Ezekiels Bog 45 – BPH & NIVUK

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Ezekiels Bog 45:1-25

Udstykning af landet

1Herren fortsatte: „Når I deler landet mellem Israels stammer, skal I først give mig et område, som skal være min hellige del af landet. Området skal være 12,5 km langt og 10 km bredt. Det skal betragtes som hellig jord.

2Af den jord skal et kvadratisk stykke, der er 250 m på hver led, bruges til tempelområdet, og der skal være et åbent areal på 25 m hele vejen rundt om. 3Mit hellige land skal deles i to halvdele på langs, så hver del er 5 km bredt. I den øverste halvdel skal templet bygges 4og præsterne, som forretter tjeneste i helligdommen, skal også have deres hjem der.

5Den anden halvdel skal tilhøre levitterne, som arbejder i templet, og de kan bygge deres landsbyer der. 6Syd for den hellige jord skal der afsættes et stykke land 2,5 km bredt og 12,5 km langt til en by, som er folkets fælles ejendom.

7Desuden skal der afsættes et landområde til landets regent uden for den hellige jord og byen, således at regentens landområde strækker sig helt ud til havet mod vest og til landegrænsen mod øst. 8Når landets regenter får deres eget landområde, skal de ikke længere undertrykke og udbytte mit folk. Resten af landet tilhører de forskellige stammer i Israel. 9For Gud Herren siger til Israels regenter: Nu kan det være nok! Hold op med at undertrykke mit folk! Vær retfærdige og ærlige og lad være med at drive mit folk fra hus og hjem!

Regler for ofringerne

10I skal være et folk, der lægger vægt på retfærdigheden. I skal have vægte, som vejer korrekt, og rummål, som måler præcist. 11En homer skal være jeres standardenhed for rummål. En efa bruges til at måle korn og en bat til at måle væsker, og de skal hver være en tiendedel af en homer.45,11 En efa og bat menes at være ca. 22 liter. 12Jeres standardenhed for vægt skal være en sølvshekel. En shekel skal være lig med 20 gera, og 50 shekel skal være lig med en mina.45,12 Eller 60 shekel. Den hebraiske tekst har 20 og 25 og 5. LXX siger 50. 13-17Landets regent er forpligtet til at skaffe de syndofre, brændofre, afgrødeofre, drikofre og takofre, der skal bruges i forbindelse med højtiderne, både nymånefesterne, sabbatsdagene og de øvrige religiøse fester, så der kan skaffes soning for hele Israels folk. Men hele folket skal være med til af skaffe det, der skal bruges til ofringerne, så de alle kan få soning for deres synd. Derfor skal I bringe følgende afgifter til regenten: En sjettedel efa af hver homer hvede og byg I høster; en tiendedel bat af hver kor olivenolie (en kor er lig med 10 bat) og et lam for hver 200 får eller geder.”

18Gud Herren siger: „På den første dag i den første måned skal der slagtes en ungtyr uden fysiske skavanker, så templet kan blive renset for synd. 19Præsten skal tage noget af blodet fra syndofferet og smøre det på templets dørstolper, på altersoklens fire hjørner og på dørkarmene af de porte, der fører ind til den indre forgård. 20Det samme skal gøres på den syvende dag i samme måned for at skaffe soning for dem, der har syndet af vanvare eller af uvidenhed. På den måde skal I skaffe soning for templet.

21På den 14. dag i den første måned skal I fejre påsken som en højtid, man valfarter til. Og i de følgende syv dage må I kun spise usyrnet brød. 22På selve påskedagen skal regenten ofre en ung tyr for at skabe forsoning for sin egen og hele folkets synd. 23De følgende syv dage skal han hver dag ofre et brændoffer til Herren, som skal bestå af syv unge tyre og syv væddere uden fysiske defekter. Derudover skal der hver dag ofres en gedebuk som syndoffer. 24Endvidere skal regenten ofre 20 liter45,24a På hebraisk en efa (ca. 22 liter). korn for hver tyr og for hver vædder og 4 liter45,24b På hebraisk en hin, der menes at være ca. 3,8 liter. olivenolie for hver mængde korn.

25På den 15. dag i den syvende måned begynder løvhyttefesten, og regenten skal, i den uge festen varer, sørge for alt, hvad der skal bruges i form af syndofre, brændofre, afgrødeofre og olie, akkurat som under påskefesten.”

New International Version – UK

Ezekiel 45:1-25

Israel fully restored

1‘ “When you allot the land as an inheritance, you are to present to the Lord a portion of the land as a sacred district, 25,000 cubits45:1 That is, about 13 kilometres; also in verses 3, 5 and 6 long and 20,00045:1 Septuagint (see also verses 3 and 5 and 48:9); Hebrew 10,000 cubits45:1 That is, about 11 kilometres wide; the entire area will be holy. 2Of this, a section 500 cubits45:2 That is, about 265 metres square is to be for the sanctuary, with 50 cubits45:2 That is, about 27 metres around it for open land. 3In the sacred district, measure off a section 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits45:3 That is, about 5.3 kilometres; also in verse 5 wide. In it will be the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place. 4It will be the sacred portion of the land for the priests, who minister in the sanctuary and who draw near to minister before the Lord. It will be a place for their houses as well as a holy place for the sanctuary. 5An area 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide will belong to the Levites, who serve in the temple, as their possession for towns to live in.45:5 Septuagint; Hebrew temple; they will have as their possession 20 rooms

6‘ “You are to give the city as its property an area 5,000 cubits45:6 That is, about 2.7 kilometres wide and 25,000 cubits long, adjoining the sacred portion; it will belong to all Israel.

7‘ “The prince will have the land bordering each side of the area formed by the sacred district and the property of the city. It will extend westward from the west side and eastward from the east side, running lengthwise from the western to the eastern border parallel to one of the tribal portions. 8This land will be his possession in Israel. And my princes will no longer oppress my people but will allow the people of Israel to possess the land according to their tribes.

9‘ “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: you have gone far enough, princes of Israel! Give up your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Stop dispossessing my people, declares the Sovereign Lord. 10You are to use accurate scales, an accurate ephah45:10 An ephah was a dry measure of capacity of about 22 litres. and an accurate bath.45:10 A bath was a liquid measure of capacity of about 22 litres. 11The ephah and the bath are to be the same size, the bath containing a tenth of a homer and the ephah a tenth of a homer; the homer is to be the standard measure for both. 12The shekel45:12 A shekel weighed about 12 grams. is to consist of twenty gerahs. Twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels equal one mina.45:12 That is, 60 shekels; the common mina was 50 shekels. Sixty shekels were about 690 grams.

13‘ “This is the special gift you are to offer: a sixth of an ephah45:13 That is, probably about 2.7 kilograms from each homer of wheat and a sixth of an ephah45:13 That is, probably about 2.3 kilograms from each homer of barley. 14The prescribed portion of olive oil, measured by the bath, is a tenth of a bath45:14 That is, about 2.2 litres from each cor (which consists of ten baths or one homer, for ten baths are equivalent to a homer). 15Also one sheep is to be taken from every flock of two hundred from the well-watered pastures of Israel. These will be used for the grain offerings, burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to make atonement for the people, declares the Sovereign Lord. 16All the people of the land will be required to give this special offering to the prince in Israel. 17It will be the duty of the prince to provide the burnt offerings, grain offerings and drink offerings at the festivals, the New Moons and the Sabbaths – at all the appointed festivals of Israel. He will provide the sin offerings,45:17 Or purification offerings; also in verses 19, 22, 23 and 25 grain offerings, burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to make atonement for the Israelites.

18‘ “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: in the first month on the first day you are to take a young bull without defect and purify the sanctuary. 19The priest is to take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the temple, on the four corners of the upper ledge of the altar and on the gateposts of the inner court. 20You are to do the same on the seventh day of the month for anyone who sins unintentionally or through ignorance; so you are to make atonement for the temple.

21‘ “In the first month on the fourteenth day you are to observe the Passover, a festival lasting seven days, during which you shall eat bread made without yeast. 22On that day the prince is to provide a bull as a sin offering for himself and for all the people of the land. 23Every day during the seven days of the Festival he is to provide seven bulls and seven rams without defect as a burnt offering to the Lord, and a male goat for a sin offering. 24He is to provide as a grain offering an ephah for each bull and an ephah for each ram, along with a hin45:24 That is, about 3.8 litres of olive oil for each ephah.

25‘ “During the seven days of the Festival, which begins in the seventh month on the fifteenth day, he is to make the same provision for sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings and oil.