5. Mosebog 6 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

5. Mosebog 6:1-25

Trofasthed og lydighed mod Herren

1Herren, jeres Gud, har befalet mig at undervise jer om hans love, for at I skal adlyde dem i det land, I snart skal tage i besiddelse. 2I skal vise ærefrygt for Herren, jeres Gud, så I selv, jeres børn og børnebørn livet igennem adlyder alle hans befalinger. Gør I det, vil I få et godt og langt liv. 3Hør derfor opmærksomt efter, Israels folk, og vær rede til at adlyde lovene, så det må gå jer godt, og I må blive til et stort folk i et land, der ‚flyder med mælk og honning’, sådan som jeres forfædres Gud har lovet jer.

4Israels folk, hør efter! Herren er vores Gud—Herren alene! 5Du skal elske Herren, din Gud, af hele dit hjerte,6,5 Mere ordret: „Af hele dit hjerte, hele din sjæl og hele din styrke.” På hebraisk omfatter „hjerte” både følelserne, som vi forbinder med hjertet, og tankerne, som vi forbinder med sindet eller hovedet. Derfor har Mark. 12,30 også oversat det hebraiske „hjerte” med det græske „hjerte og sind”. LXX oversatte „hjerte” i dette vers med „sind”. med alle dine tanker, med liv og sjæl og med al din styrke! 6De her ord, som jeg i dag pålægger dig, skal du have ind på rygmarven, 7så du lærer dine børn dem og taler om dem hvor som helst og når som helst, ude og hjemme, ved sengetid og om morgenen. 8-9Bind dem om håndleddet, sæt dem på din pande og skriv dem på dørstolpen som et tegn på, at dine handlinger og tanker og dit hverdagsliv skal styres af Herrens ord.

10Når Herren, jeres Gud, har ført jer ind i det land, han lovede jeres forfædre Abraham, Isak og Jakob, og givet jer store og smukke byer, I ikke selv har haft besværet med at bygge, 11prægtige huse med indbo, I ikke selv har samlet, med vandreservoirer, I ikke selv har udhugget af klippegrunden, med vingårde og olivenlunde, I ikke selv har plantet, og I har taget for jer af retterne, 12da skal I passe på, at I ikke glemmer Herren, som frelste sit folk fra slaveriet i Egypten. 13Det er Herren, din Gud, du skal vise ærefrygt, og ham alene du skal tjene. Det er kun ved hans navn, du har lov at sværge på, at du taler sandt. 14I må ikke dyrke nabofolkenes guder, 15for Herren er en Gud, der ikke tåler rivaler. Ellers vil hans vrede ramme jer og udslette jer fra jordens overflade. 16I må ikke provokere Herren, jeres Gud, som dengang jeres forældre gjorde oprør mod ham ved Massa. 17I skal adlyde hans ord til punkt og prikke 18og gøre, hvad der er godt og ret i Herrens øjne. Da vil det gå jer godt, så I får lykke til at erobre det gode land, han lovede jeres forfædre. 19Ja, Herren selv har lovet at jage fjenderne på flugt foran jer.

20Når jeres sønner i fremtiden spørger jer: ‚Hvad er hensigten med de love og forordninger, Herren, vores Gud, har givet os?’ 21skal I svare: ‚Dengang Israels folk var slaver i Egypten, befriede Herren dem med magt og vælde, 22med mægtige undere og frygtelige katastrofer, der ramte egypterkongen og hans folk. De så det med deres egne øjne. 23Herren førte dem ud af Egypten, for at de skulle gå ind og tage det land i besiddelse, som han havde lovet vores forfædre. 24Han har befalet os at overholde hans love og vise ham ærefrygt, så det må gå os godt, og han kan bevare os, sådan som han har gjort det indtil denne dag. 25Så længe vi trofast adlyder Herren, vores Guds, love, vil han acceptere os som sit folk.’ ”

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 6:1-25

Love the Lord Your God

1The Lord your God has directed me to teach you his commands, rules and laws. Obey them in the land you will take over when you go across the Jordan River. 2Then you, your children and their children after them will honor the Lord your God as long as you live. Obey all his rules and commands I’m giving you. If you do, you will enjoy long life. 3Israel, listen to me. Make sure you obey me. Then things will go well with you. The number of your people will increase greatly in a land that has plenty of milk and honey. That’s what the Lord, the God of your parents, promised you.

4Israel, listen to me. The Lord is our God. The Lord is the one and only God. 5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength. 6The commandments I give you today must be in your hearts. 7Make sure your children learn them. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed. And speak about them when you get up. 8Write them down and tie them on your hands as a reminder. Also tie them on your foreheads. 9Write them on the doorframes of your houses. Also write them on your gates.

10The Lord your God will bring you into the land of Canaan. He gave his word. He promised he would give the land to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The land has large, wealthy cities you didn’t build. 11It has houses filled with all kinds of good things you didn’t provide. The land has wells you didn’t dig. And it has vineyards and groves of olive trees you didn’t plant. You will have plenty to eat. 12But be careful that you don’t forget the Lord. Remember that he brought you out of Egypt. That’s the land where you were slaves.

13Worship the Lord your God. He is the only one you should serve. When you make promises, do so in his name. 14Don’t serve the gods of the nations around you. 15The Lord your God is among you. He wants you to worship only him. If you worship other gods, God will be very angry with you. And he will destroy you from the face of the land. 16Don’t test the Lord your God as you did at Massah. 17Be sure to obey the Lord’s commands. Obey the terms and rules he has given you. 18Do what is right and good in the Lord’s eyes. Then things will go well with you. You will go in and take over the land. It’s the good land the Lord promised to your people of long ago. 19You will drive out all your enemies to make room for you. That’s what the Lord said would happen.

20Later on, your child might ask you, “What is the meaning of the terms, rules and laws the Lord our God has commanded you to obey?” 21If they do ask you, tell them, “We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. But the Lord used his mighty hand to bring us out of Egypt. 22With our own eyes we saw the Lord send amazing signs. They were great and terrible. He sent them on Egypt and Pharaoh and everyone in his house. 23But the Lord brought us out of Egypt. He planned to bring us into the land of Canaan and give it to us. It’s the land he promised to our people of long ago. 24The Lord our God commanded us to obey all his rules. He commanded us to honor him. If we do, we will always succeed and be kept alive. That’s what is happening today. 25We must make sure we obey the whole law in the sight of the Lord our God. That’s what he has commanded us to do. If we obey his law, we’ll be doing what he requires of us.”