出埃及记 28 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

出埃及记 28:1-43


1“你要从以色列百姓当中把你的哥哥亚伦和他四个儿子——拿答亚比户以利亚撒以他玛带到你身边,立他们为祭司事奉我。 2你要为你哥哥亚伦做一件圣衣,显出他职位的荣耀和尊贵。 3你要吩咐所有我赋予智慧的巧手裁缝师为亚伦缝制衣服,使他分别出来,做圣洁的祭司事奉我。 4他们要做的圣衣包括胸牌、以弗得、外袍、杂色的内袍、礼冠和腰带。要为你哥哥亚伦及其众子做这样的圣衣,好让他们做祭司事奉我。 5要用金线和细麻线及蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线制作圣衣。


6“以弗得要用金线和细麻线及蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线精工制作。 7要在以弗得两边用两条肩带缝合起来。 8用金线和细麻线及蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线精工制作一条带子,缝在以弗得上,连成一整件。

9“你要找两块红玛瑙,刻上以色列十二个儿子的名字, 10按他们的长幼次序,每一块宝石刻上六个名字。 11要用工匠雕刻图章的方法将他们的名字刻在两块宝石上,把宝石镶在两个金框里面。 12然后将镶着金框的宝石缝在以弗得的两条肩带上,作以色列人的纪念石。亚伦要把他们的名字放在肩上,在耶和华面前作纪念。 13要做两个金框, 14并像搓绳子一样用纯金搓成两条金链,把链子连接在镶宝石的金框上。


15“要精心制作一个用来明白上帝旨意的胸牌,制作的方法和造以弗得一样,用金线和细麻线及蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线制作。 16胸牌是方形的,长宽各二十二厘米,分成上下两层。 17上面要镶上四行宝石:第一行是红宝石、黄玉和翠玉; 18第二行是绿宝石、蓝宝石和金刚石; 19第三行是紫玛瑙、白玛瑙和紫晶; 20第四行是水苍玉、红玛瑙和碧玉。这些宝石都要用金框围着,镶在胸牌上。 21要用刻图章的方法在每一颗宝石上刻一个以色列儿子的名字,十二颗宝石代表十二支派。

22“要用纯金拧成两条像绳子一样的链子,连在胸牌上, 23造两个金环安在胸牌两端, 24把链子穿在金环上, 25再把金链的另一端接在以弗得肩带的两个金框上。 26造两个金环,安在胸牌下端靠近以弗得内侧的两边。 27再造两个金环安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下端,靠近接缝处,在精致的以弗得腰带上方。 28再用一条蓝色的绳子系住以弗得和胸牌上面的金环,使胸牌贴在精工织成的以弗得腰带上,不会从以弗得上松脱。 29亚伦进圣所时,要佩戴这块刻着以色列众子名字的胸牌,在耶和华面前常作纪念。 30又要把乌陵和土明放在胸牌里面,亚伦到耶和华面前的时候,要佩带这胸牌,以便明白上帝的旨意,为以色列人做决定。


31“也要缝制一件蓝色的以弗得的外袍, 32袍上要留领口,还要在领口周围织领边,好像铠甲上的领口,免得领口破裂。 33外袍的底边要另外用蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线做成石榴状的饰物,石榴中间要挂金铃铛。 34一个石榴一个金铃铛,相间排列,围在外袍的底边。 35亚伦事奉的时候,要穿上这外袍,以便他进圣所到耶和华面前和出圣所的时候,铃铛会发出响声,他就不至于死。

36“你也要用纯金造一块牌子,以刻印章的方法刻上‘奉献给耶和华’的字样, 37再拿一条蓝色带子,把它系在礼冠前面。 38亚伦要把这金牌戴在额上,表示他承担以色列人献圣物时的过犯,这圣物是以色列百姓特别献上的礼物。这金牌要常常留在亚伦的额上,好使百姓蒙耶和华悦纳。

39“要用杂色的细麻线织成祭司的内袍,用细麻布做礼冠,腰带上要有刺绣, 40也要为亚伦的儿子们缝制内袍、腰带、帽子,显出他们职位的荣耀和尊贵。 41你哥哥亚伦及其众子穿上这些衣服后,你要用油膏立他们,使他们分别出来,做圣洁的祭司事奉我。


42“要用细麻布为他们做裤子,以遮盖下体,裤子要从腰部到大腿。 43亚伦父子们进出会幕或到圣所的祭坛事奉的时候,都要穿上裤子,免得因为触犯圣礼而死亡。这是亚伦及其子孙永远当遵守的条例。

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 28:1-43

The Clothes for the Priests

1“Have your brother Aaron brought to you from among the Israelites. His sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar must also be brought. They will serve me as priests. 2Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron. When he is wearing them, people will honor him. They will have respect for him. 3Speak to all the skilled workers. I have given them the skill to do this kind of work. Tell them to make clothes for Aaron. He will wear them when he is set apart to serve me as priest. 4The workers must make a chest cloth, a linen apron and an outer robe. They must also make an inner robe, a turban and a belt. They must make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron and his sons. Then they will serve me as priests. 5Have the workers use thin gold wire, and blue, purple and bright red yarn, and fine linen.

The Linen Apron

6“Make the linen apron out of thin gold wire, and out of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and out of finely twisted linen. Have a skilled worker make it. 7It must have two shoulder straps joined to two of its corners. 8Its skillfully made waistband must be like the apron. The waistband must be part of the apron itself. Make the waistband out of thin gold wire, and out of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and out of finely twisted linen.

9“Get two onyx stones. Carve the names of the sons of Israel on them. 10Arrange them in the order of their birth. Carve six names on one stone and six on the other. 11Carve the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a jewel cutter would carve them. Then put the stones in fancy gold settings. 12Connect them to the shoulder straps of the linen apron. The stones will stand for the sons of Israel. Aaron must carry the names on his shoulders as a constant reminder while he is serving the Lord. 13Make fancy gold settings. 14Make two braided chains out of pure gold. Make them like ropes. Join the chains to the settings.

The Chest Cloth

15“Make a chest cloth that will be used for making decisions. Have a skilled worker make it. Make it like the linen apron. Use thin gold wire, and blue, purple and bright red yarn, and finely twisted linen. 16Make it nine inches square. Fold it in half. 17Put four rows of valuable jewels on it. Put carnelian, chrysolite and beryl in the first row. 18Put turquoise, lapis lazuli and emerald in the second row. 19Put jacinth, agate and amethyst in the third row. 20And put topaz, onyx and jasper in the fourth row. Put them in fancy gold settings. 21Use a total of 12 stones. Use one for each of the names of the sons of Israel. Each stone must be carved with the name of one of the 12 tribes.

22“Make braided chains out of pure gold for the chest cloth. Make them like ropes. 23Make two gold rings for the chest cloth. Connect them to two corners of it. 24Join the two gold chains to the rings at the corners of the chest cloth. 25Join the other ends of the chains to the two settings. Join them to the shoulder straps on the front of the linen apron. 26Make two gold rings. Connect them to the other two corners of the chest cloth. Put them on the inside edge next to the apron. 27Make two more gold rings. Connect them to the bottom of the shoulder straps on the front of the apron. Put them close to the seam. Put them right above the waistband of the apron. 28The rings of the chest cloth must be tied to the rings of the apron. Tie them to the waistband with blue cord. Then the chest cloth will not swing out from the linen apron.

29“When Aaron enters the Holy Room, he will carry the names of the sons of Israel over his heart. Their names will be on the chest cloth of decision. They will be a continuing reminder while he is serving the Lord. 30Also put the Urim and Thummim into the chest cloth. Then they will be over Aaron’s heart when he comes to serve the Lord. In that way, Aaron will always have what he needs to make decisions for the people of Israel. He will carry the Urim and Thummim over his heart while he is serving the Lord.

More Clothes for the Priests

31“Make the outer robe of the linen apron completely out of blue cloth. 32In the center of the robe, make an opening for the head of the priest. Make an edge like a collar around the opening. Then it will not tear. 33Make pomegranates out of blue, purple and bright red yarn. Sew them around the hem of the robe. Sew gold bells between them. 34Sew a gold bell between every two pomegranates all around the hem of the robe. 35Aaron must wear the robe when he serves as priest. The bells will jingle when he enters the Holy Room while he is serving the Lord. And they will jingle when he goes out. Then he will not die.

36“Make a plate out of pure gold. Carve words on it as if it were an official seal. Carve the words

Set Apart for the Lord.

37Tie the plate to the front of the turban with a blue cord. 38Aaron must wear this plate on his forehead all the time. He will be held responsible for all the sacred gifts the Israelites set apart. Then the Lord will accept the gifts.

39“Make the inner robe out of fine linen. And make the turban out of fine linen. The belt must be made by a person who sews skillfully. 40Make inner robes, belts and caps for Aaron’s sons. When they are wearing them, people will honor his sons. They will also have respect for them. 41Put all these clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons. Then pour olive oil on them and prepare them to serve me. Set them apart to serve me as priests.

42“Make linen underwear that reaches from the waist to the thigh. 43Aaron and the priests in his family line must wear it when they enter the tent of meeting. They must also wear it when they approach the altar to serve in the Holy Room. Then they will not be found guilty and die.

“For all time to come, that will be a law for Aaron and the priests in his family line.