在这里,我必与你同在,赐福给你,因为我必把这些土地赐给你和你的后代,坚立我对你父亲亚伯拉罕的誓约。 4我必使你的后代多如繁星,将这些土地都赐给他们,天下万国必因你的后裔而蒙福。 5因为亚伯拉罕听从我的话,遵守我的吩咐、命令、典章和律法。”


6于是,以撒就在基拉耳住下来。 7那里的人问起他的妻子时,他便说:“她是我妹妹。”他不敢说:“她是我妻子。”他担心当地的人会因为利百加而害他,因为利百加长得非常美丽。 8以撒在那里住了许久。一天,非利士亚比米勒从窗口看见以撒利百加亲热的情形, 9便召见以撒,问他:“她明明是你妻子,为什么你说她是你妹妹呢?”以撒回答说:“我担心别人为了她而杀害我!” 10亚比米勒说:“你怎么可以这样对我们呢?万一百姓中有人想占有她,你就使我们陷入罪中了。” 11于是,亚比米勒下令全国:凡伤害他们二人的,必被处死。

12以撒在那里耕种,耶和华赐福给他,那一年他得了百倍的收成。 13他的财富越来越多,成了大富户。 14他拥有很多的牛羊和仆婢,非利士人嫉妒他。 15他父亲亚伯拉罕生前派人挖的那些水井,全被非利士人用土塞住了。 16亚比米勒以撒说:“请你离开我们吧,因为你太强盛了。” 17以撒就离开那里,把帐篷迁往基拉耳谷居住。 18他的父亲亚伯拉罕生前挖的水井都被非利士人塞住了,以撒便重新挖开,并沿用父亲生前给那些水井起的名字。 19以撒的牧人在谷中挖得一口活水井, 20基拉耳的牧人与以撒的牧人争吵起来,都说:“这口井是我们的。”于是,以撒便称那口井为埃色26:20 埃色”意思是“相争”。21后来,以撒的仆人又挖了一口井,他们双方又为那口井发生争执,以撒便称那口井为西提拿26:21 西提拿”意思是“敌对”。22以撒离开那里,又挖了一口水井。这次,他们没有为那口井争吵。所以,以撒称那口井为利河伯26:22 利河伯”意思是“宽阔之地”。以撒说:“如今耶和华给了我们一个宽阔的地方,我们可以在这里繁荣兴旺。”

23以撒从那里上别示巴去。 24当天晚上,耶和华向他显现说:“我是你父亲亚伯拉罕的上帝。你不用惧怕,因为我与你同在。为了我仆人亚伯拉罕的缘故,我必赐福给你,使你子孙众多。” 25以撒在那里筑了一座坛求告耶和华,并且在那里搭起帐篷住下来。他的仆人又在那里挖了一口井。


26一天,亚比米勒带着他的参谋亚户撒、将领非各基拉耳来见以撒27以撒见到他们就说:“你们既然憎恨我,把我赶走,为什么又来找我?” 28他们回答说:“我们清楚知道耶和华与你同在,我们双方应该订立誓约。 29请你起誓保证不会伤害我们,就像我们没有侵犯你,总是善待你,让你平安地离开一样。你是蒙耶和华赐福的人。” 30于是,以撒为他们摆设宴席,一同吃喝。 31第二天早晨,以撒和他们互相起誓之后,送他们平安地离去。 32在同一天,以撒的仆人将挖井的事告诉他,说:“我们找到水了。” 33以撒便称那口井为示巴26:33 示巴”意思是“誓约”。,因此那城叫别示巴,沿用至今。



New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 26:1-35

Isaac and Abimelek

1There was very little food in the land. The same thing had been true earlier, in Abraham’s time. Isaac went to Abimelek in Gerar. Abimelek was the king of the Philistines. 2The Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt. Live in the land where I tell you to live. 3Stay there for a while. I will be with you and give you my blessing. I will give all these lands to you and your children after you. And I will keep my word that I gave to your father Abraham. 4I will make your children after you as many as the stars in the sky. And I will give them all these lands. All nations on earth will be blessed because of your children. 5I will do all these things because Abraham obeyed me. He did everything I required. He kept my commands, my rules and my instructions.” 6So Isaac stayed in Gerar.

7The men of that place asked him about his wife. He said, “She’s my sister.” He was afraid to say, “She’s my wife.” He thought, “The men of this place might kill me because of Rebekah. She’s a beautiful woman.”

8Isaac had been there a long time. One day Abimelek, the king of the Philistines, looked down from a window. He saw Isaac hugging and kissing his wife Rebekah. 9So Abimelek sent for Isaac. He said, “She’s really your wife, isn’t she? Why did you say she was your sister?”

Isaac answered him, “I thought I might lose my life because of her.”

10Then Abimelek said, “What have you done to us? What if one of the men slept with your wife? Then you would have made us guilty.”

11So Abimelek gave orders to all the people. He said, “Anyone who harms this man or his wife will surely be put to death.”

12Isaac planted crops in that land. That same year he gathered 100 times more than he planted. That was because the Lord blessed him. 13Isaac became rich. His wealth continued to grow until he became very rich. 14He had many flocks and herds and servants. Isaac had so much that the Philistines became jealous of him. 15So they stopped up all the wells the servants of his father Abraham had dug. They filled them with dirt.

16Then Abimelek said to Isaac, “Move away from us. You have become too powerful for us.”

17So Isaac moved away from there. He camped in the Valley of Gerar, where he made his home. 18Isaac opened up the wells again. They had been dug in the time of his father Abraham. The Philistines had stopped them up after Abraham died. Isaac gave the wells the same names his father had given them.

19Isaac’s servants dug wells in the valley. There they discovered fresh water. 20But the people of Gerar who took care of their own herds argued with the people who took care of Isaac’s herds. “The water is ours!” the people of Gerar said. So Isaac named the well Esek. That’s because they argued with him. 21Then Isaac’s servants dug another well. They argued about that one too. So he named it Sitnah. 22Isaac moved on from there and dug another well. But no one argued about that one. So he named it Rehoboth. He said, “Now the Lord has given us room. Now we will be successful in the land.”

23From there Isaac went up to Beersheba. 24That night the Lord appeared to him. He said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will bless you. I will increase the number of your children because of my servant Abraham.”

25Isaac built an altar there and worshiped the Lord. There he set up his tent. And there his servants dug a well.

26During that time, Abimelek had come to him from Gerar. His personal adviser, Ahuzzath, had come with him. So had his army commander, Phicol. 27Isaac asked them, “Why have you come to me? You were angry with me and sent me away.”

28They answered, “We saw clearly that the Lord was with you. So we said, ‘There should be an agreement between us and you.’ We want to make a peace treaty with you. 29Give us your word that you won’t harm us. We didn’t harm you. We always treated you well. We sent you away peacefully. And now the Lord has blessed you.”

30Then Isaac had a feast prepared for them. They ate and drank. 31Early the next morning the men made a treaty with each other. Then Isaac sent the men of Gerar on their way. And they left peacefully.

32That day Isaac’s servants came to him. They told him about the well they had dug. They said, “We’ve found water!” 33So he named it Shibah. To this day the name of the town has been Beersheba.

Jacob Takes Esau’s Blessing

34When Esau was 40 years old, he got married to Judith. She was the daughter of Beeri the Hittite. Esau also married Basemath. She was the daughter of Elon the Hittite. 35Isaac and Rebekah became very upset because Esau had married Hittite women.