Забур 112 – CARS & NIRV

Священное Писание

Забур 112:1-9

Песнь 112

Славьте Вечного!

1Воздайте хвалу, о рабы Вечного,

воздайте хвалу имени Вечного!

2Да будет прославлено имя Вечного

отныне и вовеки.

3От востока и до запада

да будет прославлено имя Вечного.

4Вечный превознесён над всеми народами,

и слава Его выше небес.

5Кто подобен Вечному, нашему Богу,

восседающему на высоте

6и склоняющемуся, чтобы видеть,

что происходит на небе и на земле?

7Он поднимает бедного из праха

и возвышает нищего из грязи,

8чтобы посадить их с вождями,

с вождями их народа.

9Бесплодную женщину делает

счастливой матерью в её доме.

Славьте Вечного!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 112:1-10

Psalm 112

1Praise the Lord.

Blessed are those who have respect for the Lord.

They find great delight when they obey God’s commands.

2Their children will be powerful in the land.

Because they are honest, their children will be blessed.

3Their family will have wealth and riches.

They will always be blessed for doing what is right.

4Even in the darkness light shines on honest people.

It shines on those who are kind and tender and godly.

5Good things will come to those who are willing to lend freely.

Good things will come to those who are fair in everything they do.

6Those who do what is right will always be secure.

They will be remembered forever.

7They aren’t afraid when bad news comes.

They stand firm because they trust in the Lord.

8Their hearts are secure. They aren’t afraid.

In the end they will see their enemies destroyed.

9They have spread their gifts around to poor people.

Their good works continue forever.

They will be powerful and honored.

10Evil people will see it and be upset.

They will grind their teeth and become weaker and weaker.

What evil people long to do can’t succeed.