Esajasʼ Bog 2 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Esajasʼ Bog 2:1-22

Om det fremtidige fredsrige

1Her er endnu et budskab, som Herren gav Esajas om Judas folk og Jerusalems fremtid:

2Det skal ske i de sidste dage,

at Herrens tempelbjerg bliver verdens knudepunkt.

Folk fra alverdens lande vil strømme derhen.

3„Lad os rejse til Herrens bjerg,” vil de sige.

„Lad os tage hen til Israels Guds bolig,

så vi kan lære hans vilje at kende

og følge hans vejledninger,

for den sande lære kommer fra Zion,

Herrens ord udgår fra Jerusalem.”

4Herren vil afgøre folkenes stridigheder

og være dommer for fjerne stormagter.

Da vil de smede deres sværd om til plovskær

og omdanne deres spyd til vingårdsknive.

Landene vil holde op med at bekrige hinanden,

og alt militær bliver overflødigt.

5Kom, Israels folk, lad os leve i lyset af Herrens ord!

En advarsel om fremtidig dom

6Herre, du har forladt dit folk, Jakobs efterkommere, for de har overtaget Østens mystik og filistrenes trolddomskunst. De er gået i forbund med de fremmede. 7-8Landet er fyldt med afguder, som de tilbeder, skønt de selv har lavet dem. De har overflod af sølv og guld, utrolige skatte og utallige heste og stridsvogne. 9Men de skal ydmyges og bøjes i støvet. Du kan ikke acceptere den slags utroskab.

10Flygt ind i klippehuler, Israels folk, skjul jer i kløfter af skræk for Herren, af angst for hans vældige magt og herlighed. 11De stolte må slå blikket ned, de hovmodige bøje deres hoveder. Herren alene tilkommer al ære. 12En dag vil Herren, den Almægtige, straffe alle, der er stolte og overlegne, han vil ydmyge alt, hvad der knejser. 13Libanons cedertræer skal segne, Bashans ege skal styrte om. 14Herren vil udjævne de høje fjelde og knejsende bjergtoppe, 15vælte de høje tårne og stejle mure, 16ødelægge de store handelsskibe og prægtige fartøjer. 17Stolte mennesker skal bøjes, de hovmodige skal ydmyges. Herren alene skal stå oprejst på den dag. 18Alle afguder skal tilintetgøres.

19-21Den dag Herren rejser sig fra sin trone for at ryste jorden, vil folk flygte ind i klippehuler og skjule sig i kløfter af skræk for Herren, for hans vældige magt og herlighed. Og deres afguder, som de lavede af guld og sølv, og som de tilbad, må de overlade til muldvarpe og flagermus.

22Sæt ikke jeres lid til mennesker. Deres liv er så kort som et åndedrag. Hvad kan de hjælpe?

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 2:1-22

People From Many Nations Will Worship at Mount Zion

1Here is a vision that Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw about Judah and Jerusalem.

2In the last days

the mountain where the Lord’s temple is located will be famous.

It will be the highest mountain of all.

It will be raised above the hills.

All the nations will go to it.

3People from many nations will go there. They will say,

“Come. Let us go up to the Lord’s mountain.

Let’s go to the temple of Jacob’s God.

He will teach us how we should live.

Then we will live the way he wants us to.”

The law of the Lord will be taught at Zion.

His message will go out from Jerusalem.

4He will judge between the nations.

He’ll settle problems among many of them.

They will hammer their swords into plows.

They’ll hammer their spears into pruning tools.

Nations will not go to war against one another.

They won’t even train to fight anymore.

5People of Jacob, come.

Let us live the way the Lord has taught us to.

The Day of the Lord Is Coming

6Lord, you have deserted the people of Jacob.

They are your people.

The land is full of false beliefs from the east.

The people practice evil magic, just as the Philistines do.

They do what ungodly people do.

7Their land is full of silver and gold.

There is no end to their treasures.

Their land is full of horses.

There is no end to their chariots.

8Their land is full of statues of gods.

Their people bow down to what their own hands have made.

They bow down to what their fingers have shaped.

9So people will be brought low.

Everyone will be made humble.

Do not forgive them.

10Go and hide in caves in the rocks, you people!

Hide in holes in the ground.

Hide from the terrifying presence of the Lord!

Hide when he comes in glory and majesty!

11Anyone who brags will be brought low.

Anyone who is proud will be made humble.

The Lord alone will be honored at that time.

12The Lord who rules over all has set apart a day when he will judge.

He has set it apart for all those who are proud and think they are important.

He has set it apart for all those who brag about themselves.

All of them will be brought low.

13The Lord has set that day apart for all the cedar trees in Lebanon.

They are very tall.

He has set that day apart for all the oak trees in Bashan.

14He has set it apart for all the towering mountains.

He has set it apart for all the high hills.

15He has set it apart for every high tower

and every strong wall.

16He has set it apart for every trading ship

and every beautiful boat.

17Anyone who brags will be brought low.

Anyone who is proud will be made humble.

The Lord alone will be honored at that time.

18And the statues of gods will totally disappear.

19People will run and hide in caves in the rocks.

They will go into holes in the ground.

They will run away from the terrifying presence of the Lord.

They will run when he comes in glory and majesty.

When he comes, he will shake the earth.

20People had made some statues of gods out of silver.

They had made others out of gold.

Then they worshiped them.

But when the Lord comes,

they will throw the statues away to the moles and bats.

21Those people will run and hide in caves in the rocks.

They will go into holes in the cliffs.

They will run away from the terrifying presence of the Lord.

They will run when he comes in glory and majesty.

When he comes, he will shake the earth.

22Stop trusting in mere human beings, who can’t help you.

They only live for a little while.

What good are they?