传道书 4 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

传道书 4:1-16

1于是,我又观察日光之下的一切欺压之事。我看见受欺压的泪流满面,无人安慰。因为欺压者有权有势,所以无人安慰他们。 2我为那已死的人庆幸,因为他们比活着的人幸福。 3不过,比以上两种人更幸运的是那从未出生的人,他们从未见过日光之下各样的恶行。 4我又看见人的一切劳碌和成就原是出于争强好胜。这也是虚空,如同捕风。 5愚人游手好闲,最后只能饿死。 6拥有不多,心里安宁,胜过拥有很多,仍劳碌捕风。 7我又看见日光之下一件虚空的事: 8有一个人孤孤单单,没有儿子也没有兄弟,却终身劳碌。他虽然家道丰裕,仍不满足,从未想过“我不停地劳碌,放弃一切享受,究竟是为了谁?”这也是虚空,是一种悲哀。 9两个人总比一个人好,因为二人劳碌同得美好的成果。 10一人跌倒,总有同伴相扶。但孤身一人、跌倒了无人相扶的真悲惨! 11还有,二人同睡会暖和,一人独睡怎能暖和呢? 12遭遇攻击,一人独自不能抵挡,二人并肩就能对付。三股拧成的绳子不容易断。 13贫穷但有智慧的青年,胜过年老、愚昧、不再纳谏的君王。 14虽然这青年在本国出身贫寒,却能从囚犯成为君王。 15我看见所有日光之下的人都起来拥护这位代替老君王的青年。 16拥护他的人不计其数,以后的世代却对他不满。这也是虚空,如同捕风。

New International Reader’s Version

Ecclesiastes 4:1-16

Suffering, Hard Work and No Friends

1I looked and saw how much people were suffering on this earth.

I saw the tears of those who are suffering.

They don’t have anyone to comfort them.

Power is on the side of those who treat them badly.

Those who are suffering don’t have anyone to comfort them.

2Then I announced that those

who have already died

are happier than those

who are still alive.

3But someone who hasn’t been born yet

is better off than the dead or the living.

That’s because that person hasn’t seen the evil things

that are done on earth.

4I also saw that a person works hard and accomplishes a lot. But they do it only because they want what another person has. That doesn’t have any meaning either. It’s like chasing the wind.

5Foolish people fold their hands and don’t work.

And that destroys them.

6One handful with peace and quiet

is better than two handfuls with hard work.

Working too hard is like chasing the wind.

7Again I saw something on earth that didn’t mean anything.

8A man lived all by himself.

He didn’t have any sons or brothers.

His hard work never ended.

But he wasn’t happy with what he had.

“Who am I working so hard for?” he asked.

“Why don’t I get the things I enjoy?”

That doesn’t have any meaning either.

In fact, it’s a very bad deal!

9Two people are better than one.

They can help each other in everything they do.

10Suppose either of them falls down.

Then the one can help the other one up.

But suppose a person falls down and doesn’t have anyone to help them up.

Then feel sorry for that person!

11Or suppose two people lie down together.

Then they’ll keep warm.

But how can one person keep warm alone?

12One person could be overpowered.

But two people can stand up for themselves.

And a rope made out of three cords isn’t easily broken.

Getting Ahead Is Meaningless

13A poor but wise young man is better off than an old but foolish king. That king doesn’t pay attention to a warning anymore. 14The young man might have come from prison to become king. Or he might have been born poor within the kingdom but still became king. 15I saw that everyone was following the young man who had become the new king. 16At first, all the people served him when he became king. But those who came later weren’t pleased with the way he was ruling. That doesn’t have any meaning either. It’s like chasing the wind.