Salmernes Bog 125 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 125:1-5

Tryghed hos Herren

1En valfartssang.

De, der stoler på Herren,

står fast som Zions bjerg.

I evighed rokkes de ikke.

2Som bjergene omslutter Jerusalem,

vil Herren altid omslutte sit folk.

3Onde konger skal ikke herske for evigt

over det land, Gud gav de gudfrygtige,

for ellers ville de glemme deres gudsfrygt.

4Herre, vis godhed mod de gode,

de, som har et oprigtigt hjerte.

5Men de, som slår ind på ondskabens vej,

vil Herren jage bort sammen med de onde.

Fred være med Israel!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 125:1-5

Psalm 125

A song for those who go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.

1Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion.

They will always be secure. They will last forever.

2Like the mountains around Jerusalem,

the Lord is all around his people

both now and forever.

3Evil people will not always rule

the land the Lord gave to those who do right.

If they did, those who do right

might do what is evil.

4Lord, do good to those who are good.

Do good to those whose hearts are honest.

5But the Lord will drive out those who have taken crooked paths.

He will drive them out with those who do evil things.

May Israel enjoy peace.