以西结书 33 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 33:1-33


1耶和华对我说: 2“人子啊,你要告诉你的同胞,‘我若使战争降临某地,那地方的百姓就应选一人做守望者。 3守望者发现敌人来攻打,便吹号警告百姓。 4凡听见号声而不接受警告的,敌人来把他杀了,这流血的罪就要由他自己承担。 5因为他听见号声,却不接受警告,他的死是咎由自取。他若接受警告,就不至于死了。 6但如果守望者看见敌人来攻打而不吹号警告百姓,以致有人被敌人杀了,那人固然是因自己的罪恶而被杀,我却要向这守望者追讨那人被杀的血债。’

7“人子啊,现在我立你为以色列人的守望者,你要听我的信息,代我警告他们。 8如果我说恶人必定要死,你却不警告他离开罪恶的行径,他必因自己的罪而死,我却要向你追讨他丧命的血债。 9如果你警告恶人离开罪恶的行径,他却不听,他必因自己的罪恶而死,他的死与你无关。

10“人子啊,你要对以色列人说,‘你们说,我们背负过犯和罪恶,正因此而灭亡。我们怎能存活下去呢? 11你要告诉他们,主耶和华说,“我凭我的永恒起誓,我绝不喜欢恶人死亡,我更愿意恶人改邪归正,得以存活。以色列人啊,回头吧!回头吧!改邪归正吧!何必自取灭亡呢?”’ 12人子啊,你要对你的同胞说,‘当义人犯罪时,他以往的义救不了他;当恶人悔改时,他以往的恶不会使他灭没。义人若犯罪,他以往的义不能使他存活。’ 13我虽对义人说他必能存活,但如果他仗着自己的义而犯罪,他的义将不会被记念,他必因犯罪而死亡。 14我虽对恶人说他必定要死,但他若改邪归正,行事公正仁义, 15偿还抵押,归还赃物,遵行生命之律例,不再犯罪,就必存活,不致死亡。 16他犯的罪不会被追究,因为他行事公正仁义,所以必得存活。

17“你的同胞却说,主这样做不公平。其实是他们自己行事不公。 18义人离义行恶,必因恶行而死亡。 19恶人弃恶行义,必因义行而存活。 20可是你们却说,主这样做不公平。以色列人啊,我必按你们各人的行为审判你们。”

21在我们被掳后第十二年十月五日,有人从耶路撒冷逃出来对我说:“城已经沦陷了。” 22逃难的人来的前一晚,耶和华的灵降在我身上,开了我的口。当那人早上来到我这里时,我就开了口,不再沉默。

23耶和华对我说: 24“人子啊,那些住在以色列废墟中的人说,‘亚伯拉罕一人尚且能拥有这片土地,我们这么多人更能拥有这片土地为业。’ 25但你要告诉他们,主耶和华这样说,‘你们吃带血的肉,仰赖偶像,又杀人流血,怎能拥有这片土地呢? 26你们靠刀剑行可憎之事,个个玷污别人的妻子,你们怎能拥有这片土地呢?’ 27你要告诉他们,主耶和华这样说,‘我凭我的永恒起誓,那些住在废墟中的必死于刀下,逃到田野的必被野兽吞吃,躲进堡垒和洞穴的必死于瘟疫。 28我要使这片土地荒凉不堪,使她所夸耀的势力消逝。以色列的山必荒凉,杳无人迹。 29因为他们所行的一切可憎之事,我必使这地方荒凉不堪,那时他们就知道我是耶和华。’

30“人子啊,你的同胞在墙边和门口彼此议论你说,‘来,听听耶和华要他传什么信息。’ 31他们随着人群来到你面前,坐着聆听你的话,俨然像我的子民。但他们不付诸实行,嘴里说的是甜言蜜语,心中却追求不义之财。 32他们只听不做,你在他们眼中只不过是善唱情歌、长于弹奏乐器的人。 33看吧,我所说的必定应验。当一切应验的时候,他们就知道有先知在他们当中。”

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 33:1-33

The Lord Again Appoints Ezekiel to Warn Israel

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, speak to your people. Tell them, ‘Suppose I send enemies against a land. And its people choose one of their men to stand guard. 3He sees the enemies coming against the land. He blows a trumpet to warn the people. 4Someone hears the trumpet. But they do not pay any attention to the warning. The enemies come and kill them. Then what happens to them will be their own fault. 5They heard the sound of the trumpet. But they did not pay any attention to the warning. So what happened to them was their own fault. If they had paid attention, they would have saved themselves. 6But suppose the guard sees the enemies coming. And he does not blow the trumpet to warn the people. The enemies come and kill one of them. Then their life has been taken away from them because they sinned. But I will hold the guard responsible for their death.’

7“Son of man, I have appointed you as a prophet to warn the people of Israel. So listen to my message. Give them a warning from me. 8Suppose I say to a sinful person, ‘You can be sure that you will die.’ And suppose you do not try to get them to change their ways. Then they will die because they have sinned. And I will hold you responsible for their death. 9But suppose you do warn that sinful person. You tell them to change their ways. But they do not change. Then they will die because they have sinned. But you will have saved yourself.

10“Son of man, speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘You are saying, “Our sins and the wrong things we have done weigh us down. We are wasting away because we have sinned so much. So how can we live?” ’ 11Tell them, ‘When sinful people die, it does not give me any joy. But when they turn away from their sins and live, that makes me very happy. And that is just as sure as I am alive,’ announces the Lord and King. ‘So turn away from your sins! Change your evil ways! Why should you die, people of Israel?’

12“Son of man, speak to your people. Tell them, ‘Suppose a godly person does not obey the Lord. Then the right things that person has done in the past count for nothing. Suppose a sinful person turns away from doing wrong things. Then the wrong things that person has done in the past won’t bring them judgment. A godly person who sins won’t be allowed to live. That’s true even though they used to do right things.’ 13Suppose I tell a godly person that they will live. And they trust in the fact that they used to do what is right. But now they do what is evil. Then I will not remember any of the right things they have done. They will die because they have done so many evil things. 14Suppose I say to a sinful person, ‘You can be sure you will die.’ And then they turn away from their sin. They do what is fair and right. 15They return things they take to make sure loans are repaid. They give back what they have stolen. They obey my rules that give life. They do not do what is evil. Then you can be sure they will live. They will not die. 16None of the sins they have committed will be held against them. They have done what is fair and right. So you can be sure they will live.

17“In spite of that, your people say, ‘What the Lord does isn’t fair.’ But it is what you do that is not fair. 18Suppose a godly person stops doing what is right. And they do what is evil. Then they will die because of it. 19But suppose a sinful person turns away from the evil things they have done. And they do what is fair and right. Then they will live by doing that. 20In spite of that, you Israelites say, ‘What the Lord does isn’t fair.’ But I will judge each of you based on how you have lived.”

The Lord Explains Why Jerusalem Fell

21It was the 12th year since we had been brought to Babylon as prisoners. On the fifth day of the tenth month, a man who had escaped from Jerusalem came to bring me a report. He said, “The city has fallen!” 22The evening before the man arrived, the power of the Lord came on me. He opened my mouth before the man came to me in the morning. So my mouth was opened. I was no longer silent.

23Then a message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 24“Son of man, here is what the people living in Israel’s broken-down buildings are saying. ‘Abraham was only one man. But he owned the land. We are many people. The land must certainly belong to us.’ 25So tell them, ‘The Lord and King says, “You eat meat that still has blood in it. You worship your statues of gods. You commit murder. So should you still possess the land? 26You depend on your swords. You do things I hate. Each one of you sleeps with your neighbor’s wife. So should you still possess the land?” ’

27“Tell them, ‘Here is what the Lord and King says. “The people who are left in those broken-down buildings will be killed by swords. Wild animals will eat up those who are out in the country. Those who are in caves and other safe places will die of a plague. And that is just as sure as I am alive. 28I will turn the land into a dry and empty desert. The strength Jerusalem is so proud of will come to an end. The mountains of Israel will be deserted. No one will travel across them. 29So I will turn the land into a dry and empty desert. I will punish my people because of all the evil things they have done. I hate those things. Then they will know that I am the Lord.” ’

30“Son of man, your people are talking about you. They are getting together by the walls of their houses and at their doors. They are saying to one another, ‘Come. Listen to the Lord’s message.’ 31My people come to you, just as they usually do. They sit in front of you. They hear what you say. But they do not put it into practice. With their mouths they say they love me. But in their hearts they want what belongs to others. They try to get rich by cheating them. 32You are nothing more to them than someone who sings love songs. They say you have a beautiful voice. They think you play an instrument well. They hear what you say. But they do not put it into practice.

33“Everything I have told you will come true. You can be sure of it. Then the people will know that a prophet has been among them.”