Luka 22 – ASCB & NIRV

Asante Twi Contemporary Bible

Luka 22:1-71

Yesu Ho Pɔbɔ

1Afei, na Yudafoɔ Apiti Afahyɛ a wɔsane frɛ no Twam Afahyɛ no abɛn. 2Saa ɛberɛ no na asɔfoɔ mpanin ne Atwerɛsɛm no akyerɛkyerɛfoɔ no hwehwɛɛ ɛkwan a wɔbɛfa so akyere Yesu akum no, nanso ɛsiane nnipa a na wɔwɔ hɔ no enti, na wɔsuro. 3Ɔbonsam kɔwuraa Yuda a wɔfrɛ no Iskariot a ɔyɛ asuafoɔ dumienu no mu baako no mu. 4Yuda kɔɔ asɔfoɔ mpanin ne Asɔredan no mu awɛmfoɔ mpanin nkyɛn ne wɔn kɔsusuu ɛkwan ko a ɔbɛfa so ayi Yesu ama wɔn no ho. 5Wɔn ani gyeeɛ, penee so sɛ wɔbɛma no sika. 6Ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ no, Yuda hwehwɛɛ ɛkwan a ɔbɛfa so ama wɔakyere Yesu ɛberɛ a nnipa dodoɔ biara nni ne ho.

Twam Afahyɛ Ho Ahosiesie

7Afei, da a wɔkum Twam Afahyɛ odwan de di burodo a mmɔreka nni mu no duruiɛ no, 8Yesu somaa Petro ne Yohane sɛ, “Monkɔyɛ Twam Afahyɛ aduane a yɛbɛdi no.”

9Wɔbisaa no sɛ, “Ɛhe na wopɛ sɛ yɛkɔyɛ aduane no?”

10Ɔbuaa wɔn sɛ, “Sɛ moduru kuro no mu a, mobɛhunu obi a wakɔ asuo reba. Monni nʼakyi nkɔ efie a ɔbɛkɔ mu no mu 11na mommisa efiewura no sɛ, ‘Yɛn ɔkyerɛkyerɛfoɔ se ɛhe na woasiesie ama ɔne nʼasuafoɔ no sɛ wɔmmɛdi Twam Afahyɛ aduane no?’ 12Ɔde mo bɛkɔ abansoro asa kɛseɛ bi a wɔasiesie mu fɛfɛɛfɛ so. Ɛhɔ na monkɔto ɛpono no.”

13Wɔkɔɔ kuro no mu no, wɔhunuu sɛdeɛ Yesu kaeɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ ma wɔyɛɛ Twam Afahyɛ aduane no wɔ hɔ.

14Ɛberɛ no duruiɛ no, Yesu ne nʼasuafoɔ no kɔtenatenaa adidipono no ho. 15Wɔtete hɔ no, Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Mepɛɛ sɛ me ne mo bɛtena ase, ato nsa adi saa Twam Afahyɛ aduane yi, ansa na mahunu amane no akyɛre. 16Mereka akyerɛ mo sɛ, saa adidie yi akyi no, merenni Twam Afahyɛ aduane yi bio kɔsi sɛ Onyankopɔn Ahennie no bɛba.”

17Afei Yesu faa kuruwa, daa Onyankopɔn ase na ɔde maa nʼasuafoɔ no kaa sɛ, “Monnye na obiara nnom bi. 18Mereka akyerɛ mo sɛ, merennom bobesa yi bi bio kɔsi sɛ Onyankopɔn Ahennie no bɛba.”

19Afei, ɔfaa burodo daa Onyankopɔn ase, bubuu mu de maa nʼasuafoɔ no kaa sɛ, “Yei ne me onipadua a mede rema mo. Monnye nni. Ɛda biara a mobɛdi saa burodo yi bi no, momfa nkae me.”

20Saa ara nso na adidie no akyi no, ɔfaa kuruwa kaa sɛ, “Kuruwa yi ne me mogya a merehwie agu ama mo sɛ apam foforɔ a wɔnam so bɛgye mo nkwa. 21Nanso, mo a mo ne me te adidiiɛ ha yi mu baako na ɔbɛyi me ama. 22Ɛtwa sɛ Onipa Ba no wu, sɛdeɛ Onyankopɔn ahyehyɛ no, nanso deɛ ɔbɛyi no ama no deɛ, ɔnnue.” 23Asuafoɔ no bisabisaa wɔn ho wɔn ho, pɛɛ sɛ wɔhunu wɔn mu deɛ ɔbɛyi no ama no.

Yesu Kasa Tia Ahomasoɔ

24Asuafoɔ no gyee wɔn ho akyinnyeɛ pɛɛ sɛ wɔhunu wɔn mu deɛ ɔbɛyɛ kɛseɛ wɔ Onyankopɔn Ahennie a ɛbɛba no mu. 25Yesu teeɛ no, ɔkaa sɛ, “Ewiase deɛ, atumfoɔ hyɛ wɔn a wɔdi wɔn so no so ma wɔn nso a wɔhyɛ wɔn so no nso bu wɔn sɛ wɔn adɛɛfoɔ. 26Nanso, mo deɛ, deɛ ɔpɛ sɛ ɔyɛ mo so panin no nyɛ sɛ mo mu akumaa, na deɛ ɔdi mo so no nso nyɛ mo mu ɔsomfoɔ. 27Merebisa mo sɛ, nnipa baanu yi mu hwan na ɔdi ne yɔnko so, deɛ ɔte adidipono ho anaa deɛ ɔsom deɛ ɔte adidipono no ho no? Nanso, me deɛ, mewɔ mo mu sɛ mo ɔsomfoɔ. 28Me ne mo na afa ɔhaw ne amaneɛ mu a, moda so ne me nam. 29Mʼagya de Ahennie no ama me. Saa ara nso na mede rema mo. 30Na mo ne me ato nsa adidi, na moatumi abu Israel mmusuakuo dumienu no atɛn.”

Pa A Wɔpa Yesu

31Afei, Awurade kaa sɛ, “Simon, Simon! Monhwɛ yie na ɔbonsam pɛ sɛ ɔsɔ mo hwɛ. 32Nanso, wo Simon deɛ, masrɛ ama wo, sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wobɛkɔ so agye me adi. Sɛ wonu wo ho sane ba me nkyɛn a, hyɛ wo nuanom no gyidie mu den.”

33Petro buaa no sɛ, “Awurade, ɛyɛ me pɛ sɛ me ne wo bɛda afiase, na sɛ ɛyɛ owu mpo nso a, me ne wo bɛwu.”

34Yesu nso buaa no sɛ, “Petro, mereka akyerɛ wo sɛ, ɛnnɛ akokɔ remmɔn na woapa me mprɛnsa.”

35Afei, Yesu bisaa nʼasuafoɔ no sɛ, “Ɛberɛ a mesomaa mo a na monkura sikabɔtɔ anaa akwantubɔtɔ na monhyɛ mpaboa no, biribi ho hiaa mo anaa?”

Asuafoɔ no buaa no sɛ, “Dabi, biribiara ho anhia yɛn.”

36Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Afei deɛ, deɛ ɔwɔ sika no, ɔmfa; deɛ ɔwɔ akwantubɔtɔ no nso, ɔmfa. Deɛ ɔnni akofena no ntɔn ne ntoma mfa nkɔtɔ bi. 37Na berɛ aduru sɛ, nkɔm a wɔhyɛ faa me ho sɛ, ‘Wɔbɛkan no afra nnebɔneyɛfoɔ mu’ no bɛba mu. Ɛsɛ sɛ nkɔm biara a wɔahyɛ afa me ho no ba mu.”

38Asuafoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ Yesu sɛ, “Awurade, yɛwɔ akofena mmienu wɔ ha.”

Yesu buaeɛ sɛ, “Ɛyɛ, ɛno ara dɔɔso.”

Ngo Bepɔ So Mpaeɛbɔ

39Yesu ne nʼasuafoɔ no firii kuro no mu kɔɔ Ngo Bepɔ no so sɛdeɛ ɔtaa yɛ no, na nʼasuafoɔ no ka ne ho. 40Wɔduruu hɔ no, ɔka kyerɛɛ nʼasuafoɔ no sɛ, “Mommɔ mpaeɛ na moankɔ sɔhwɛ mu.” 41Afei, ɔtwee ne ho firii asuafoɔ no ho kɔɔ nkyɛn baabi kɔkotoeɛ, bɔɔ mpaeɛ sɛ, 42“Agya, sɛ ɛyɛ wo pɛ a, ma saa amanehunu a ɛreba me so yi ntwa me ho nkɔ, nanso ɛnyɛ deɛ mepɛ, na deɛ wopɛ na ɛnyɛ” 43Ɔgu so rebɔ mpaeɛ no, ɔbɔfoɔ firi ɔsoro bɛhyɛɛ no den. 44Esiane sɛ na Yesu ho yera no wɔ Honhom mu no enti, ɔmaa ne mpaeɛbɔ mu yɛɛ den maa ne ho fifire yɛɛ sɛ mogya ntowantowa sosɔ guu fam.

45Mpaeɛbɔ no akyi no, ɔkɔɔ asuafoɔ no nkyɛn kɔtoo wɔn sɛ awerɛhoɔ ne ɔbrɛ enti, wɔadeda. 46Ɔkɔtoo wɔn sɛ wɔadeda no, ɔkaa sɛ, “Hwɛ! Moadeda? Monsɔre na mommɔ mpaeɛ na moankɔ sɔhwɛ mu.”

Wɔkyere Yesu

47Yesu gu so rekasa no, nnipadɔm bi a Yuda Iskariot a ɔyɛ asuafoɔ dumienu no mu baako di wɔn anim, baa ne so. Yuda Iskariot twe bɛn Yesu yɛɛ no atuu. 48Yesu bisaa no sɛ, “Yuda, ɔdɔ nsɛnkyerɛnneɛ yi so na wonam reyi Onipa Ba no ama?”

49Ɛberɛ a asuafoɔ a wɔwɔ ne ho no hunuu deɛ ɛreba no, wɔbisaa no sɛ, “Awurade, yɛntwitwa wɔn akofena anaa?” 50Asuafoɔ no mu baako twaa Ɔsɔfopanin no ɔsomfoɔ no aso nifa.

51Yesu ampɛ deɛ osuani no yɛeɛ no enti, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Monnyae deɛ mopɛ sɛ moyɛ no.” Ɔfaa ɔsomfoɔ no aso no de taree hɔ bio.

52Yesu bisaa asɔfoɔ mpanin ne asɔredan sohwɛfoɔ mpanin ne Yudafoɔ mpanimfoɔ ne asomfoɔ a wɔbaa ne so no sɛ, “Meyɛ odwotwafoɔ na mode akofena ne nkontimmaa aba me so? 53Ɛberɛ a na me ne mo wɔ asɔredan mu no, moankye me; afei na mo berɛ aso a ɔbonsam nam ne tumi so reyɛ adwuma ampa.”

Petro Pa Yesu

54Afei, wɔkyeree Yesu de no kɔɔ Ɔsɔfopanin efie. Ɛberɛ a wɔde no rekɔ no, Petro gyee ne ho kaa akyi. 55Petro duruu Ɔsɔfopanin no efie hɔ no, na asraafoɔ no asɔ ogya wɔ adihɔ hɔ a wɔreto; ɔno nso kɔtoo bi. 56Abaayewa bi hunuu Petro sɛ ɔreto ogya no bi no, ɔhwɛɛ no dinn kaa sɛ, “Saa ɔbarima yi yɛ Yesu akyidifoɔ no mu baako.”

57Petro sanee sɛ, “Awuraa, mennim saa ɔbarima yi baabiara.”

58Ankyɛre koraa na obi foforɔ nso hunuu no kaa sɛ, “Woyɛ nʼakyidifoɔ no mu baako.”

Petro buaa no sɛ, “Dabi, menka wɔn ho.”

59Ɛbɛyɛ dɔnhwereɛ akyi no, obi foforɔ nso sane hunuu no ka sii so dua sɛ, “Akyinnyeɛ biara nni ho sɛ saa damfo yi ka Yesu asuafoɔ no ho, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔno nso yɛ Galileani, na ne kasa koraa da no adi.”

60Petro sanee ne mprɛnsa so sɛ, “Owura, asɛm a woreka yi nyɛ nokorɛ.” Nʼano ansi koraa na akokɔ bɔneeɛ. 61Saa ɛberɛ no ara mu na Yesu twaa nʼani hwɛɛ Petro anim. Ɛhɔ ara na Petro kaee asɛm a Yesu ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ɛnnɛ, akokɔ remmɔn na woapa me mprɛnsa” no, 62Petro de awerɛhoɔ firii adi kɔsuiɛ.

Yesu Ho Fɛdie

63Mmarima a na wɔrewɛn Yesu no dii ne ho fɛw, kyekyeree nʼani, bobɔɔ no, 64sane bisaa no sɛ, “Odiyifoɔ, hwan na ɔbɔɔ wo? Kyerɛ yɛn.” 65Wɔkɔɔ so yeyaa no kaa abususɛm ahodoɔ guu ne so.

Yesu Gyina Badwafoɔ Anim

66Adeɛ kyeeɛ no, Yudafoɔ mpanin ne Atwerɛsɛm no akyerɛkyerɛfoɔ no hyiaeɛ maa wɔde Yesu baa wɔn anim 67bisaa no sɛ, “Sɛ wone Kristo no a, ka kyerɛ yɛn.”

Yesu buaa wɔn sɛ, “Sɛ meka sɛ mene Kristo no a, morennye nni, 68na sɛ mebisa mo nso a, moremmua me. 69Na ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ yi mobɛhunu Onipa Ba no sɛ ɔte Onyame Otumfoɔ no nifa so.”

70Ɔkaa saa no, wɔn nyinaa bisaa no bio sɛ, “Ɛnneɛ na wone Onyankopɔn Ba no anaa?”

Ɔbuaa wɔn sɛ, “Deɛ moreka no yɛ nokorɛ.”

71Yei ma wɔkaa sɛ, “Adanseɛ bɛn na ɛhia yɛn bio? Yɛate afiri ɔno ankasa anom.”

New International Reader’s Version

Luke 22:1-71

Judas Agrees to Hand Jesus Over

1The Feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was near. 2The chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for a way to get rid of Jesus. They were afraid of the people. 3Then Satan entered Judas, who was called Iscariot. Judas was one of the 12 disciples. 4He went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard. He talked with them about how he could hand Jesus over to them. 5They were delighted and agreed to give him money. 6Judas accepted their offer. He watched for the right time to hand Jesus over to them. He wanted to do it when no crowd was around.

The Last Supper

7Then the day of Unleavened Bread came. That was the time the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. 8Jesus sent Peter and John on ahead. “Go,” he told them. “Prepare for us to eat the Passover meal.”

9“Where do you want us to prepare for it?” they asked.

10Jesus replied, “When you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house he enters. 11Then say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher asks, “Where is the guest room? Where can I eat the Passover meal with my disciples?” ’ 12He will show you a large upstairs room with furniture already in it. Prepare for us to eat there.”

13Peter and John left. They found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover meal.

14When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles took their places at the table. 15He said to them, “I have really looked forward to eating this Passover meal with you. I wanted to do this before I suffer. 16I tell you, I will not eat the Passover meal again until it is celebrated in God’s kingdom.”

17After Jesus took the cup, he gave thanks. He said, “Take this cup and share it among yourselves. 18I tell you, I will not drink wine with you again until God’s kingdom comes.”

19Then Jesus took bread. He gave thanks and broke it. He handed it to them and said, “This is my body. It is given for you. Every time you eat it, do this in memory of me.”

20In the same way, after the supper he took the cup. He said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. It is poured out for you. 21But someone here is going to hand me over to my enemies. His hand is with mine on the table. 22The Son of Man will go to his death, just as God has already decided. But how terrible it will be for the one who hands him over!” 23The apostles began to ask one another about this. They wondered which one of them would do it.

24They also started to argue. They disagreed about which of them was thought to be the most important person. 25Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles hold power over their people. And those who order them around call themselves Protectors. 26But you must not be like that. Instead, the most important among you should be like the youngest. The one who rules should be like the one who serves. 27Who is more important? Is it the one at the table, or the one who serves? Isn’t it the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. 28You have stood by me during my troubles. 29And I give you a kingdom, just as my Father gave me a kingdom. 30Then you will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom. And you will sit on thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

31“Simon, Simon! Satan has asked to sift all of you disciples like wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon. I have prayed that your faith will not fail. When you have turned back, help your brothers to be strong.”

33But Simon replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.”

34Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, you will say three times that you don’t know me. And you will do it before the rooster crows today.”

35Then Jesus asked the disciples, “Did you need anything when I sent you without a purse, bag or sandals?”

“Nothing,” they answered.

36He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it. And also take a bag. If you don’t have a sword, sell your coat and buy one. 37It is written, ‘He was counted among those who had committed crimes.’ (Isaiah 53:12) I tell you that what is written about me must come true. Yes, it is already coming true.”

38The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”

“Two swords are enough!” he replied.

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives

39Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples followed him. 40When they reached the place, Jesus spoke. “Pray that you won’t fall into sin when you are tempted,” he said to them. 41Then he went a short distance away from them. There he got down on his knees and prayed. 42He said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup of suffering away from me. But do what you want, not what I want.” 43An angel from heaven appeared to Jesus and gave him strength. 44Because he was very sad and troubled, he prayed even harder. His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

45After that, he got up from prayer and went back to the disciples. He found them sleeping. They were worn out because they were very sad. 46“Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up! Pray that you won’t fall into sin when you are tempted.”

Jesus Is Arrested

47While Jesus was still speaking, a crowd came up. The man named Judas was leading them. He was one of the 12 disciples. Judas approached Jesus to kiss him. 48But Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you handing over the Son of Man with a kiss?”

49Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen. So they said, “Lord, should we use our swords against them?” 50One of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear.

51But Jesus answered, “Stop this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.

52Then Jesus spoke to the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders. They had all come for him. “Am I leading a band of armed men against you?” he asked. “Do you have to come with swords and clubs? 53Every day I was with you in the temple courtyard. And you didn’t lay a hand on me. But this is your hour. This is when darkness rules.”

Peter Says He Does Not Know Jesus

54Then the men arrested Jesus and led him away. They took him into the high priest’s house. Peter followed from far away. 55Some people there started a fire in the middle of the courtyard. Then they sat down together. Peter sat down with them. 56A female servant saw him sitting there in the firelight. She looked closely at him. Then she said, “This man was with Jesus.”

57But Peter said he had not been with him. “Woman, I don’t know him,” he said.

58A little later someone else saw Peter. “You also are one of them,” he said.

“No,” Peter replied. “I’m not!”

59About an hour later, another person spoke up. “This fellow must have been with Jesus,” he said. “He is from Galilee.”

60Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. 61The Lord turned and looked right at Peter. Then Peter remembered what the Lord had spoken to him. “The rooster will crow today,” Jesus had said. “Before it does, you will say three times that you don’t know me.” 62Peter went outside. He broke down and cried.

The Guards Make Fun of Jesus

63There were men guarding Jesus. They began laughing at him and beating him. 64They blindfolded him. They said, “Prophesy! Who hit you?” 65They also said many other things to make fun of him.

Jesus Is Brought to Pilate and Herod

66At dawn the elders of the people met together. These included the chief priests and the teachers of the law. Jesus was led to them. 67“If you are the Messiah,” they said, “tell us.”

Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me. 68And if I asked you, you would not answer. 69But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.”

70They all asked, “Are you the Son of God then?”

He replied, “You say that I am.”

71Then they said, “Why do we need any more witnesses? We have heard it from his own lips.”