4 Mose 30 – AKCB & NIV

Akuapem Twi Contemporary Bible

4 Mose 30:1-16

Bɔhyɛ Ho Mmara

1Mose hyiaa Israel mmusua no mu mpanyimfo no ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Awurade ahyɛ se: 2Sɛ obi hyɛ Awurade bɔ anaa ɔka ntam hyɛ bɔ a, ɛnsɛ sɛ obu so. Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔyɛ nea ɔkaa se ɔbɛyɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ.

3“Sɛ ababaa bi hyɛ Awurade bɔ anaa ɔka ntam hyɛ bɔ bere a ɔda so te nʼagya fi, 4na nʼagya no te sɛ ne ba no ahyɛ bɔ, na wanka hwee a, ne bɔhyɛ ne ne ntam a ɔkaa no nyinaa no di mu. 5Nanso sɛ ɛba sɛ nʼagya no siw no bɔhyɛ no ho kwan a, etwa ne bɔhyɛ ne ntam a ɔkae no mu. Awurade de bɛkyɛ ababaa no, efisɛ nʼagya ampene sɛ obedi so.

6“Sɛ ɔhyɛ bɔ anaa ɔka ntam ansa na ɔware na ɛbɛyɛ asodi ma no 7na ne kunu no te saa bɔhyɛ no ho asɛm nanso wanka ho hwee a, na ne bɔhyɛ no gyina hɔ. 8Na sɛ ne kunu no te na osiw no ho kwan a na ɛkyerɛ sɛ watwa mu a bɔhyɛ no anaa ntam no ho asodi nna ne so bio, enti Awurade de ne ho bɛkyɛ no.

9“Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbea kunafo anaa nea wɔagyaa no aware no di ne ntam a ɔbɛka anaa bɔ a ɔbɛhyɛ no biara so.

10“Sɛ waware na ɔte ne kunu fi na ɔhyɛ bɔ anaa ɔka ntam, 11na ne kunu no te na wansiw no ho kwan a, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ ne bɔhyɛ no gyina hɔ. 12Na sɛ ne kunu no te na, sɛ wampene so na, otwa mu a, na ne bɔhyɛ no nni mu na Awurade de ne ho bɛkyɛ no. 13Enti ne kunu no betumi asi ne bɔ a ɔhyɛ anaa ntam a ɔka no so dua anaasɛ obetwa mu. 14Sɛ da mu no nyinaa wanka ho hwee ankyerɛ no de a, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ ɔpene so wɔ hwee a wanka amfa ho no nti. 15Sɛ ɔtwɛn ma mmere bi fa so ansa na ɔka se bɔhyɛ no nni mu a, ɛno de, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsoa ɔbea no mfomso no ho asodi.”

16Eyinom ne mmara a Awurade nam Mose so de maa ɔbarima ne ne yere, ne agya ne ne babea a ɔda so te ne fi no.

New International Version

Numbers 30:1-16


In Hebrew texts 30:1-16 is numbered 30:2-17. 1Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel: “This is what the Lord commands: 2When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.

3“When a young woman still living in her father’s household makes a vow to the Lord or obligates herself by a pledge 4and her father hears about her vow or pledge but says nothing to her, then all her vows and every pledge by which she obligated herself will stand. 5But if her father forbids her when he hears about it, none of her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand; the Lord will release her because her father has forbidden her.

6“If she marries after she makes a vow or after her lips utter a rash promise by which she obligates herself 7and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her, then her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 8But if her husband forbids her when he hears about it, he nullifies the vow that obligates her or the rash promise by which she obligates herself, and the Lord will release her.

9“Any vow or obligation taken by a widow or divorced woman will be binding on her.

10“If a woman living with her husband makes a vow or obligates herself by a pledge under oath 11and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her and does not forbid her, then all her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 12But if her husband nullifies them when he hears about them, then none of the vows or pledges that came from her lips will stand. Her husband has nullified them, and the Lord will release her. 13Her husband may confirm or nullify any vow she makes or any sworn pledge to deny herself.30:13 Or to fast 14But if her husband says nothing to her about it from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or the pledges binding on her. He confirms them by saying nothing to her when he hears about them. 15If, however, he nullifies them some time after he hears about them, then he must bear the consequences of her wrongdoing.”

16These are the regulations the Lord gave Moses concerning relationships between a man and his wife, and between a father and his young daughter still living at home.