Salmernes Bog 84 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 84:1-13

I Guds hus

1Til korlederen: Brug et strengeinstrument.84,1 Der bruges et ukendt hebraisk ord: Gittit. En sang af en af Koras efterkommere.

2Hvor herlig er din bolig,

Almægtige Gud!

3Min sjæl længes efter at være i dit tempel,

alt i mig glæder sig over den levende Gud.

4Spurvene bygger rede tæt ved dit alter,

svalerne slår sig ned dér og får unger.

De ønsker at være i din nærhed, Herre,

min almægtige konge og Gud.

5Velsignede er de, der bor i dit hus,

for de kan altid synge lovsange til dig!

6Velsignede er de, der søger styrke hos dig,

som af hjertet ønsker at komme til dit bjerg.

7Skal de end vandre gennem tårernes dal,

forfrisker du dem med dit kildevand,

de mættes af regnens velsignelser.

8Deres styrke forøges og vokser,

de træder frem for Gud på Zions høj.

9Hør mig, Herre, almægtige Gud,

lyt til min bøn, du Israels Gud.

10Se i nåde til din udvalgte konge,

hjælp ham, som beskytter dit folk.

11Én dag i din helligdom er bedre

end tusinde dage andre steder.

Hellere være dørvogter i Guds hus

end have overflod i de gudløses telte.

12For Herren er vores sol og skjold,

han giver nåde og herlighed.

De, der er ærlige og oprigtige,

nægter han intet godt.

13Almægtige Herre,

velsignede er alle, der stoler på dig.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 84:1-12

Psalm 84

For the director of music. According to gittith. A psalm of the Sons of Korah.

1Lord who rules over all,

how lovely is the place where you live!

2I can’t wait to be in the courtyards of the Lord’s temple.

I really want to be there.

My whole being cries out

for the living God.

3Lord who rules over all,

even the sparrow has found a home near your altar.

My King and my God,

the swallow also has a nest there,

where she may have her young.

4Blessed are those who live in your house.

They are always praising you.

5Blessed are those whose strength comes from you.

They have firmly decided to travel to your temple.

6As they pass through the dry Valley of Baka,

they make it a place where water flows.

The rain in the fall covers it with pools.

7Those people get stronger as they go along,

until each of them appears in Zion, where God lives.

8Lord God who rules over all, hear my prayer.

God of the people of Jacob, listen to me.

9God, may you be pleased with your anointed king.

You appointed him to be like a shield that keeps us safe.

10A single day in your courtyards is better

than a thousand anywhere else.

I would rather guard the door of the house of my God

than live in the tents of sinful people.

11The Lord God is like the sun that gives us light.

He is like a shield that keeps us safe.

The Lord blesses us with favor and honor.

He doesn’t hold back anything good

from those whose lives are without blame.

12Lord who rules over all,

blessed is the person who trusts in you.