5. Mosebog 20 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

5. Mosebog 20:1-20

Bestemmelser vedrørende krig

1Når I går i krig og står ansigt til ansigt med fjendens mange heste og stridsvogne og en hær, der er langt stærkere end jeres, skal I ikke lade jer slå ud. Herren, jeres Gud, er med jer. Han er den samme Gud, som førte jer ud af Egypten. 2Men før I rykker frem, skal præsten tale til krigerne og sige:

3‚Hør her, israelitiske mænd! I skal ikke være bange for at kaste jer ud i kampen i dag. 4Herren, jeres Gud, er med jer, og han vil kæmpe på jeres side imod fjenderne og give jer sejr.’

5Derefter skal hærførerne tage ordet og sige: ‚Er der nogen, som netop har bygget sig et hus, men ikke har indviet det endnu? I så fald skal han vende hjem, for hvis han dør i kampen, bliver det en anden, der kommer til at indvi det. 6Er der nogen, som endnu ikke har fået vinhøsten i hus? I så fald skal han vende hjem, for hvis han dør i kampen, kommer en anden til at nyde frugten af hans arbejde. 7Er der nogen som er forlovet? Så tag hjem og gift jer, for hvis I dør i kampen, bliver det en anden, som gifter sig med jeres tilkommende. 8Er der nogen, som er bange for at kæmpe? I så fald skal I vende hjem, så I ikke ved jeres frygt nedbryder hærens moral.’ 9Efter at hærførerne har sorteret den slags mænd fra, skal de udvælge de forskellige befalingsmænd.

10Når I påtænker at storme en by, skal I først give indbyggerne mulighed for at overgive sig. 11Hvis de vælger at overgive sig og åbner portene for jer, kan I gå ind og gøre dem til jeres slaver. 12Men hvis de ikke vil slutte fred, skal I belejre byen, 13og når Herren udleverer byen til jer, skal I slå samtlige mænd i byen ihjel, 14men I kan selv beholde kvinderne, børnene, husdyrene og det øvrige krigsbytte. 15De her retningslinier gælder kun for byer, der ligger langt væk, ikke for byer i det land, som I skal over og tage i besiddelse.

16Inden for landets grænser skal I udrydde alt og alle, I må ikke skåne nogen overhovedet, 17men udslette befolkningen totalt, hittitterne, amoritterne, kana’anæerne, perizzitterne, hivvitterne og jebusitterne, sådan som Herren har befalet. 18På den måde undgår I at synde imod Herren ved at lade jer friste til at deltage i deres væmmelige afgudsdyrkelse.

19Når I belejrer en by, må I ikke ødelægge frugttræerne på stedet. I må spise af frugten, men ikke fælde træerne. Det er jo ikke dem, I kæmper imod. 20De træer, som ikke bærer spiselige frugter, kan I hugge om og bruge til angrebsramper og lignende.

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 20:1-20

Going to War

1When you go to war against your enemies, you might see that they have horses and chariots. They might even have an army stronger than yours. But don’t be afraid of them. The Lord your God will be with you. After all, he brought you up out of Egypt. 2Just before you go into battle, the priest will come forward. He’ll speak to the army. 3He’ll say, “Men of Israel, listen to me. Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Don’t be scared. Don’t be afraid. Don’t panic or be terrified by them. 4The Lord your God is going with you. He’ll fight for you. He’ll help you win the battle over your enemies.”

5The officers will speak to the army. They will say, “Has anyone built a new house and not started to live in it? Let him go home. If he doesn’t, he might die in battle. Then someone else will live in his house. 6Has anyone planted a vineyard and not started to enjoy it? Let him go home. If he doesn’t, he might die in battle. Then someone else will enjoy his vineyard. 7Has anyone promised to be married to a woman but hasn’t done it yet? Let him go home. If he doesn’t, he might die in battle. Then someone else will marry her.” 8The officers will continue, “Is anyone afraid or scared? Let him go home. Then the other soldiers won’t lose hope too.” 9The officers will finish speaking to the army. When they do, they’ll appoint commanders over it.

10Suppose you march up to attack a city. Before you attack it, offer to make peace with its people. 11Suppose they accept your offer and open their gates. Then force all the people in the city to be your slaves. They will have to work for you. 12But suppose they refuse your offer of peace and prepare for battle. Then surround that city. Get ready to attack it. 13The Lord your God will hand it over to you. When he does, kill all the men with your swords. 14But you can take the women and children for yourselves. You can also take the livestock and everything else in the city. What you have captured from your enemies you can use for yourselves. The Lord your God has given it to you. 15That’s how you must treat all the cities far away from you. Those cities don’t belong to the nations that are nearby.

16But what about the cities the Lord your God is giving you as your own? Kill everything that breathes in those cities. 17Completely destroy them. Wipe out the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. That’s what the Lord your God commanded you to do. 18If you don’t destroy them, they’ll teach you to do all the things the Lord hates. He hates the way they worship their gods. If you do those things, you will sin against the Lord your God.

19Suppose you surround a city and get ready to attack it. And suppose you fight against it for a long time in order to capture it. Then don’t chop down its trees and destroy them. You can eat their fruit. So don’t cut them down. Are the trees people? So why should you attack them? 20But you can cut down trees that you know aren’t fruit trees. You can build war machines out of their wood. You can use them until you capture the city you are fighting against.