Salmernes Bog 29 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 29:1-11

Lovprisning til skabningens Herre

1En sang af David.

Pris Herren, hele himlens hær,

for han har al magt og herlighed.

2Giv Herren den ære, der tilkommer ham,

kom til hans trone i tilbedelse.

3Hans røst runger over de sorte skyer,

den Almægtige tordner fra sin himmel.

4Der er styrke i hans stemme,

han taler med umådelig kraft.

5Hans stemme splintrer de største træer,

knækker Libanons stolte cedre.

6Den får Libanon og Hermon til at hoppe,

som var de kalve eller unge tyre.

7Når Herren taler,

springer lynene frem.

8Hans røst får landet til at skælve,

selv Kadeshørkenen begynder at ryste.

9Hans råb får træerne til at bøje sig,

og bladene falder til jorden.

Alle i hans helligdom råber: „Giv ære til Gud!”

10Han herskede over syndfloden,

han er Konge over alt til evig tid.

11Han styrker sit folk,

velsigner det med fred.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 29:1-11

Psalm 29

A psalm of David.

1Praise the Lord, you angels in heaven.

Praise the Lord for his glory and strength.

2Praise the Lord for the glory that belongs to him.

Worship the Lord because of his beauty and holiness.

3The voice of the Lord is heard over the waters.

The God of glory thunders.

The Lord thunders over the mighty waters.

4The voice of the Lord is powerful.

The voice of the Lord is majestic.

5The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar trees.

The Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon into pieces.

6He makes the mountains of Lebanon leap like a calf.

He makes Mount Hermon jump like a young wild ox.

7The voice of the Lord strikes

with flashes of lightning.

8The voice of the Lord shakes the desert.

The Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.

9The voice of the Lord twists the oak trees.

It strips the forests bare.

And in his temple everyone cries out, “Glory!”

10The Lord on his throne rules over the flood.

The Lord rules from his throne as King forever.

11The Lord gives strength to his people.

The Lord blesses his people with peace.